What is Russian studies, what does it study and what does it teach

More than 250 million people speak Russian, one of the five UN languages. In fact, it is for people of many countries a means of interethnic communication and knowledge of many aspects of the life of Slavic peoples. His story is eventful, interesting and instructive.

Russian studies as a complex science

The study of any nation can be limited to the knowledge of its history, this will give information about its origin, place in world processes. But his true face, soul, character becomes understandable only with an in-depth study of culture, language, literature.

science of the Russian language

Those who are interested in the subtle aspects of the existence of the Russian people should turn to Russian studies - a part of Slavic studies (Slavic studies) studying Slavic peoples.

This is science:

  • about the history of the Russian language from ancient times to the present day;
  • about its mutual enrichment with other Slavic languages;
  • its structure (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, phraseology), including vernacular and dialects;
  • about folk dialects;
  • about Russian literature and its language.

The very name of this science speaks of what Russian science is and what it does. Russian language and literature is only a part, albeit significant, of this science. Their study causes interest in the history of the people themselves, the native speaker, their folklore, speech and material culture, and teaching methods in almost 100 countries of the world. Each of these sciences, having its own goals and objectives, is part of Russian studies, a complex of sciences about the Russian language and its carrier - the Russian people.

A bit of history

Answering the question about what Russian studies is, one needs to get acquainted with its origin as a science.

The interest of foreigners in the Russian language since ancient times has fueled the need to maintain diplomatic and trade relations with Russia. Museums in our country store dictionaries and phrasebooks from the 14th and later centuries, as well as descriptions by foreign authors of social, cultural and political characteristics and relations between peoples living in the country.

The founder of the science of the Russian language is considered M.V. Lomonosov.

Lomonosov Russian language and Russian

According to his "Russian grammar" of 1757, several generations of students studied publications. Many researchers of the Russian language and Russian studies were guided by the theoretical and practical works of this outstanding scientist.

The October events of 1917 in Russia, the victory of the USSR in the war of 1941-1945, the growth of the country's authority in connection with outstanding scientific and technological discoveries and achievements aroused interest in the Russian and political circles of other countries in the Russian language, and therefore stimulated its study. In addition, the Russian language and Russian studies opened the way to the development of a huge cultural heritage of world significance, concentrated on the territory of the Slavic peoples.

The enormous vocabulary, melody, harmony, and richness of speech means are the result of the mutual enrichment of various Slavic peoples as a result of their historical and cultural interaction. This made the Russian language attractive to the peoples of many countries of the world, especially Europe and America, where their own systems for the development of Russian studies were created.

Today's problems of Russian studies

Urgent problems of linguistics are closely related to the features of the development of culture and social relations at the present stage, with changes in the system of work of educational institutions. Remembering what Russian studies are, it should be said that its closest connection with sociology, philosophy, psychology, and pedagogy makes it necessary to study new trends in the development of the Russian language as a means of communication.

Scientific publications present the materials of expert discussions about changes in vocabulary, in the content and forms of interpersonal communication, about new aspects of the perception of cultural and historical events of the past, about modern requirements for linguistic education, the development of interethnic communication and intercultural relations.

One of the many problematic questions is how to use the capabilities of Russian studies in the fight against the penetration of profanity, slang, and jargon into the language environment. There is a decrease in the level of communication culture of the heroes of literary works, cinema, theatrical productions, the media, and television announcers. Educational reforms require rethinking.

what is Russian studies problems of science

In connection with these negative phenomena of public life, enlightening and explanatory work in cultural and educational institutions, in labor collectives, and in the media requires activation. Everyone should understand what Russian studies are. This is not a dry science, but, in fact, a practical guide to the preservation and development of the Russian language, national character, culture and traditions.

Learn this science!

Linguistic education leads a person to reflection on many philosophical topics: about his belonging to the great Russian people, about his place in society, about the benefits of his existence for the world in general and for his own loved ones ... These are many questions for oneself because they arise on every life stage, in every critical situation. Answers to them will help get Russian.

Read good literature, reflect on the place and purpose of the Russian people in world civilization, have a good command of their native language, respect the culture of large and small peoples of the world, strive for spirituality, tolerance ... Russian studies will teach all this and much more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44533/

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