Irkutsk Oil Company: employee reviews, working conditions, salary level

In the 90s of the last century, after privatization, several vertically integrated oil companies (vertically integrated oil companies) were formed in the Russian Federation, which are currently the main Russian suppliers of black gold to the domestic and world markets. These industrial monsters - Lukoil, Slavneft, Russneft - today, of course, dominate the industry. However, in Russia at the moment there are smaller oil companies that are potentially capable of creating worthy competition for these industrial monsters.

Such enterprises (NOCs) are independent of the state and process no more than 1 million hydrocarbons per year, regardless of the volume of production. One such mid-level supplier is the Irkutsk Oil Company. Employee reviews about this employer are currently available on the network, including good ones.

Oil storage INC

Company History

The INC was founded in 2000. It was preceded by the work of Soviet specialists, who devoted much energy to the development of the East Siberian oil and gas province. The oldest field currently being developed by the INC is Markovskoye. It was here that in March 1962, the first oil fountain in the Irkutsk region scored. Later in the province, the Danilovskoye and Yaraktinskoye deposits, now owned by the company, were discovered and started to be developed.

Oil production in the USSR

Irkutsk Oil Company began full-scale financing of its production projects in 2001. Then the company paid off the debts of subsidiaries of UstKutNeftegaz OJSC and NK Danilovo LLC and re-opened wells at the Danilovskoye, Markovskoye and Yaraktinskoye fields.

The company began commercial mining of black gold in 2002, and in the summer of 2003 received its first profit from operating activities. Later, INC became the owner of a license to develop several more fields, created its own drilling unit and built an oil pipeline. In 2014, INC was included in the ranking of 30 fastest growing companies in Russia.

The great merit of the specialists of this holding can be called, among other things, that they discovered several completely new deposits in the course of its activities. Good reviews about OOO Irkutsk Oil Company on the network from citizens of the Russian Federation can be found, including this. At the moment, the company produces black gold, of course, and at the newly discovered facilities. In 2017, the Irkutsk Oil Company, among other things, began to supply propane-butane from the Yarakta field to the market .

The structure of the company

At present, the holding of JSC INK-Capital is a branched structure with many subsidiaries and is able to independently produce oil at all stages, from exploration to the transportation of black gold.

The coordinator of the activities of all enterprises that are part of the holding is currently INC. Some subsidiaries of this organization are responsible for oil production at certain fields and sites, others are created for drilling wells, others carry out equipment repairs, etc.

Company deposits

The main objects that bring the lion's share of profits to INC (Irkutsk Oil Company) today are still the Yaraktinsky, Danilovsky and Markovsky districts. The company also produces, for example, at:

  • Verkhnetirskoye field.

  • Ichedinsky.

  • Ayansky.

At the moment (2018), INC is entitled to develop oil in 38 license areas located in the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Sakha and Krasnoyarsk Territory. In total, the company owns 18 deposits of black gold.

Work at INC

The main volume of oil production in the INC in 2018 falls on the Yarakta section, located in the Ust-Kut and Katangsky regions of the Irkutsk region. This field accounts for about 85% of all work carried out by the holding.

Production activities

Geologists working at the INC (the Irkutsk Oil Company) are conducting exploration on the territory of all 38 licensed sites. In this regard, the holding today even occupies a leading position in the region. Drilling operations at the company's fields are carried out by the subsidiary LLC “INK-SERVICE”, which uses the most advanced modern technologies and has vast experience in developing the East Siberian province. In terms of production development, INC is one of the leaders in the oil industry of the Russian Federation. In recent years, the company’s oil production increased by 7 times (8.5 million tons in 2017).

In the near future, the INC, among other things, plans to begin selling electricity from its own stations operating at several fields at tariffs approved by local executive authorities.

At the same time as oil, the company is also producing natural gas associated with it. In the next 5 years, INC plans to build several production facilities related to the processing, preparation and shipment of blue fuel.

