Reviews: "Fire Battery 7" - a heating stove. Features Overview

To date, the Fire-Battery 7, which has positive reviews, and other varieties of such heating devices have gained enormous popularity. Created by a domestic manufacturer, they have advanced functionality and fuel economy, as well as long-burning furnaces.

fire battery reviews 7

From year to year, the renowned Thermofor company creates ever more advanced models of the Fire-Battery and Fire-Battery-B series furnaces, each of which takes an updated and peculiar look that meets all the realities of the modern situation. Thermofor stoves Fire Battery 7 are used in such residential premises as large private houses, summer cottages and cottages.

Model range of heating furnaces "Fire Battery"

The range of mini-ovens from the well-known Novosibirsk company includes the following varieties of this technique:

  1. "Fire Battery 5". These are stoves used to heat small types of dwellings. They include 5 heating compartments and a burner for cooking and heating food. They weigh a little - a little more than 30 kilograms. For full kindling, stoves require about 35 liters.
  2. "Fire Battery 7". It has 7 heating sections and is able to warm up to 150 square meters of living space. It weighs a little more than the previous model, and contains much more fuel - more than 40 liters.
  3. "Fire Battery 9". This oven from Thermofor includes immediately 9 sections that heat up to 200 square meters of the entire space. Her weight is 50 kilograms. As fuel, you can use firewood, the length of which is 55 centimeters.
  4. "Fire Battery 11". This series of furnaces has high functionality. They are able to heat up to 260 mΒ² thanks to the presence of 11 departments at once. Such heating devices are widely used in industry and residential premises.

Absolutely all of the above heating devices are united by one main quality - reliability and duration of use in various rooms. And just as the "Thermofor" furnace "Fire-battery 7" reviews has the most enthusiastic reviews, the rest of the models in this series are very popular among the country's population.

Fire Battery 7

Numerous positive reviews "Fire Battery 7" has, and for good reason. This furnace has a fairly simple but effective structure, and consists of:

  1. Fireboxes. It is made in various sizes, but they are all quite roomy. And the presence of the firebox allows for a longer and more economical use of firewood, maintaining heat inside the furnace.
  2. Panels of the crevice convector. Very similar to radiator pipes. Their functions include the implementation of heat transfer between the floor and the stove.
  3. Titanium water heater. It serves as a reservoir for the accumulation of warm water, which is used in the future for household and household purposes.
  4. Control valve. Such a function makes the use of the stove as efficient and comfortable as possible. Its application makes it possible to set the optimum temperature required for a given period of time indoors.
  5. The protective layer in the furnace. As mentioned above, the Fire-Battery 7 furnace has only the most positive reviews. And all this is due to the presence of protection, which reliably protects the steel of the combustion chamber from complete combustion. It is replaceable without harm to the entire firebox.

oven fire battery 7 reviews

Characteristics of the heating furnace 7

The Fire Battery 7 heater is a stove that fits perfectly into any interior and economically heats temporary housing in minutes. It works from firewood and is able to heat up, as well as cook food. Her characteristic will be as follows:

  1. Elegance. Such a stove will decorate any room.
  2. The increased capacity. Volumetric combustion chamber contributes to the loading of a large number of firewood, which allows heating the room around the clock.
  3. Removable protective screen. It helps to maintain the integrity of the furnace at the place of accumulation of burned firewood.
  4. Selection of height and intensity of combustion. Existence of the adjusting valve allows to choose the optimum mode for any room.
  5. The presence of hard metal burners. On it you can cook any food in different dishes, as well as load fuel and clean the top of the dirt.
  6. Slit convectors with a high-tech way of working. They reliably eliminate the harmful effects of infrared rays and turn useful heat into soft convection currents.

Along with this type, there is also its subspecies - the Fire-Battery 7 Light furnace, reviews of which are in no way inferior to the standard variety. This heating device has only one difference: it has a lower degree of heating and is not intended for heating and cooking.

Advantages of the 7 battery over other models

Using the seventh series oven gives owners the following benefits:

  1. "Fire-battery 7" and "Fire-battery 7 light", reviews having enthusiastic, were created by the company "Thermofor" using the latest computer technology. This allowed engineers to comprehensively study the possibility of heat release during the production period, which completely eliminates the possibility of their poor performance or heating.
  2. Ability to select a connection. In all heating devices, two connection options are located at once: front and rear. Each owner has the right to independently choose the connection option in the conditions of a certain layout of the premises and their own preferences.
  3. Glass door impermeability. Its presence is necessary to control the flame inside the furnace. In malfunctioning heaters, heat is lost and cold air is sucked in. In the Fire-Battery ovens, the door fits snugly, and therefore there is no heat leak. Heating stove "Thermofor" "Fire-battery 7", reviews of which can be read on any site, without glass - this is not a furnace. The need to run up to the heater once every 30 minutes will not give anyone joy. That is why, despite the cheaper version of this β€œ7 light” model, in which there is no glass, many understanding owners purchase exactly the 7th version at higher prices, but with the necessary element.
  4. The presence of a functional burner. Consisting of a pair of cast-iron circles, it makes it possible to heat water in any container, as well as prepare food in medium-long terms. In this case, the smoke remains inside even with open access to the fire from above.
  5. Secondary afterburning of gases. No other furnace has such a feature. And by the way, afterburning increases the operating time of the stove, reduces fuel consumption and soot build-up inside the chimney.
  6. Cast iron grate . The grate is one of the most important parts of the furnace, taking on most of the work. The presence of cast iron, as a component of the grate, contributes to its long-term preservation in a holistic form.
  7. Ash collection tank. At the mention of the Fire Battery 7 furnace, the reviews of the owners especially concern this particular detail. Its capacity, depth and complete impenetrability found a response in the hearts of numerous owners. Thanks to this box, the heat inside the oven lasts longer than in standard stoves.

