The history of hairstyles from antiquity to the present day. Types of hairstyles and accessories for their creation

When did the first hairstyle appear? This probably happened on the day when Eve bit off an apple and was vividly interested in the appearance of her hair. Historians also do not know about what year and what day the first hairdresser appeared, although they have been struggling with this issue for many years. However, every fall, namely September 13, masters of hair dryers, combs, tongs and scissors celebrate their professional holiday. Despite the fact that it is still very early, let's get ready for a significant day and go on a short excursion through the pages of the history of hairstyles and hairdressing. But before that, we suggest watching a short video about how the fashion for the female image was established.

Primitive society

Surprisingly, even from the burials of mammoth hunters, archaeologists dig up bone crests. You just look at how luxurious the hairstyles look on the sculptural images found in Malta, Willendorf and Buret.

Hairstyles of a primitive society

Headbands were used as jewelry. It is possible that wreaths of flowers were worn on the head, but such accessories, of course, were not preserved. For fixation, clay or oils were applied to hair in primitive times. In the history of hairstyles, the use of special coasters has been mentioned more than once, so that during sleep you do not accidentally spoil the styling.

The hairs of primitive women either fell to the shoulders, then were laid in parallel horizontal rows or lay in zigzag ledges. Also, when creating hairstyles, they used ropes or straps.

Ancient Hellas

The inhabitants of these lands, working with hair, were guided by the principles of harmony and aesthetics, focusing on the integrity of the image and respect for proportions. Hairstyles in ancient Greece were a reflection of the situation in society. For their creation, slam-calamists were involved, occupying a special place in the homes of a wealthy population. Specially trained people came up with exquisite compositions, trying to emphasize the natural beauty of the hair and improve the body structure of their "client".

During the archaic period, Greeks curly by nature preferred simple lines and silhouettes. Long curls curled into a spiral with the help of metal rods - "Kalamis". Then they were laid in low bunches, picked up with tiaras, ribbons and hoops, and the free ends were lowered onto the shoulders. However, the most popular hairstyle of Ancient Greece were braids, curling their heads in a double ring.

Later, curls came into fashion, stacked over the forehead like a bow, as shown on the statue of Apollo Belvedere.

L'apollo del belvedere

As for women, they preferred a hairstyle getter (option with strands that are tightly laid on the back of the head). Soon, it was complicated by numerous modifications of the corymbos, in other words, the frame, or the "Greek knot."

Ancient Rome

The population of one of the strongest states of antiquity took Greek images as the basis, but over time modified them.

During the Republic period, the Romans had simple hairstyles, somewhat reminiscent of the "Greek knot". The locks were divided by a straight parting into two parts, and from the back they were collected in a volumetric bundle. Also in fashion was a "nodus" - a hair roller made over the forehead, and the remaining strands were collected from behind, as in the previous version.

Unlike Greek women, the Romans led an active lifestyle, sometimes ruled the people, standing behind the sons and husband. They were in front of whom and where to show off. If in the Republic the hair was modest, then during the period of the Empire the ancient Roman hairstyles became more complicated and became higher. Women braided various types of braids, curled or laid in several rows on a frame of copper wire. So there was a haircut "tutulus". A cone-shaped cap could serve as an addition to such a structure on the head.

Most trendsetters were emperors (for men) and empresses (for women). For example, Agrippina the Younger (the wife of Claudius and mother of Nero) wore a light bang on her forehead with two hemispheres created from parallel strips of curled strands. Serpentine locks descended from each side of the neck.

Fashion changed so quickly that girls from noble families had to update their styling several times a day. As one of the poets of that time wrote, it is easier to count the number of acorns on a branched oak than the hairstyles of the Romans.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the men. During the Republic period, their hair was cut to the earlobes and slightly curled at the ends, and bangs came down to the middle of the forehead. During the time of the Empire, the stronger sex imitated emperors. For example, with Octavian Augustus, a perm went out of fashion, and the hair became straight.

Men's wigs were popular . But most often with their help, the elderly Romans masked their baldness. Also in fashion are S-shaped bangs. Among the legionnaires, a hedgehog haircut was very popular.

Ancient Egypt

Residents of the state in northeast Africa were not only excellent builders, mathematicians, physicians, astronomers, but also hairdressers. However, in those days such a word did not even exist. And if the clothes were as simple as possible - a piece of fabric draped over the shoulders, wrapped around the body and tied around the hips, then the Egyptian hairstyles were particularly difficult.

Own ringlets were poor, not-so-young and young people. Pharaohs, priests, queens and officials always wore false hair. Natural wigs of Ancient Egypt (the most expensive at all times) were made from human strands, and artificial ones from ropes, plant fibers, threads and animal hair. False hair has always been dark shades, and only in the last centuries of Egyptian civilization did they become multi-colored.