Pipeline laying

What kind of workers are required

What reviews exist about the Irkutsk Oil Company (INC) - we will talk about this a little later. To begin with, we’ll deal with what kind of employees this holding is required. Of course, INC, as a rapidly developing company, is constantly recruiting, including employees of the highest qualifications. There are many openings for those wishing to participate in the extraction of Russian black gold in the company. For example, a holding often requires:

  • repairman;

  • drivers;

  • Kipovtsy;

  • geologists, engineers;

  • motor grader drivers;

  • development specialists;

  • economists, accountants, etc.

In many cases, work for job seekers in the company is offered on a rotational basis. Most often, the holding staff works according to the scheme month after month. At the same time, many experts have the opportunity to re-change for another 30 days while maintaining the same salary. Such a schedule can be considered, of course, quite convenient, and good reviews from employees about the Irkutsk oil company on the Internet are available, including for this reason.

In order to obtain the desired position, applicants must first send a resume to the company by e-mail. All such applications are reviewed by the specialists of the INC personnel department and undergo competitive selection. In most cases, of course, sufficiently qualified specialists with experience of at least 3 years are accepted into this company.

Working conditions

Among other things, the Irkutsk Oil Company, of course, pays attention to ensuring that its employees work under normal conditions and live more or less comfortable during shifts. Specialists of this company are provided with social packages, as well as:

  • payment of travel from home to the place of work and back in the compartment;

  • 13th salary;

  • all kinds of bonuses and bonuses.

Live workers engaged in field development in shift camps. The company provides its employees with free dormitories with showers and washing machines (unfortunately, usually in wooden barracks). In rooms intended for workers, in dormitories mostly single beds are installed. But in some cases, in areas with a large number of personnel, workers have to sleep in two-tier ones.

Dormitory INC

Also in the shift camps of the INC there are canteens. The employees of this organization eat in most cases at their own expense. Money for food is deducted from specialists from the salary. Employee reviews about the Irkutsk oil company because of this on the network, of course, are not very good. Moreover, the independent preparation of food in dormitories in this organization, unfortunately, in most cases is prohibited for reasons of fire safety.

Wage level

The work of the specialists of this company, of course, is very difficult. The INC pays its employees less than the oldest Russian oil corporations. But making money on a shift here is relatively good money, judging by the reviews, you can still. Depending on the specialty, for a month workers here receive from 40 to 70 thousand rubles. Of course, salaries in the INC are paid exclusively white. At the same time, judging by the reviews, they give out money to employees in the company on time.


There are quite a lot of reviews of employees of Irkutsk Oil Company LLC on the Internet. This company is popular among people who prefer to make money on a rotational basis. And with regard to labor safety, its employees usually do not present their claims to this holding. However, you can still find a couple of reviews on the Internet in which employees express their concern about the possibility of industrial accidents at this company.

In any case, the leadership of the INC group of companies still pays attention to the safety of its employees. Among other things, this holding has:

  • OSH management system;

  • Regulation on uniform requirements in the field of labor protection.

The enterprises of the corporation constantly carry out planned activities aimed at ensuring the safe functioning of various kinds of production facilities, preventing accidents and eliminating their consequences if necessary.

Workers at the holding facilities, of course, are provided with modern personal protective equipment. All company employees are required to regularly undergo a medical examination. The INC also has a work accident insurance program.

Irkutsk Oil Company: positive feedback from employees

Many of its employees include the benefits of INC, of ​​course, primarily the white salary and the absence of delays. Also, the undoubted advantage of this holding, judging by the reviews available on the network, is also the fact that it is developing very quickly. That is, its employees, among other things, have career opportunities.

Also, in most cases, company employees praise their sites for a friendly, close-knit team. In addition, judging by the reviews of workers about the Irkutsk oil company, one of its advantages is the fact that various competitions and promotions are often held here, at which you can prove yourself and even earn some money.

Of course, not only people who come from far away work in this company. Work in the INC, and residents, for example, Ust-Kut. Employees living in the region often leave good reviews about the Irkutsk oil company on the network. Many local residents even believe that INC is one of the best employers in the region.

