Ecological motto, speech, slogan. Environmental slogans

The topic of ecology is very popular today. From television screens we are told about the need to protect the environment in which we live, articles from newspapers and magazines flow like rivers. In children’s summer camps, environmental groups are being created; in schools and other educational institutions, thematic events are held on ecology. It is not so easy to come up with an ecological motto, speech, slogan or slogan, so we decided to help you with this.

Environmental motto

About the environment

The ecological motto on the environment should be a call to preserve the beauty and originality of natural wealth. Examples of such mottos may include the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love her and do not destroy in vain!
  • We protect nature - we protect our homeland.
  • Everyone who loves nature is happy and happy to be!
  • We help nature, we protect it, we protect our house from the sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of it and you. Let the soul and heart sing from magical beauty!
  • We must protect the planet, because there is no other like that!
  • He who preserves nature lives in harmony with himself!
  • And let's go into the fire, and into the water with those who protect nature!

Environmental slogans about the environment should call for concrete action:

  • Clean up the trash and don't let others leave it!
  • Keep your environment clean just like you keep your parquet clean in your own home.
  • A clean environment is the key to the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Do not let the gutter turn into the ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look in the mirror more often and watch for the reflection.

Water, earth and air are the three main elements. Environmental slogans, slogans and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

Water bodies are polluted only due to human actions, therefore, environmental cries and slogans about water should remind people that there can be no life without water.

  • Pure water will save you, dirty water will kill you!
  • A man without water is like a tree without a root.
  • Voditsa gives life and strength, do not anger the water element. To be "on the wave" in life, take care of the water.
  • To squanders - no, savings - yes! Make sure that water does not drip from the tap!
  • Let both brother and sister cherish water from childhood!
  • There is a glorious little thing: "Water is the main thing in life!" For the cleanliness of lakes and rivers, so that a person is healthy!
  • She has no price, she needs, simple fresh water. It gives us the power of life, the radiance of the eyes and the clarity of thought.
  • Water is odorless and colorless. But without it, a person can neither live, nor enjoy the bright colors of nature, nor feel the aromas of flowers and herbs.

Ecological slogans

About the air

One of the main problems of our time is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about this, but air pollution does not stop. Once again, environmental slogans about air will help draw attention to an acute problem.

  • Everyone needs air, take care of it, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone monitor the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking under a cap of smoke, breathing with smoking is incompatible!
  • Air is wealth that you cannot buy for money.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but it is very necessary for life.
  • He can fly across the earth and chase clouds through the sky, cool down the heat and amuse the kids. Let the breeze be clean, then it will be only for the future.
  • Let the air be clean and the sweet aroma beckon us. So that we all breathe perfectly and have a cool life!

Environmental motto

About the earth

Earth is one of the main natural wealth of mankind. Environmental slogans about maintaining soil cleanliness should be bright and concise enough to draw attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat healthy, not infected bread, do not contaminate the soil.
  • Lift the battery off the ground, so you will give both one and the other a new life.
  • Remember! Man is what he eats. Do not want to be poisoned from the inside - take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the cleanliness of the environment.
  • A piece of paper thrown into a trash can speaks of much greater patriotism than a tricolor in a car, because true love for the homeland begins with love for the native land.

About flora and fauna

People know that they are not the only inhabitants of the planet, but often think that they are the kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full-fledged inhabitants of the Earth, like us. The motto on the environmental topic can attract attention and make everyone think about whether he does everything possible to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna.

  • At the rivulet you are quiet and smooth, you can’t see any fish. They fish without measure, these people are poachers. You protect nature, save it from enemies
  • Does it not seem strange to you that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on Earth?
  • Do not let the Red Book turn into an endless multivolume, where all the plants and animals on the planet are listed.
  • Everyone who believes that people dressed in faux fur do not have enough money for natural, do not understand that they themselves do not have enough intelligence to save the lives of several animals.
  • Hand over waste paper, give trees the right to life!
  • Hand over a ton of waste paper, pump up muscle!
  • Hooligan, throw a slingshot and do not shoot birds! Better you take a shovel and plant trees!
  • Man, do not touch the bird: neither a crow nor a tit. Be for them not an enemy, but a friend, let them live around!
  • Cut down one tree - plant a dozen!
  • You take care of animals, because for them we are not enemies. Be domineering for them, but not a bit dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds cannot protect themselves from the threat. If you destroy them forever, a lonely person will become!

Ecological slogans and mottos

Instead of a conclusion

A man who has never learned to love nature in his entire life, probably does not know how to love at all. Only nature itself can truly teach love. Let the following lines sound like an ecological motto:

Nature has no immunity.

Kill the birds with a crossbow

Busting, destroying nests

Pollute the air in the starry sky.

This list goes on and on.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, it will become much easier to live!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

Environmental slogans

And the main environmental motto for all times is: "Live in such a way that future generations can proudly say for their ancestors heartfelt thanks for the clean environment!"


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