Population by regions of Russia and its dynamics

Russia is a huge country with a contrasting population distribution. Its number in the regions of Russia is not evenly distributed. The demographic situation also varies in different regions.

The population of Russia

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the population of Russia in 2017 amounted to about 146.8 million people. This puts the country in 9th place in terms of the number of people on the planet.

Population by regions of Russia

The average population density is 8.6 people / km 2 , which is quite low for the modern era. By this indicator, Russia is one of the least populated countries in the world. However, the distribution of residents in different regions varies greatly. So, if in the European part of the country the density is 27 people / km 2 , then in the Asian - only 3 people / km 2 .

The highest population density in the Moscow region is over 4626 people per square kilometer. The minimum indicator in the Chukotka District, where its average value is below 0.07 people / km 2 .

The urban population in the country is 74 percent. There are 170 cities in Russia with a population of over 100,000, and 15 of them have more than 1 million inhabitants.

The maximum population in the region of Russia

Russia is a country of pensioners. Their share of the total number of able-bodied citizens is 1 / 2–1 / 3. Approximately the same situation in Greece. It is knitted with low natural population growth.

Population by regions of Russia

In Russia, a total of 85 regions, of which 22 are republics, 9 are territories, 46 are regions, 3 are large cities, 1 is an autonomous region, and 4 are autonomous okrugs.

The population by regions of Russia often does not reflect its density. Regions with a low population density are usually large administrative units, while in areas with a high population density they are mostly small in area.

Regions of Russia by population

The rating of Russian regions by population is led by the Central Federal District. This is due to its economic and social attractiveness. Of the administrative regions of Russia, Moscow leads in terms of population, where it is 12 million 380 thousand people. It is followed by the Moscow region with a population of 7 million 423 thousand people. Third place beyond the Krasnodar Territory - 5 million 571 thousand people.

The fourth, fifth and sixth places are occupied by St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk and Rostov regions, respectively.

Of the regions of Russia, in terms of the number of inhabitants, Magadan Oblast, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Nenets Autonomous Okrug are in last place.

The population of the regions of Russia by years

Since 1990, the camp has not had a clear population dynamics. Until this year (with the exception of the military five-year plan of the forties), its stable growth was noted. The worst situation was in the 90s and in the first decade of the 2000s. Then the birth rate equaled mortality, however, after 2014, the negative trend prevailed again.

The population of the regions of Russia by years

At the same time, the total number of inhabitants in the country has been increasing since 2010, which is explained by an increase in the flow of migrants. Prior to this, since the mid-90s, the population in the country has been declining.

In recent years, the trend towards a decrease in the number of inhabitants is most characteristic of the central and western parts of the European territory of Russia. In the same part of the country, both the lowest birth rate and the highest mortality rate are observed. That is, both of these factors act simultaneously, reinforcing each other. In the North Caucasus and in some Siberian regions, the number of inhabitants is increasing.

The largest increase in the number of inhabitants is noted in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Krasnodar Territory. In each of them, the annual growth in the number of inhabitants amounted to more than 50,000 people. These regions are obviously one of the most prosperous in the country, and therefore are more attractive to migrants. It was mainly due to them that this growth was ensured. Population growth due to the natural (birth rate minus mortality) demographic process was noted in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and Tuva.

In most regions, there has been a decline in the population. There are 60 such regions in total. Chukotka and Magadan Oblast are the leaders in negative growth. Since 1990, the number of residents has decreased by 3 times. The situation is somewhat better in Kamchatka, in the Murmansk and Sakhalin regions and in the Komi Republic.

Rating of Russian regions by population

Migration flows

Migration flows are most active in the Moscow, Tyumen regions and in the district of Sevastopol. Apparently, this is due to their greater attractiveness for Russian citizens. The regions of the Far East and the Far North, in contrast, are leaders in terms of population outflows.

The worst situation is with the outflow of people in the Magadan and Tambov regions, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and in the Jewish Autonomous Region, as well as in some other regions.

The population of Russia by city

There are only 2 megalopolises in Russia. This is Moscow with a population of over 12 million people. and St. Petersburg with a population of over 5 million people. In other cities, the population does not exceed two million people. So, in Rostov-on-Don, it is 1 million 125 thousand people, in Novosibirsk - 1 million 603 thousand people, in Yekaterinburg - 1 million 456 thousand people, in Nizhny Novgorod - 1 million 262 thousand people. etc.

Among the cities with a population of less than 1 million inhabitants, Krasnodar leads. 882 thousand people live in it. In second place is Saratov with a population of 845 thousand people. In the third - Tyumen with a population of 745 thousand people.


Thus, the population in the regions of Russia is unevenly distributed. Huge regions in the Asian part of the country are almost deserted, while small territories and regions in its European part are densely populated. The largest region in Russia in terms of population is Moscow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44540/

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