What is good to apply for hair growth? Pharmacy and folk remedies for hair growth

Long, shiny, strong, flowing hair on the shoulders is the ultimate dream of every woman, regardless of her age and social status. Long hair looks very impressive, and therefore many girls and women tend to have just such a head of hair. In adulthood, the fairer sex usually has short haircuts, but in youth, almost everyone dreams of long hair. To grow the desired length is not as easy as it seems. Reaching a certain length, the hair can begin to delaminate, and their owner has to cut off split ends from time to time. The desperate representative of the fair sex in the struggle for the ideal hair length tries all available means - from pharmacy to folk recipes, achieving variable success. But it is worth remembering that beautiful and long hair is not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also an important indicator of a woman's health. Hair, like skin, can tell a lot about how well the body of its owner functions. If you have problems with hair that cannot be resolved with cosmetics and changing shampoo, you should contact a medical specialist. After the examination, the doctor can name the true reason for the slowdown of hair growth.

what is good for hair growth

Causes of Slow Hair Growth

As a rule, the reasons can be internal and external in nature. The following can be attributed to internal causes of hair growth retardation:

  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. The absence of macro- and microelements such as sulfur, calcium, iron, iodine, selenium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, chromium and others is significantly reflected in the condition of the hair. Vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of beta-carotene, B vitamins, tocopherol, vitamins D and C also slow down hair growth and worsen their structure.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the scalp cells of various origins. Due to this reason, hair follicles do not receive the proper amount of nutrients and oxygen.
  • The mature age of a woman in whom hormonal changes in the body and a deterioration in the growth and appearance of hair occur.
  • The presence of various ailments in a woman, including the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and diseases of the hair follicles.
  • Stressful situations and unhealthy lifestyles.

External causes provoking slow hair growth include:

  • The impact of environmental aggressors: ultraviolet rays of the sun, wind, frost, exhaust fumes, etc.
  • Use hot styling with hairdryer and ironing.
  • Perm and aggressive staining.
  • Incorrectly selected shampoo and hair care products.

Ingoda several factors act together, and their negative impact has a cumulative effect on the hair. Their growth is slowed down, the hair becomes dull and lifeless. After the examination, the doctor will diagnose. Then the picture will be clear. The disease will need to be treated with drugs prescribed by the doctor. Most likely, in addition to the main therapy, the doctor will prescribe a complex of vitamins. If no serious disease is detected, then it will be enough to adjust the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the beauty industry does not leave women alone with their problems. Cosmetic shops and pharmacies abound with products that help to intensify hair growth and help strengthen hair follicles.

Proper nutrition for hair growth

Dietitians say that with proper balanced nutrition, health problems will never arise. If you correctly develop a diet, include foods rich in vitamins and minerals, maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then a beautiful and flowering look is provided.

Let's figure out what is good for hair growth and what substances must be present in our daily diet.

To ensure the normal growth of healthy hair, you need a balanced diet:

  • Proteins must be present in the required amount. As sources it is better to choose lean meat, eggs, nuts and fish.
  • Fats in the form of unsaturated fatty acids, which are present in fatty varieties of fish, vegetable oils.
  • Complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, whole grain flour, bran.

We list the vitamins that contribute to normal hair growth:

  • Ascorbic acid (for active blood flow and full absorption of iron, accelerates hair growth). Contained in large quantities in rosehips, bell peppers, citrus fruits, currants, etc.
  • B vitamins strengthen the hair structure, make it thick, shiny and elastic, contribute to normal growth. Contained in cereals, brewer's yeast, nuts.
  • Beta-carotene, or vitamin A , gives the hair softness and silkiness, moisturizing and fighting the cross section. Vitamin A is found in eggs, liver, butter, in vegetables and orange fruits.
  • Tocopherol, or vitamin E , has a healing effect on the entire structure of the hair - from the bulb to the tip, acts as a tread and promotes blood circulation in the scalp. This vitamin is found in vegetable oils, nuts, eggs and green vegetables.
  • Tyrosine, an amino acid that protects hair from premature aging and gray hair.

for strengthening and hair growth

In addition to vitamins, to strengthen and grow hair, it is necessary to include macro- and microelements in the daily diet:

  • Zinc fights gray hair and hair loss (onions, garlic, seafood).
  • Copper also contributes to healthy hair (cereals, pumpkin, apricots).
  • Phosphorus gives the hair a bright color and maintains the elasticity of the structure (legumes, fish).
  • Magnesium makes hair elastic (dried apricots, greens, nuts).
  • Sulfur gives shine and strength (legumes, garlic, fish, liver).
  • Silicon strengthens the hair structure (root crops, cucumbers, zucchini).
  • Iodine heals the hair, enhancing the local metabolism (mushrooms, seafood, persimmons).
  • Iron improves blood circulation and oxygenation of the scalp (meat, liver).
  • Calcium is needed to build the correct hair structure (sesame, dairy products).
  • Selenium plays the role of a protector against the harmful effects of the environment (milk, meat, rye bread).

