Do you know why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow?

Often, the owners of household plots are forced to save their own crops, which can "die" due to various circumstances, such as changes in weather conditions, plant pests and more. Very often gardeners have to observe how yellowness appears on the leaves of cucumbers. Of course, this is a sign that the vegetable is "sick" and needs help.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow

However, not everyone knows why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow. Experts explain this phenomenon for many reasons. Indeed, why do cucumber leaves turn yellow ? Firstly, due to moisture deficiency at high temperature. Secondly, due to excessively low temperatures at night, which are often accompanied by frost. Thirdly, the "false berry" may lack minerals and trace elements. Fourth, cucumbers can be affected by fungal diseases and other parasitic organisms.

Consider some of the reasons why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, in more detail.

An experienced gardener is well aware that the above vegetable loves moisture, and its slightest deficiency can lead to the formation of yellowness on the ovaries and fruits. Incorrect choice of water temperature for irrigation can lead to the same consequences.

Leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow

Therefore, experts recommend using exclusively warm water for irrigation of cucumbers . Frosts, which often occur in early spring, can also cause a color change on the ovaries.

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in other cases? The above plant is quite susceptible to various diseases, for example, such as powdery mildew. First, small spots of a light shade are formed on the leaves, subsequently they increase in size and transform into a white coating. After a certain time, it acquires a yellow "ornament", after which the leaf dries. This is a clear sign that cucumbers are affected by a fungal disease. The problem is compounded by the fact that the microorganism is extremely fertile, so the likelihood that it will appear again next year is extremely high. To minimize such risks, experts advise to carry out a crop rotation procedure and choose varieties with increased immunity to fungal diseases.

Cucumbers lower yellow leaves

Very often, even cucumber seedlings turn yellow leaves. What does this indicate? The fact that the plant lacks trace elements, in particular, nitrogen. To solve this problem, experts advise feeding. As a rule, it is done four times a season. During flowering (1 time) and during fruiting (3 times), the plant is additionally enriched with urea, potassium sulfate solution, a composition of superphosphate and mullein.

Another dangerous bacteriological disease for the "false berry" is Fusarium wilt. At the same time, toxins produced by the fungus penetrate so deeply into the capillaries that leaves and fruits immediately turn yellow in cucumbers. Ultimately, a plant grown in a greenhouse dies.

The vegetable in question is often affected by root rot. The above β€œailment” poses a serious threat to him: first, the lower leaves turn yellow in the cucumbers, and then the rest.

In the fight against fungal diseases, experts recommend the use of chemicals.


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