fire battery 7 instruction

What is the battery used for? Requirements

The Fire-Battery 7, which has many reviews, is an air-heating device that performs the function of heating and heat exchange in a room in an accelerated mode and for a long period of time. So, with full laying of firewood in the furnace, their burning is up to 16 hours, and with partial laying - up to 9 hours.

oven fire battery 7 light reviews

In order for the furnace to work for the declared period of time, the following requirements should be strictly adhered to:

  1. The use of dry firewood. This is one of the key conditions on the part of the manufacturer. The use of just such a fuel leads to a maximum reduction in the number of wet droplets on the walls and the growth of soot. However, when firing, pellets can also be used.
  2. Bringing to decay during wakefulness. At the time of ignition of the furnace, it is required to keep all the flaps open. This is necessary for a strong fire using oxygen. In the process of equalizing the draft, the flaps are gradually closed, and the fire gradually goes into smoldering mode. This process should occur at the time the owners are awake to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning or fire. Smoldering should take up most of the time with the burning of a significant amount of wood.
  3. The choice of premises for the installation of the furnace. The heater of the latest generation is absolutely not suitable for rooms with permanent residence. However, according to reviews, the fire battery 7 fits perfectly into the conditions of temporary residence. It is faster than other types of Thermofor products warms up housing.
  4. The use of burners. When purchasing a stove, you should know about one more of its features. A heater is provided in the heater. Her work is carried out only during the warm-up period: you can boil a kettle or cook food. When smoldering, its presence becomes useless: a burner is only able to keep water heated. In addition, you should also know such a nuance as the lack of a cooking circle in the "Fire Battery 7 Light" variety: it is not provided there.
  5. The presence of smoke. The stove does not form smoke in good condition. If available, it is recommended to check the cleanliness of the chimney and the correct installation of the heater.

stove heating fire battery 7 reviews

Installation "Fire-batteries 7"

The heater was developed by Thermofor as a freestanding device for heating a room by moving air masses. That is why you can mount it together with a burner in any place convenient for the owner. Furnaces "Fire Battery 7" installation is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Foundation preparation. Since the stove weighs a little, no additional floor installation is required. It is enough to make it even and durable.
  2. Chimney stacking. Connection of a branch pipe can be carried out in any socket of the heating device. The most important thing is ease of use and aesthetics of appearance.
  3. Fire-Battery heating furnace is being prepared for work. Unlike the previous paragraphs, which any owner can perform, this paragraph should be performed exclusively by professionals. This is due to some technical nuances, the entire further operation of the device depends on the correct implementation of which.

oven thermophore fire battery 7 reviews

Serviceability of the furnace

The furnace "Fire-battery 7" reviews is not only positive, but also negative. However, for the most part they appear due to a malfunction of the heater. Based on this, in order to prevent such situations, the main signs of the stove's serviceability will be listed below. These include:

  1. No damage to the surface of the furnace.
  2. Free movement of the door, tightness of fit and high-quality locking by a locking mechanism.
  3. The presence of a sealant over the entire area of ​​the door.
  4. Glass integrity: absolutely smooth, without scratches, damage and cracks.
  5. The protective layer of the firebox and the grate should not contain malfunctions and defects, as well as burnt areas.
  6. The ash collection tank must have ease of movement and have complete tightness when in contact with the heater body.
  7. The locking mechanisms should not have problems in moving and leave openings in the holes of the chimney.

"Fire Battery 7", instructions and packaging

When purchasing an original oven, the buyer should see the following packaging option. It:

  1. On the device of heating value there is a sticker listing such data: furnace model, total net and gross weight, series number and release date, certification.
  2. The oven should be packed in a package, on the front of which the following information should be indicated: model features, weight and release time. Guidelines for its use should be placed in the combustion chamber.

In addition, the package of the Fire Battery 7 oven includes the following instructions:

  1. Open the box and remove the product.
  2. Remove the plastic wrap from the entire surface of the oven.
  3. Get additional details and a manual from the firebox, remove the film from them.
  4. If the protective film is placed on the oven, it should be removed.
  5. Advertising stickers are also removed.

After completing these steps, you can proceed with the installation of the heating furnace.

thermophore fire battery 7 reviews

Strongly forbidden!

There is a set of rules, according to which it is not allowed to perform certain manipulations with the Thermofor furnace Fire Battery 7, which is positive. The list of operational limitations includes:

  1. It is not allowed to use the furnace in a production having categories A, B, C to prevent explosive situations.
  2. It is forbidden to use a number of substances:
  • Coal.
  • Substances with alcohol content.
  • Gasoline or kerosene.
  • Glossy backed paper.
  • Remains of chipboard.
  • Laminate.
  • Hardboard.

The use of any of them entails an explosion or release of toxic fumes.

  1. It is forbidden to overheat the furnace at the time of its direct use.
  2. The use of intense combustion is not allowed - except for the stage of ignition.
  3. It is forbidden to melt the furnace during sleep. Only smoldering is allowed.
  4. Do not heat the heater before and during full-scale meetings or celebrations.
  5. It is not allowed to use the device without a water heating system and a tank filled with water.


Compliance with operational restrictions contributes to increased efficiency in the work, and therefore the heating furnace "Fire Battery 7" will always have only positive reviews. Most users claim that this furnace is reliable in supplying heat in various kinds of rooms. Its operation is not complicated, which ensures the most comfortable use.


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