Tomato "Chelyabinsk meteorite": reviews, grade description and photos

To get a rich harvest, it is necessary not only to carefully care for the plant in the garden or in the summer cottage. It is equally important to choose a good seed. Experienced summer residents are well aware of this. That is why the tomato "Chelyabinsk meteorite" supplied by the manufacturer "Ural summer resident" receives extremely positive reviews. What is interesting about this variety? It will be useful to tell you more about this.

Grade description

First of all, it should be noted that the bush grows quite high - up to 120-150 centimeters. Therefore, the use of supports and garters is an indispensable solution - without this, the fruits simply fall on the ground and quickly begin to rot. And, most likely, you will have to tie up several times a season as the bush grows.

In addition, the variety boasts a fairly high resistance to various diseases, often leaving even experienced summer residents without a crop. And in general, he suffers unfavorable conditions quite easily - we will tell you more about this a bit later.

Large brushes

An important advantage of the tomato variety "Chelyabinsk meteorite" is productivity. Reviews from experienced users confirm an excellent indicator - up to 18 kilograms per square meter. Of course, this is a very important factor, especially if tomatoes are not grown in open ground, but in a greenhouse, where you have to save usable area.

It is nice that the variety is early ripe. From sowing seedlings to harvesting takes from 95 to 105 days. Since it is hybrid, you can collect a large number of fruits at once - fruiting does not stretch for several weeks. Fruits are collected in brushes of 5-8 pieces, which will further facilitate the harvest process.

So, giving preference to this variety, an experienced gardener will not have to regret the choice made.

Briefly about the fruits

If we talk about the tomato "Chelyabinsk meteorite", the description of the variety will be incomplete without a story about the fruits.

They are not too large - an average of 55 to 90 grams. The shape is nice, round, and the color is rich red. So outwardly the tomatoes look just fine. This factor is important for those who grow fruits for sale - the presentation is very good.

The peel is quite hard, which can also be called a plus. On the one hand, this reduces the number of cracked fruits. On the other hand, it allows them to be transported over long distances without the risk of crushing tomatoes. For many summer residents, this is an extremely important indicator. It is also important that due to the hard skin, the shelf life of the fruits increases.

The pulp is not only sweetish, but also devoid of acidity. Thick, fleshy. This makes tomatoes an excellent choice for fresh consumption and pickling. Moreover, the variety is suitable for whole marinating, as well as for preparing ketchup, lecho and any other pickles.

Homemade ketchup

Therefore, you can have no doubt - regretting that the seeds were chosen unsuccessfully will definitely not be necessary.

Main advantages

Now briefly talk about the important advantages that provided excellent reviews for the Chelyabinsk meteorite tomatoes. Photos of the fruits are attached to the article, and one of the main advantages is already noticeable in them. Of course, this is productivity. With proper care from one square meter, you can collect 15-18 kilograms of delicious, appetizing fruits.

In addition, the bushes of this variety are pulled up, but at the same time they are slightly diverging to the sides. This gives an excellent opportunity to save space - up to 3 bushes can be planted on one square meter. This indicator will be important for summer residents who are forced to save usable space on their modest six hundredths, but are especially pleasant for people using greenhouses and greenhouses - here each square meter acquires special value.

Mouth-watering fruits

In addition, the variety tolerates stressful conditions quite easily. A sudden drop in temperature or, conversely, an excess of sun in total with drought will not harm plants. Even in stressful situations, an ovary appears on the bushes, and the fruits ripen normally. Therefore, the variety is perfect for growing in regions such as the Urals, Siberia and even the middle strip of Russia, where it is not always possible to harvest a rich tomato crop.

It is also worth mentioning the excellent taste of the fruit - this has already been mentioned above. The sweet, dense pulp under the strong skin will pleasantly surprise even the most picky gourmets.

It is not surprising that the tomato "Chelyabinsk meteorite F1" receives mostly positive reviews.

Are there any disadvantages?

Most varieties of cultivated plants, having significant advantages, as a result, are not devoid of equally serious flaws. But this can not be said about this variety of tomatoes.

Perhaps the only major drawback is the rather high cost of seed. Alas, nothing can be done about it - you have to pay for quality seeds.