Since the climate in Africa is quite hot, men and women had to shave their heads. To avoid sunstroke, they often wore two wigs that were worn on top of each other. A layer of air formed between them, protecting a person from heat stroke.

Women's false hair was of various shapes - spherical, drop-shaped, “three-part” (strands descended on the back and chest), with a flat top and curls, divided into two parts and evenly trimmed tips.

Hairstyles of antiquity

The peculiarity of worshipers (priests) was not only huge masks of sacred animals, but also wigs of the same size.

This completes the history of hairstyles of the Ancient World and sets off for a new era.

Middle Ages

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, short haircuts left fashion for a long time. Men cut their hair to their shoulders or a little higher, since long curls were the privilege of the nobility. Above the forehead, the strands were intercepted by a metal hoop or strap, which was often decorated with precious stones.

Young women and girls opened their braids, as air curls created with the help of heated tongs came into fashion. Married ladies covered their heads with a cap or a scarf. Only the husband had the right to admire and admire the beauty of her hair. The only bright element was a hat. These were veils and caps of various shapes. By the way, it is worth saying that all the hairs that looked out from under the headgear were always shaved.

Baroque era

In the first decades of the 17th century, short haircuts were still preserved in men's fashion. However, already in the 20-30s, the stronger sex switched to long hair, which was curled and tied with bows. During the reign of Louis XIV, a similar hairstyle remained, but with one significant difference - to use not your own, but artificial hair. It is believed that it was the Sun King who introduced men's wigs into fashion. However, the innovation was associated with an unfortunate fact - the monarch was bald. After that, not only Louis XIV wore false hair, but all the courtiers.

Well, the most popular female hairstyle of the Baroque era was the "fountain".

Hairstyle "fountain"

According to legend, it was invented by one of the favorites of the king. During the hunt, when her hair was disheveled, she gathered them on the top of her head in a high bun and tied a garter with jewelry. The monarch was delighted with what he saw and made a compliment to Angelica de Fontange. After that, all the court ladies began to decorate their heads in a similar way. Various options were invented, but the main feature was the height and use of a large number of accessories: to create a fountain hairstyle, a lot of jewelry, silk ribbons and lace decor were required.

The era of Rococo

The art style continues the history, bearing lightness, grace, delicacy and sophisticated fragility. Wore "ke": twisted curls, combed on the back of the head in the tail and tied with a black ribbon. Then the loose ends began to be put away in a velvet bag. So there was a hairstyle "a la burs".

The most famous masters in the Rococo era were: Sales, Lasker and Legros. The latter was the most outstanding. He developed the basics of modeling hairstyles and technology hairdressing techniques. It was Legro who introduced the principle that styling should correspond to the shape of the face, head, and even figure.

It was fashionable to decorate curls with ostrich feathers and fresh flowers, and so that they did not fade, a bottle of water was installed in the hair.

Empire style

According to the history of the development of hairstyles, the French Revolution put an end to the “revelry” of the Rococo era. By the beginning of the 19th century, not only women's outfits were simplified, but also the appearance of hair - an empire reigned in European fashion. It can be characterized by a propensity for utilitarianism and comfort of hairstyles.

In the Gallery of Beauties hang paintings written by Joseph Stiller, where the 19th century style is most accurately conveyed. All women depicted in his paintings were considered the standard of beauty of those times. If you pay attention, each had different versions of the same hairstyle: hair is divided into 2 parts with a straight part, curls are laid on the sides or collected in a neat bundle in the parietal area of ​​the head.

Empire style

By the end of the 19th century, fashion prefers minimalism, and styling takes on a laconic form.

Bold trends of the 20s

The history of hairstyles takes us to the beginning of the twentieth century, which the girls met with complex styling and long hair. However, the development of cinema has completely changed the world. So, the image lost its feminine romance, and for the first time short haircuts appear, symbolizing independence, victory and freedom.

The following factors influenced the decision to cut long hair:

  1. World War I. The girls went to the front, it became more difficult to take care of locks in the field.
  2. The development of art. For the first time on the screens appears the French silent film actress with a short model haircut.

However, not every girl decided to cut her hair, since a similar image was condemned by the church, and the conservative leadership immediately lost their jobs.

Age of Blondes

Thanks to the American actress Gene Harlow, the history of hairstyles was replenished with new images: the fashion for light curls replaced the square. The sensual and attractive appearance of the blonde was considered the standard until the 50s. Women elegantly styled platinum and golden hair, creating soft waves.