Is there any negative

Of course, the INC, in addition to advantages, has disadvantages. Judging by the reviews of workers left on the Internet, the Irkutsk Oil Company has the same disadvantages as many other not too large northern enterprises that practice shift work. That is, the disadvantages of this holding are:

  • Spartan living conditions for workers and convenient for ITC;

  • old tool;

  • not too good attitude to the workers from the bosses in some areas;

  • difficulty in finding a job and the risk of losing a job due to nepotism.

Also, many employees of the holding consider it a minus and poor nutrition in the dining rooms. There are not too good reviews about the Irkutsk oil company on the network due to the fact that workers here calculate VAT from the amount paid as compensation for travel from home and back. A trip to the Irkutsk region, for example, from the central regions of the country, of course, is very expensive (and even more so in a compartment). Therefore, they are calculated from the salaries of employees in the end, quite high amounts.

Negative feedback on work at the Irkutsk Oil Company is also available because the volume of work performed and salaries at several sites are somewhat inconsistent. Many employees believe that the organization of labor in the holding could be better.

Student placement

Among other things, the Irkutsk oil company is currently implementing an internship program for students of universities "Oil Engineer". Within its framework, students work in departments for three months under the guidance of experienced mentors. The company also conducts theoretical courses, the teachers of which are leading geologists in Russia and the world.

At the final stage of the internship, students are tested and defend a production project. In the future, university graduates at the enterprise are employed in engineering positions. Students of relevant educational institutions can do internships at INCs in the departments of:

  • exploration;

  • field development;

  • field design;

  • increase tank productivity.

In the courses, university students study sedimentology, seismic exploration, petrophysics, etc. Students are accepted for internships at the enterprise by competition. First, 10 candidates are selected, and then 5 of them are selected, and they are employed at the enterprise.

Reviews from such young employees about the Irkutsk oil company LLC INK are also mostly good on the network. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that during the internship students receive a salary of 30 thousand rubles, as well as compensation for rental housing 20 thousand rubles. After employment, the starting salary of new engineers in the company is 50 thousand rubles (for 2018).

Students at INC


Of course, the company, among other things, organizes continuing education courses. Employees of the INC are able to receive, including higher or second higher education. Of course, and in this regard, the network has good reviews about the Irkutsk oil company.

In 2014, this company created its own licensed training center. Here you can get certificates in the following specialties:

  • slinger;

  • environmental safety specialist.

Corporate events

Thus, the positive qualities of INC is, first of all, a career opportunity and a stable salary. Reviews about the Irkutsk oil company, as already mentioned, are also good, and thanks to the cohesion of its team. By the way, the holding’s management pays a lot of attention to this. For example, the company periodically organizes sports events in its own stadium, built on the Yarakta field. Such competitions are held in:

  • volleyball;

  • football

  • lifting weights;

  • shooting and darts.

Of course, enterprise teams traditionally compete in tug of war.

Social work

In 2013, INC, among other things, was included in the All-Russian register of socially responsible companies. The company is engaged in charity activities. In 2017 alone, the company spent 120 million rubles on social goals. INC is supported by:

  • medical institutions located in the northern regions of the Irkutsk region;

  • schools

  • to orphanages.

Also, as part of a program to protect the traditional way of life of indigenous northern peoples, the company often assists local communities.

Instead of a conclusion

So what conclusion can be drawn about the work of the Irkutsk oil company? Of course, there are negative reviews about this holding in the network from employees. However, the Irkutsk oil company (Ust-Kut), however, does not classify the majority of employees and local residents as ordinary northern “sharashka”. Employees of this company receive a stable salary. In addition, the holding actually pays a lot of attention to social assistance to cities and towns of the Irkutsk region.

INC employees

As many employees of the holding believe, the leadership’s desire for its development can still be noticed. At the moment, INC in reviews is often, as already mentioned, even called the most reliable company in the region. And if the management of the holding eliminates some of the existing shortcomings in the organization of work and life of its employees, it is possible that over time, INC will become one of the best employers in Russia.


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