How to cut your hair at home with scissors and a machine. Yourself a hairdresser

Not everyone can visit a hairdresser. In this case, you can do the procedure at home. Having gained experience, you can do the hairstyle no worse than a hairdresser. Most importantly, not only a man, but also a girl can cut herself.

General recommendations

Many people wonder how to cut their hair. Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the instructions, otherwise the process will turn into something terrible. First you need to get the necessary equipment, such as high-quality scissors for a haircut, a machine, a comb. It will cost, like several trips to the hairdresser.

How to get a haircut at home for the man himself?

A man cuts his hair with a typewriter.

If a man decided to cut his hair, then you need to practice a little and not make complicated haircuts. At the very beginning, everything must be done carefully and carefully. So, how to cut your own hair at home? Before cutting, it is imperative to moisten the hair under the shower, or using a spray bottle. Next, you need to decide on the style of hairstyle. It is recommended to choose a place where you can put 3 mirrors. This is necessary to do everything as accurately as possible.

First you need to put your hair in order so that nothing sticks out. It is important to cut hair against the line of their growth. It is necessary to run the machine through the hair so that cropped rows form, which gradually become shorter. This haircut option is just right for beginners. In the process, you cannot change the angle of the machine, otherwise you can get an uneven haircut. It is also necessary to cut the protruding hairs. After the main part of the hair is trimmed, you need to proceed to trim the haircut. The nozzle can be removed from the machine. The hairdresser himself should trim the nape line and remove excess hair around the perimeter and above the ears.

How to make a haircut boxing?

Boxing man

For a man, a short haircut is not only convenient, but also beautiful. Trimming yourself in this style is easy, every man can do it. How to cut your own hair at home in boxing style? To do this, you will need:

  1. Thinning shears.
  2. Razor.
  3. Comb.
  4. The machine.

Using scissors, you need to mark the transition from short to long hair. With the help of a machine, it is necessary to shortly cut everything that is before the transition. Having finished with this, you need to move to the occipital part of the head. To smooth the transition, it is recommended to profile the hair with special scissors, and then with the help of ordinary ones remove the hairs that stick out.

Half-boxed man with haircut

How to get a haircut for a girl?

The whole difficulty lies in what result the fair sex wants to achieve. From the very beginning, you need to wash your hair and wipe it with a towel, but do not blow dry. Next, you need to put a comfortable chair opposite the mirror, for greater convenience of the procedure. First, the girl must decide what exactly she wants to achieve. Shearing can be done with scissors or with a machine.

Machine haircut

How to get a haircut at home with a girl? Everything is very simple. Often cars are used for short haircuts. They are equipped with many nozzles. Before the procedure, it is very important to install several mirrors so that it is possible to conveniently look at the head from the side and from behind. First you need to cut the main part of the hair, usually this is the area from the back of the head to the forehead. Accordingly, you need to choose the right nozzle.

After that, you need to use the nozzle a little less in order to pass from the neck to the back of the head. Exactly the same action must be done on the sides and with the temples. Then the same thing is done, that is, the nozzle is taken even less and used in the same areas. However, you do not have to cut the machine to the end, but to have a small transition.

After you need to get rid of short hairs on the neck, the smallest nozzle is suitable for this. In some cases, you can use a razor if the machine can not cope.

Scissor haircut

Bob haircut

How to get a haircut at home with scissors under the square? For the first haircut you do not need to cut a lot, you need to practice. At first, it is recommended to divide all the hair into small strands: side, back, bangs, whiskey. You need to start with a bang. In the process, it is necessary to comb out the locks, holding them in the direction of the floor. It is necessary to cut off the front part, then on the side and back. After the haircut is over, the hair should be washed and styled to make sure that everything is evenly cut.


How to cut your hair at home in a cascade? When doing such a hairstyle, you need to cut quite a bit. Before the process, you need to wash your hair, but not dry it, but simply wipe it with a towel. Then the hair is divided into 2 parts. Then these two parts must be divided again into 2: front and back strands. Then you should highlight the bangs and divide it into two parts. From these parts you need to cut off the hair at the ends diagonally. After that, locks are taken from the side and brought to the bangs and combed out. By the way the bangs are cut, the cutting of the side strands is done. Do the same with the rest of the strands, guided by the previous one.

How to cut the ends correctly?

For the success of the haircut, you need to make the tail located as low as possible. Then, at a distance of 4 cm, bandage with another rubber band. You need to wear them until the elastic bands reach the place where you need to cut the ends. Having bandaged everything, the ends are cut off under the last rubber band. When the hair unfolds, it will be far from a straight and neat hairstyle. To achieve the desired effect, you need to divide them into several parts, depending on the density. With medium density can be divided into four parts. The upper horizontal line retracts, because first you need to start from the bottom. You need to comb your hair and hold it tightly with your hand. On each side it is necessary to trim so that they are the same length. After that, you can dissolve everything and cut it, focusing on the control strand. If all the rules are followed, we can say that the independent haircut was successful, the person will succeed smoothly and accurately.

How can I cut my bangs myself?

Girl cuts her hair herself

Almost every girl can cut her bangs. Good scissors may be required for this. For the very first time, you need to cut dry hair, it is advisable to wash and style them before cutting. Before the procedure, it is important to consider what results the girl needs to achieve. Shortly before the haircut, you need to carefully comb the bangs. It is best to start the process from the middle and move to the edges. The scissors will need to be held at an angle of 45 degrees to make everything even. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to clamp the strands between two fingers. After the bangs are trimmed, you need to carefully comb and trim again.

There are girls who like to mill bangs. To do this, you need special scissors. Find them is not difficult, they are in any store for hairdressers. Thinning should be done after cutting hair. You can also make thinning with simple scissors. To do this, keep them parallel to the clamped strands and remove about a centimeter of length. You can also use manicure scissors as a tool , with their help you can conduct a good thinning. However, for such a tool you will need to gain a little experience.

Following such simple instructions as cutting hair, a person can save a lot of time and money. In addition, hairdressers do not always do what people ask. And with experience, you can make yourself good haircuts. It is enough to spend only once on equipment.


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