Parsing sentences in Russian: examples

A proposal contains information, asks about it, or directs it to action. Most often it has a basis and secondary members describing it. To learn or refresh a topic, it is useful to study examples of grammatical analysis of sentences in Russian.

Grammar in parsing sentences

The basis is quite logical in application. It consists of a subject, which directly calls a thing or phenomenon, and a predicate - an action committed or directed at the object.

grammar basis parsing sentences

The subject is always used in its initial form (nominative), but it can be not only a noun. It could be:

  • numeral - to indicate the number, set, number (there were three in the queue; four was the best estimate for him);
  • personal pronoun (he walked quietly along the corridor; we left the classroom);
  • indefinite pronoun (some were sitting in the room; something was bothering me);
  • negative pronoun (no one could disturb them);
  • adjective in the meaning of a noun (the person in charge was appointed by the management; the person on duty kept order).

In a grammatical analysis of a sentence, it is customary to highlight the subject by underlining, and the predicate by double underlining.

parsing sentences examples

The foregoing is most often a verb, but has several types:

  • simple verb, expressed by a verb in any mood (the dog ran along the alley; the student gets up early);
  • compound verb, consists of an auxiliary verb (modal word) and infinitive (she started running in the mornings; I have to go to work);
  • a compound nominal, having a verb-bunch (most often - to be) and a title part (a schoolboy has become a student; bread is their main food; three times two - six (the word “will” is omitted));

Completeness of the offer

Based on the composition of the framework, proposals are twofold, where both main members are present or one is implied (incomplete) (night has come; where is it (omitted “located”) ?) , And one-part. The latter are:

  • definitely personal, in the face of the verb it’s clear who we are talking about (I’m doing my best (I); we’ll go for a walk (we));
  • indefinitely personal, expressed by the verb of the past tense in the plural (they rustled a floor below; they sang somewhere in the distance);
  • generalized personal ones that attribute the action to everyone (often found in proverbs and sayings) (if you want to eat a fish, you have to go into the water; you go and admire the view);
  • impersonal, not implying any object (it got dark; he was very sorry; the room is cold).

Minor, but no less important

To give detailed information, the object and action are supported by third-party words and constructions. They are:

  • addition - an object, the word for which can be in any case, most often a noun or pronoun (the owner trains the dog; you asked your sister to stand up (marked with a dotted line));
  • definition - a description or characteristic of the named subject, expressed by all that can answer "what?" and “whose” - an adjective, participle or possessive pronoun (a thick book was lying on a shelf; it was a mother’s book (highlighted by a wavy line));
  • circumstance - a member of the sentence who serves to describe verbs answers the questions “how / how?”, “when / since when?”, “where / from / where?”, “why / why?” and is most often expressed by nouns with a preposition, adverbs and adverbial parts (today a meeting will take place; we are walking slowly; a friend is sleeping on a couch (emphasized by a dot-dotted line).
  • parsing sentences in Russian

Performing grammar analysis of sentences, they also must be taken into account. If there are minor members, the proposal is considered distributed, respectively, without them - not distributed.

Complicated sentences - it's not at all complicated

Various plug-in components complement the offer, increasing the amount of information. They are embedded between the main and secondary members, but are already defined as a separate part, which goes as a separate item in the grammatical analysis of the sentence. These components can be removed or replaced without losing the meaning of the text. Among them:

  • the stand- alone definitions applicable to the object member (describe the property, stand out as a definition) are participial revolutions (the kettle, heated on the stove, whistled sharply; the road led to a house standing in the forest);
  • isolated circumstances (distinguished as a circumstance) are paraphrases (he ran, tripping over stones; looking apprehensively, the dog extended its paw);
  • homogeneous sentence members - perform the same function and always ask the same question ( books, notebooks, notes (homogeneous subject) were scattered on the floor (what?); on weekends we just (what did you do?) slept and walked (homogeneous predicate); he looked on (whom?) mom and sister (uniform addition));
  • An appeal to someone who is always separated by a comma and is an independent member of the proposal (my son, you did the right thing; you, Andrei, misunderstood me);
  • introductory words (probably, perhaps, finally, etc.) (I probably got excited; tomorrow, most likely, it will be hot).

How to parse a sentence, considering all the components?

For analysis, a clear algorithm has been created that does not cause difficulties in knowing all of the above structures and components of the proposal. Among them, simple and complex stand out - the order of analysis is slightly different. The following is a grammatical analysis of sentences with examples for individual cases.

parsing sentences in Russian examples

Simple sentence

In early autumn, covered with a golden carpet, city alleys fancifully shimmer.

1. Identify the main members. The basis should be one, as in this example: alleys - subject, shimmer - predicate.

2. Highlight secondary members: (when?) In the beginning of autumn - circumstance, (which?) Covered with a golden carpet - a separate definition, (how?) Bizarre - circumstance, (what?) Urban - definition.

3. Identify the parts of speech:

At the beginning of the noun. autumn noun covered with gold adj carpet noun. Bizarre Nar. shimmer hl. urban adj alleys noun.

4. Describe the symptoms:

  • the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative);
  • intonation (exclamation, non-exclamation);
  • based on (two-part, one-part - indicate which);
  • completeness (complete, incomplete)
  • by the presence of secondary (common, non-common);
  • complicated (if so, then) or not complicated;

The characteristic of this example: narrative, non-exclamatory, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by a separate definition.

This is how a complete grammar analysis of a sentence looks.

Difficult sentence

Since a complex sentence includes two or more simple ones, it is quite logical to parse them separately, but the parsing algorithm is still different. The grammatical analysis of sentences in the Russian language is ambiguous. Complicated sentences for connecting simple ones are:

  • Complicated, in which simple can exist separately, do not answer each other's questions, are connected by creative unions (a, but, and, yes) (I studied piano, and my sister interfered with me in every way; people got off the train and the platform shuddered) ;
  • complex subordinates, where the simple ones are connected by a question, complement each other, do not fall out of context and are connected by subordinate unions (when, where, how, therefore, etc.) (when the freezing started, the windows had to be sealed; I stood exactly where then there was a battle).
    complete parsing

Example of parsing a compound sentence

In the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy, but on the weekend everyone gathered together at one big table.

  1. All the basics stand out. There are several of them in a complex sentence: each - subject, was busy - compound nominal predicate; all - subject, gathered - predicate.
  2. Identify parts of speech.

In ave. Family noun. independently from pr. age noun each pronoun. was hl very nar. busy adj - but with. on pr. weekend adj - all pronoun. gathered hl for pr . table sou

  1. Identify the presence of a union. Here is the “but.” So the proposal is allied.
  2. It can be characterized by the position of the simple if there is a union (paragraph 2). This example is a complex sentence; simple sentences are equivalent in it (i.e., if you wish, you can divide it into two independent ones). In the case of a union-free, this item is not indicated.
  3. Make a general description: narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, allied, complex.
  4. Separate the simple inside individually:
  • in the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy (narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by the separate definition of “regardless of age”) a
  • at the weekend everyone gathered at a large table (narrative., non-waxing, simple., two-part., full, distribution, non-reference)

Complex sentence

The algorithm will be similar, only with an indication of the subordinate union. He is part of the subordinate clause. You also need to highlight the main thing (square brackets) and find out how the accessory clauses (parentheses) are “attached” to it.

parsing sentences
This is a type of submission, not a mandatory item, but is also often taken into account.

The main thing to remember is that grammar and parsing are synonyms. The meeting of one of the words in the assignment should not be scary, since the topic is quite general and quickly assimilated. For foreigners, it is difficult due to great variability, but the Russian language is also beautiful.


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