Tomato Seeds

In addition, some summer residents who had experience in growing tomatoes at the Chelyabinsk Meteorite are outraged by the fact that seeds cannot be obtained from the fruits. Yes, indeed, very often even seedlings do not appear from seeds. And almost never it turns out to get at least some fruit from the seed material obtained at home. However, you should be careful here - after all, the variety is marked F1. That is, it is a hybrid. And such varieties are known for excellent productivity, fruit ripening, but are completely unsuitable for collecting seeds. Therefore, it cannot be called a disadvantage of the variety - it is simply an unpleasant feature of a whole group of varieties.

Grade Reviews

Most summer residents who have experience growing the Chelyabinsk meteorite subsequently do not regret their choice. They note the excellent taste of the fruit, as well as high productivity.

Many people like the fact that the fruits ripen quite amicably - the entire crop can be removed in a few weeks. You do not have to pick three or four small tomatoes a day for a whole month or two.

Excellent keeping quality is ensured thanks to a rather dense skin and small size. This makes it possible not only to store fruits for a long time, but also significantly facilitates transportation over long distances.

All the same dense peel eliminates the possibility of cracking fruits during pickling. Even tomatoes pickled several years ago are not damaged when removed from the jar. Of course, this is an important plus, especially if you decide to please the guests with homemade marinades.

Growing seedlings

Now you know the description of the tomato variety "Chelyabinsk meteorite". Reviews from summer residents confirm most of the characteristics declared by manufacturers. So you can go to the practical part - growing plants. Most of our compatriots prefer not to use greenhouses when growing tomatoes, but to use seedlings. Weโ€™ll start with her.

To increase seed germination, they can be wrapped in a damp cloth and left in a warm place for 2-3 days. The sprout will awaken and will grow much faster.

Tomato Seedlings

After that, the seeds are planted in a prepared substrate - humus and black soil. In addition, peat tablets may be used. A very good option, making it easy to transplant into open ground without stress for the plant.

After planting, the box with seedlings is covered with black film or glass and put away in a warm dark place. It is advisable that the temperature be +26 degrees or higher. After the first shoots appear, the box is put on the window. Seedlings do not need special care. It is only necessary to regularly water it and protect it from the cold and drafts.

Transplant to the ground

When the seedlings have a height of about 30 centimeters and 5-7 leaves, you can plant it in the ground. This usually happens in late April or early May. By this time, the soil has already warmed up well.


The optimal distance between the rows is 50 centimeters, and the distance between the seedlings is at least 40 cm.

It is very important to choose a suitable place for landing. It is advisable not to use the site where last year tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes and other nightshade grown. The best predecessors are legumes, siderates, cabbage, cucumbers, carrots and beets.

The earth in the box is abundantly moistened, after which the seedlings are carefully removed together with part of the earth. They are lowered into pre-prepared wells, sprinkled with earth on top and watered abundantly. A good solution would be to use mulch. For this, fine sawdust, needles, straw or dry manure are suitable. Thanks to the mulch, the number of weeds that compete with cultivated plants is reduced, and also less moisture evaporates from the beds even on hot windy days. Therefore, mulch makes it possible to spend less time and effort on caring for the plant.


In the care, the Chelyabinsk meteorite variety is no different from other tomatoes. Several times during the season the bushes need to be tied up as they grow.

If the summer resident wants to get large fruits, then it makes sense to pinch off the growth point when the bush reaches the desired height. Then the plant will cease to stretch up, and nutrients will go to the creation of tomatoes, and not to further growth of the bush.

Watering is necessary as the soil dries and depending on the regularity and intensity of the rains. It is advisable to use warm water. Well, of course, you can not water at noon - it is better to choose for this early morning or evening.


Judging by the reviews, the disease variety has a fairly high resistance. The only thing that can cause problems is late blight, and even then it is extremely rare.

Spider mite

But the invasion of insects has not been canceled. A lot of problems can be caused by a bear, whitefly, spider mite, Colorado potato beetle and melon aphid. To combat them, appropriate pesticides must be used. The main thing is to apply them correctly, with strict adherence to the instructions. And the fruits collected after processing must be washed thoroughly so as not to be poisoned by pesticides.


This article ends. Now you know more about the tomato variety "Chelyabinsk meteorite." The reviews made it possible to make the most objective opinion. And that means you can easily decide whether it suits you or whether it makes sense to give preference to other options.


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