The 30s were remembered by many haircuts in the style of Chicago. The main changes, of course, affected women's hairstyles:

  • the girls refused too long hair, so they reached the chin or shoulders;
  • to emphasize sensuality, the ladies began to expose their collarbones and neck - for this, the owners of long curls who did not want to cut their hair had to pick and stab them at the base;
  • Chicago's style involved creating light waves, and the second styling option was curls neatly laid out on the head, temples and forehead.

The main hairstyles of the 30s were an elongated bob and a classic square with thick bangs.

Experiment time

Fashionable styling of the 40s - a roller formed above the frontal part of the head. The rest of the hair was tucked under the net. Curls were collected by a tube, but at first they were divided evenly into two parts and created voluminous strands. A short haircut faded into the background, and inexpensive glamor was introduced into the history of hairstyles. The main icon of those years was considered Vivien Leigh. After the release of the movie "Gone with the Wind", the image of the actress was copied by many women.

Vivien leigh

The 50s were marked by a single idea - the weaker sex wanted to quickly forget about the war and restore beauty by any means. This period became known for controversial images. Sexy blondes like Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe competed with the beauty of the burning brunette Gina Lollobrigida.

During this period, women made completely different hairstyles: wavy curls, short haircuts, volumes, smooth strands. And if you could not create a styling, used natural wigs and hairpieces.


The image of the 60s was influenced by the hippie movement. Girls dressed up in loose clothing that harmonized with long loose strands. But the main discovery of that period was the appearance of "babette." To create it, a large roller was used, substituted under the ponytail hairstyle. For the first time, women met her thanks to Brigitte Bardot after the release of the film “Babette Goes to War”.

The next fashion trend was styling in the style of afro. After the release of the painting "The Witch" with Marina Vlady, many women gave preference to light long curls. But the miniature model of Twiggy added fuel to the fire, which struck the fans with an ultra-short haircut. The decade ended with a haircut haircut.

Twiggy model

In the 70s, punk style comes in response to a free hippie image. Direction characteristic multi-colored curls, haircut "hedgehog". The end of the contradictory course will be a perm, and Bob Marley introduces dreadlocks and small braids into fashion.

Cascade Age and 90s

During this period, the history of women's hairstyles was experiencing a return to former fashion. Soft waves, curls and long hair reappear. Strands also undergo dyeing, but women increasingly prefer natural shades. Comes back. Owners of long hair make defiant styling: the main task is to add volume, so fleeces are used. The most popular haircut is the cascade. The basis of the strands of different lengths, created using the technique of "ladder".

The last decade of the twentieth century did not have clear boundaries. Outrageous and avant-garde haircuts coexist with classic styling. However, after the release of the series Friends, all the records for copying the style of favorite characters were broken by Rachel Green's hairstyle.

Rachel Green

The supermodel Kate Moss also had a lot of followers. Girls liked to experiment with styling and weaving colored strands into braids and use various accessories.

Our days

Even after a long development path, the history of hairstyles did not know such diversity as in the 21st century. When most countries proclaimed the right to freedom of personality and individuality, and interethnic and territorial borders were erased by the Internet, people wanted to stand out from the general mass. Therefore, it is difficult to say which haircut or styling characterizes our time.

Nevertheless, the general global trend can be traced. Now the color, haircut and accessories for creating hairstyles are not so important as the hair itself, their health and appearance. The perm was forgotten, dreadlocks have sunk into oblivion. Caret, Hollywood locks, a sloppy bun, a Greek braid and, from the fashion designers, the once-popular babetta returned to fashion.

The main hairstyles for this summer, according to stylists, will be:

  • Short haircut "a la garson". The advantage is the lack of styling.
  • Pin up
  • A high hairstyle with a diadem will be a great addition to the wedding look.
  • Any variation of the square. A great option for owners of straight rare hair, as the density visually increases.
  • Graduated haircuts. The main condition is long curls. A winning option will be the presence of highlighted locks ;;
  • Light wavy styling, like Blake Lively, Chrissy Teigen and Mila Kunis.

History of men's hairstyles over the past 100 years

Did the talented hairdresser of the French court of Legros think that several centuries later the descendants would easily move 100 years ago and find out how the images of the stronger sex changed over the decades.

For several years now, a video has been popular that demonstrates the main changes in haircuts and hairstyles over the past century. In just 1.5 minutes, the model Samuel Orson “tried on” 11 images reflecting changes in the appearance of men. Let's watch!

As you can see from history, emperors, public and famous people influenced the development of hairstyles. Now, in the century of instant distribution of any information via the Internet, it is difficult to keep track of all the trends, but if you pay attention, it becomes clear - the emphasis is again on naturalness and simplicity. It doesn’t matter what hairstyle is on the head, the main thing is the health, beauty and grooming of your hair.


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