Egg liquor. How to make egg liqueur

Now there are a large number of alcoholic drinks. It is likely that everything may not be mentioned. Beer is the most popular among young people, and among older people it is usually vodka, cognac or wine. Today we’ll talk about such a drink as egg liqueur, which also has a lot of fans. We will also tell you how to make this sunny drink.

Appearance story

If you start a conversation about egg liquor, then, as a rule, it is associated with the liquor "Attorney". The origin of this drink is unclear. There are several versions. The first is based on Dutch texts of the seventeenth century. They mention a bright yellow drink, which was popular with sailors who sailed to the Dutch Antilles.

egg liquor

What was egg liqueur earlier? This is a mixture of alcohol and avocado mousse. Unfortunately, there was no similar fruit in the homeland of sailors, so they replaced it with yolk.

Modern egg liqueur has a creamy velvety texture. This sweet drink contains an average of 16-18% alcohol.

Various recipes for the preparation of egg liqueur use honey or sugar, brandy (grape) or cognac (sometimes vodka), condensed milk or cream.

In the Belgian and Dutch markets they sell very thick such drinks. The most famous producers of this liquor are Jansen, Bols, Warninks, etc.

In Poland, they produce liquor called Ajerkoniak. It is prepared on the basis of vodka.

Especially thick drinks are produced in the Netherlands. There they use bottles with a wide neck in order to facilitate the pouring process. I use this type of liquor in the preparation of desserts, creams. It is also added to cakes and muffins. And how to replace egg liquor in the cake, if it is not at hand? Any liquor will do, Baileys is especially good. You can also use regular cognac for these purposes.

Cooking a delicious drink at home

egg liqueur smoothies

Now we offer to find out how to make egg liquor at home. To cook it, you will not need to cook condensed milk and bother in the kitchen for a long time. However, before pouring the liquor into glasses, you still need to wait a bit, otherwise the drink will have a fairly bright flavor and aroma of vodka. It is advisable to let it brew for three days (at least twelve hours). After this procedure, an unpleasant aftertaste disappears, and an accepted bouquet appears (a bit similar to cognac).

For cooking, you will need ordinary dishes, for example, a deep bowl. A plug will also be needed. If you have a blender, then this is generally great, use it. This device is best to beat the yolks.

Homemade Egg Liqueur

To prepare 450 ml of liquor, you will need:

  • half a can of condensed milk;
  • three yolks;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla (if using vanilla sugar, then 1.5 teaspoons);
  • 350 ml of good vodka (to your taste). You can use brandy.

how to replace egg liqueur

How to make egg liqueur? Consider in detail the whole process.

  1. First you need to separate the proteins from the yolks. This should be done very carefully so that nothing gets into the drink.
  2. Then you need to thoroughly beat the yolks.
  3. Next, add vanilla, condensed milk to the eggs . After that, we continue to beat until a mass with a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Then add vodka in small portions. This is necessary so that you can choose the texture you like. Then you need to mix the liquor and pour it into the bottle. The finished drink in the refrigerator can be stored for a month (no more!).

Note that the egg liqueur thus prepared is quite liquid, but after it has been kept in the cold for several days, its consistency will become more dense and will resemble a cream. Such metamorphoses have become the reason that the use of liquor has become much wider. So, in addition to being used in cocktails, ice cream is poured over them, and they are also used for interlacing and filling cakes and pastries. It goes without saying that such sweets are not intended for children.

how to make egg liquor

Homemade sunny egg liqueur will add mood to any party.


Having figured out how to make liquor, consider cocktails that contain an egg drink.

First, let’s tell you how to cook Algerian Coffee.

Such a cocktail has a very interesting taste. First you need to brew coffee in a Turk, let it cool, then it should be brought to a boil again. Now pour the egg liqueur (20 ml) into the glass. Then pour hot water along the walls into hot coffee (one teaspoon). This is necessary to settle thick. After that, pour into a glass of coffee. Decorate the finished drink with cream on top.

"Pink shoes"

To prepare such a cocktail, you need to mix in equal amounts (about 20 ml) grenadine syrup and egg liqueur. At the end, add cream. Then everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Then it’s worth pouring soda to the cocktail.


This drink is refreshing. First, a 500 ml glass is taken, egg liquor (50 ml) is poured into it. Then the rest of the volume is filled with lemonade. Decorate a glass with a slice of lime and a special cocktail umbrella.

homemade egg liquor


Such a drink is already stronger. Mix in a shaker 30 ml of vodka, 20 ml of egg liquor, 15 ml of anise liquor and the same amount of orange and pineapple juice. Everything is done very carefully. Then pour the resulting cocktail into a glass, add crushed ice. We prepare the finished drink with slices of fruit.

Little conclusion

We found out what egg liqueur is, and also examined how to make it and how to make various cocktails on its basis. We hope you find the information useful.


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