How to enable the Internet on Android? How to install the Internet on Android?

In the framework of this article, two main ways of how to turn on the Internet on the Android are described. Both the first and the second are based on wireless data transmission technologies. Also within the framework of this material recommendations are given on their practical application.

how to enable internet on android


To date, the following two methods of how to turn on the Internet on Android and start transferring data have become most widespread. The first one is based on Wi-Fi technology. Its strength is its high data transfer rate, which for some devices can reach 300 Mbps. But the main minus is a small radius of action. The maximum is a circle with a diameter of 20-30 meters.

The second option to connect to the Global Web is to use the networks of mobile operators. They can be 2G, 3G or LTE. In this case, the data transfer rate is much lower. For example, for 2G, this is a maximum of 200-300 kbit / s, and for 3G, the limit value is 10 Mbit / s. But the plus of this method is the ability to establish a connection to the Global Web almost anywhere in the world. Sometimes 2G, 3G or LTE is used to create wireless routers based on a smartphone. In this case, the Internet through the "Android" is obtained from the network of the mobile operator, and is distributed through the Wi-Fi transmitter. This is convenient in cases where you need a laptop on the road, for example, connect to the Internet, but there is no wireless router or 3G modem. Regarding payment, it can be noted that in the first case it is most often of a fixed nature, and the amount of data transferred is not limited. But mobile networks are still charging tariffs per megabyte or gigabyte, which is also very inconvenient.

how to connect internet to android


The easiest way to connect the Internet to Android is wi-fi (wi-fi). The heart of such a wireless network is the router, to which the wire from the provider is connected. It must also be preconfigured. Before connecting, you must necessarily know the network name and password for the connection (needed if protection is installed). Further on the gadget under the control of “Android” we go to the “Main menu” by pressing the central button on the sensor. Next, moving around the screens, we find the “Settings” shortcut and open it. In it you need to find the “Networks” group of parameters. Among them should be one called Wi-Fi. Opposite this label is the current state of the transmitter. Set it to the "On" position. On some devices, English designations may be used. In this case, it must be set to “On”. Then you need to return to the main menu and find the shortcut “Wi-Fi”. Open it with a simple tap of the finger on the screen. Then you need to start the search operation. At the end of it, a list of available Wi-Fi points for connection appears. By name we find the desired one. If protection is installed, you will need to enter a password in response to gain access. Then we close all the windows and launch the browser to work on the Internet.

The previously described procedure for how to connect the Internet to Android is done once during the initial registration. Then you can use the accelerated method. At the top of the screen of each gadget running "Android" is a drop-down menu. On one of its top bookmarks there is a Wi-Fi button. With its help, accelerated registration of mobile devices in such wireless networks is performed.

internet through android

Settings for mobile networks

If in the case of wi-fi the setup is very simple, and for its implementation you only need to know the network name and password to connect to it, then with 2G, 3G or LTE, everything is much more complicated. In each mobile device for the organization of such a connection, you need to create a special profile, which must be configured in a certain way. In most cases, this happens automatically, that is, the first time you turn on your smartphone or tablet in the network of a mobile operator, the search for the necessary profiles to organize data transfer begins. As soon as the necessary information is found, it is immediately sent to the subscriber. In the future, he should accept these profiles, save and set them by default. But this order is not always followed. In some cases, for example, when you have a completely new gadget or an uncertified device, you have to act non-standard. You can call the operator and order default parameters or enter them manually.

Internet connection through mobile operators

In the future, the Internet connection on Android is reduced to the activation of this data transfer service. To do this, in the upper drop-down menu next to the "Wi-Fi" button, we find another one - "Data Transfer" - and click it. At the same time, activation of this service will begin. Upon its completion, a corresponding message will appear on the device screen. Next, close all previously open windows and launch the browser. If the settings at the previous stage are set correctly, then Internet resources will open without problems. Do not forget that in this case, the sites will load more slowly on the phone (“Android”). The Internet, of course, works at a lower speed than with wi-fi.

phone android internet

Which option is better?

Now we’ll figure out how to turn on the “Internet” the Internet is best for each specific case. If you do not travel often and you need a high connection speed, then in this case it will be more correct to use Wi-Fi. Moreover, from a financial point of view it will also be possible to save, since the price in this case is usually fixed. But if you travel a lot, and speed does not play a big role for you, then it is better to choose the wireless networks of mobile operators. In such a situation, they are still uncontested.

internet connection on android


In the framework of this article, two main ways of how to turn on the Internet on the Android were described. Their main advantages and disadvantages were indicated, comparing them, we made recommendations for their use. Based on them, each user can choose the option that best suits him.


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