Best and worst hair growth products

Thus, we summarize what is good for hair growth:

  • Seafood: fish, seafood (protein, zinc, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus).
  • Leafy vegetables and herbs (calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and C).
  • Poultry meat (easily digestible protein and iron).
  • A variety of vegetable oils (vitamins E, A, D and unsaturated fats).
  • Chicken eggs (easily digestible protein and B vitamins).
  • Root crops (magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and B).
  • Cereals (B vitamins).
  • Legumes (biotin, iron, zinc).
  • Nuts and seeds (vitamin E and unsaturated fats, selenium and zinc).
  • Milk and dairy products (calcium, vitamins A and D).

There is also a list of products that adversely affect the growth and condition of human hair. These include:

  • Sugar (including carbonated drinks), the excess of which in the body acts as a toxin. Among other things, it makes the scalp more oily.
  • Salt, as well as fast food and convenience foods, abundant in this substance, interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Caffeine blocks the absorption of potassium, zinc, vitamins B and C.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair growth and strengthening

for hair growth in pharmacies

If, however, proper nutrition of the problem of slow hair growth is not able to solve, then it is necessary to pay attention to vitamin complexes for hair growth. In pharmacies, such products are today presented in a wide assortment. Pharmaceutical companies produce multivitamin complexes aimed directly at improving the structure of hair and enhancing their growth. Their composition is balanced based on the daily needs of a person for a particular vitamin or mineral, which is good for hair growth. The reception of a vitamin-mineral complex should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individual properties of the body. An independent choice of the drug can threaten an allergic reaction. Among the most famous multivitamin complexes for hair growth and strengthening are the following:

  • "Revalid" - a drug based on a group of amino acids and vitamins, beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails.
  • "Pantovigar", the effectiveness of which women celebrate after a six-month course. Active vitamins and minerals penetrate the bulb and strengthen it, contribute to accelerated hair growth.
  • Perfectil is an English drug loved by many Hollywood beauties. The growth and structure of nails and hair noticeably improves after a monthly course of taking the drug.
  • "Vitasharm" is a domestic drug prescribed for a month.
  • Vitrum Beauty Elite is an American product containing vitamins, minerals and substances of plant origin, which have a positive effect on hair growth and strengthening.
  • "Complivit Shine" refers to biologically active additives of Russian production. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains green tea extract and lipoic acid.
  • "Inney Dense Hair" is also a dietary supplement, but French-made. It differs in grape seed extract included in the composition. The course of use is at least 3 months.

Cosmeceutical preparations

In addition to vitamin and mineral complexes, other products are sold in pharmacies for hair growth. These include shampoos and sprays that have a therapeutic effect. They strengthen the structure of the hair, contribute to their growth.

Spray for hair growth is not only effective, but also easy to use. Thanks to this form of release, it can be applied in a directed and dosed manner. There are sprays washable and indelible. Manufacturers include various biologically active substances in the composition of these products: vitamins, plant extracts, moisturizing components, which is good for hair growth.

hair growth spray

Among the most famous sprays for hair growth are the following:

  • "BUTY" from "Kera-Nova" - a spray for domestic hair. This serum is applied to clean and damp hair and does not need to be washed off. The extract of chili pepper, castor oil, keratin and panthenol, which are part of the hair strengthens the hair follicles, stimulate growth and moisturize. The effect is noticeable after a month of use. The price pleasantly surprises with its availability.
  • "Platinum V" is a domestic-made spray mask enriched with coniferous extract, burdock oil and humic acid. This spray needs intensive washing off.
  • Kerastaz Stimulist is a nourishing spray for luxury hair growth from a French manufacturer. It contains arginine, glycolipids, aminexil, vitamins and enzymes. They provide intensive hair growth and significantly strengthen the structure. Designed for daily use, needs to be washed off. The course is quite long - 6 months. The price of this spray is quite high.
  • "Alerana" - a drug in the form of a hair spray. A product based on the highly effective substance Minoxidil actively fights hair loss and stimulates their growth. "Alerana" for hair growth gives a noticeable effect after 4 weeks of use. The spray is applied to clean scalp and is not washed off. However, this drug has contraindications: age up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, old age after 65 years. The remedy can also cause dermatitis.
  • Spray "Energizer" from Hobe Laboratories is positioned as an activator of hair growth. It has an enriched composition, which includes natural extracts of rosemary, horsetail, arnica, jojoba and juniper oil and pantothenic acid. The spray is applied to clean dry hair, does not need to be washed off. As a result, hair follicles are strengthened, growth is enhanced. Hair becomes dense, supple and vibrant.

Homemade Hair Growth Sprays

For those who do not want to spend huge sums on expensive funds from stores, there are medical recipes for hair designed for home cooking.

Here, for example, is a herbal-based hair spray recipe. To prepare it, you will need mint, burdock, a string, chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. All herbs are taken over a teaspoon, a cinnamon stick is also added. The mixture is poured with boiling water with a volume of about 250 ml. Infused to cool, then filtered. 1 can of ginseng infusion is added to the filtrate. Before use, the composition is poured into a spray bottle and nicotinic acid is added. If you are allergic to nicotinic acid, you can replace it with pepper tincture. The effect of using such a spray is obvious. Accelerated growth, improved hair structure will delight you.

recipes for hair

There is a simpler recipe for a home spray for hair growth and density. To prepare it, you will need fresh lemon juice (8 tablespoons), distilled water - 2 cups, 2 tablespoons of vodka, two or three drops of rosemary and ylang-ylang oil. Mix all the ingredients in a convenient container with a spray bottle and let it brew for 24 hours in the refrigerator. The spray nourishes the hair follicles and promotes their accelerated growth.

Folk recipes for hair growth and beauty

In addition to hair sprays, at home, you can use various folk remedies. This is a variety of oils, masks, infusions. Our great-grandmothers kept beauty recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. They have proven their effectiveness over centuries of use. In today's world teeming with industrial beauty products, folk recipes are still relevant. Women trust them, because they are distinguished by their natural composition and affordability. Home masks give an instant result, since the biologically valuable substances in them are in an active state, and their absorption is much more effective than from pharmacy preparations.

Burdock oil for hair growth and strengthening

burdock oil Price

Burdock oil, the price of which is very small, is an excellent tool for hair. From ancient times, it was used by beauties for hair care. This oil is obtained from burdock roots by oil extraction. The oil contains many biologically active substances: vitamins, protein substances, minerals, inulin, tannins, stearic and palmitic acids. The use of burdock oil occurs according to the wrapping scheme: oil is applied to wet clean hair, rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. Then the hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. After two hours, the oil must be washed off with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week. Burdock oil is applicable for damaged hair, as it restores its structure well. You can combine this product with egg yolks, lemon juice, honey, other oils (castor, chamomile, wheat, jojoba, rosehip), mustard, onion juice. You can also add burdock oil, the price of which is in the range of 20-130 rubles per bottle, in your regular shampoo and enjoy the excellent quality of hair after washing.

eggs for hair growth

Can chicken eggs improve hair quality?

This is such a simple and affordable product that many people are surprised at the fact that a chicken egg effectively helps with a problem of hair growth. The balanced composition of the egg, which includes a large amount of protein, vitamins B, D, A and B 2 , amino acids, mineral compounds, lecithin and cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, acting regeneratively. The hair under the influence of biologically active substances of the egg acquires softness and silk smoothness.

Eggs for hair growth are included in a variety of masks. You can mix an egg with burdock oil, with honey and cognac, with aloe, with lemon juice, with yogurt and other nutritious ingredients. Such masks are applied to clean hair, wrapped and aged for several hours. Then you need to wash your hair and enjoy the result.

Infusions of plants for hair growth and strengthening

The use of plant infusions is also an old and very effective way to stimulate growth and improve hair quality. The following tinctures for hair growth can be cited as examples:

  • A tablespoon of nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water, an hour is infused. This lotion is rubbed into the hair roots several times a week.
  • Three tablespoons of coltsfoot insist in a liter of boiling water, strain and rinse hair after each wash.
  • One large hot red pepper infused in 100 g of vodka for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. The result is a legendary pepper tincture, which has an unrivaled stimulating effect on the hair roots. You can use the tincture separately, rubbing into the scalp, or enter into the composition of various masks, mixed with honey, burdock oil or beer.
  • 2-3 . . , .

tinctures for hair growth

The most effective all of the above funds for hair growth and strengthening act in combination. For the main therapy prescribed by your doctor, add various masks or sprays. Which means to give preference to - home or industrial, decide for yourself. The main thing is the regularity of use and compliance with all recommendations of specialists. The result is not long in coming. Hair as a reward for care will grow faster and will delight you with its healthy shine, density and splendor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44559/

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