Variety of tomato Lyubasha: reviews, photos, description

Today, quite a lot of homeowners are engaged in the cultivation of various vegetable crops. Currently, there are a huge number of seeds that are sold in specialized stores. If you decide to plant vegetables in your beds, then be sure to remember that in order to get a good harvest they need proper care.

Varieties of tomatoes for growing often cause controversy among summer residents. What species is best planted in your garden? What are the distinctive features of tomato "Lyubasha"? Reviews confirm that this is a great cultivar. Consider this hybrid in more detail.

Grade description

tomato lyubasha reviews
Tomato "Lyubasha" is a hybrid vegetable. The main characteristic of this variety is considered to be determinism. This means that he has limited growth. Between themselves, all determinant types of tomatoes are divided into two main groups: standard and mid-season. The variety considered in this review belongs to the first. On sale today you can find a large number of ultra-early tomatoes of ripening.

These include:

  • "Gina."
  • "Explosion".
  • "Diva".
  • Aelita Sanka.
  • The riddle.
  • "Red Riding Hood".
  • "Aphrodite F1."
  • Alsou.
  • Bokele.

Fruiting in such a tomato begins 75-80 days after sowing. This variety has a short vegetative period. That is why it belongs to the early varieties.

Key Features

tomato lyubasha reviews photos
Here are the main characteristics of the tomato variety "Lyubasha":

  • in height the bushes reach 1 m;
  • leaves have a dark green color;
  • stems during fruit ripening are able to hold a fairly large weight;
  • on average, 4-5 brushes ripen on the bush;
  • medium-sized fruits weighing 120-130 grams grow on branches.

If you are looking for a pickling variety, then the Lyubasha tomato will definitely suit you. The reviews say that they are perfectly placed in both three-liter and one-liter jars. The fruits have a rich red color. When compared with other hybrids, this variety has sufficiently large seed chambers. This is a great quality for early tomatoes. The pulp of the fruit itself is solid, pale red.


What are the distinctive features of tomato "Lyubasha"? Reviews, photos and recommendations confirm that the main feature of the variety is the internodes. Initially, they can form inflorescences, from which later two fruit can be formed. In this case, the fruits do not differ from others in ripening and quality.

The main advantage of the variety is its high yield. From one square meter in the open ground, you can collect from 8.5 to 10 kg of tomatoes. When grown in a greenhouse, yields can be much higher at 15 kg per square meter of soil.

"Lyubasha": advantages and disadvantages

tomato lyubasha reviews photos yield
The advantages of the variety include:

  • early germination;
  • universality: the hybrid can be planted both in the greenhouse and on the open ground;
  • tomatoes are suitable for salting and use in salads;
  • all fruits ripen at one time;
  • Tomatoes are resistant to major diseases.

Since the variety belongs to the standard, it does not require stepsoning and garter. However, it is worth mentioning that for those who rarely visit the garden, the Lyubasha tomato variety is hardly suitable. Responses of summer residents say that these tomatoes need constant loosening and top dressing. Plus, he does not tolerate cold. Since all the fruits on the bushes ripen at about the same time, this variety will not work for food throughout the season.

How to grow seedlings

You can buy seeds of the Lyubasha tomato variety at any specialized outlet. Pay particular attention to the packaging labeled F1. Such an inscription means that the seed contains not a pure variety, but a hybrid. It is these tomatoes that belong to the standard. They are great for growing anywhere or in a container. Seedlings are unpretentious to lighting. When growing, you do not need to observe any special regime in terms of humidity or temperature. Therefore, you can easily grow seedlings in an apartment or house. If you place containers with sprouts on the balcony, it is better to choose the south side.

Soil requirements

tomato variety lyubasha reviews
You can plant seedlings in peat, turfy soil or soil rich in humus. You can combine these options with each other. The soil can be placed in any container. The main condition for selecting soil is the ability to distribute all the seeds in a row. Typically, rectangular wooden crates are well suited for this purpose.

Seeding time for seedlings must be chosen depending on the climate of your region. In some areas, you can start preparing seedlings in February, and in others only in early spring. It is also necessary to calculate the time for sowing seeds. When calculating, keep in mind that the sprouts are transplanted into the open ground 40-45 days after germination.

When planting, the main condition is the absence of frost at night. What else you need to know about tomato "Lyubasha"? Description of the variety, photos, reviews of summer residents are presented in this article.

How to prepare seeds for planting

The seed preparation process is carried out in several stages.

Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. First you need to hold the seeds for a couple of minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. So you can protect them from bacteria and infections.
  2. Seeds are washed under clean thermal water.
  3. Planted in rows.
  4. Between future bushes it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 to 4 cm.
  5. The sowing hole should have a depth of 1 cm.
  6. After the seeds are placed in the ground, they must be covered with a film. The main condition for growing strong and healthy plants is good air circulation.
  7. To grow seedlings, you can use toilet paper, bags of polyethylene, peat pots or special cassettes.

How to care for seedlings

tomato lyubasha description reviews
What else needs to be specified in the description of the tomato "Lyubasha"? Photos and reviews of vegetable growers indicate a good yield of this species. Caring for a hybrid variety is no different from caring for ordinary tomatoes. One of the most important conditions is the duration of daylight hours. It should not be less than 12 hours. It is for this reason that many, in addition to natural light, put fluorescent lamps in addition. It is also important to observe the temperature regime in the room where the seedlings are grown. The optimal range is 23-25 ​​° C.

After the second week of growing seedlings, you can take it to a colder place. At this point, the temperature may be approximately 20 degrees. At the first stages, watering should be done at a frequency of once every 6-7 days or as the soil dries. With the onset of the third week of growth, the frequency of watering should be increased. It should be watered every 4-5 days. Please note that the soil should not be waterlogged. This can lead to the death of plants. With proper care, you can grow a great tomato. Variety "Lyubasha" (photos, reviews and a description of which are presented in detail in the text), is currently one of the favorite vegetables of Russian summer residents.

Care Features

It differs from other varieties "Lyubasha" in that it can be additionally not fed during seedling growth. If you have doubts about the quality of the soil, then in the first week you can add phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to the soil. You can also use ready-made complex additives and minerals. Such mixtures usually contain potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Please note that the first few days after the appearance of sprouts, it is especially important to provide seedlings with high-quality lighting. Light should fall on it 24 hours a day. The next time top dressing is carried out when a pair of sheets are formed on the stem. For this purpose, experienced gardeners recommend the use of potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

How to care in the open ground

tomato lyubasha photo description reviews
Gardeners tell how to grow tomatoes correctly in reviews with a photo of the tomato "Lyubasha". The productivity of this variety pleases growers. But what needs to be done after the seedlings have been transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse? It is important here to continue to provide tomatoes with quality care. It is necessary to correctly calculate the number of bushes per square meter of soil. If we are talking about the variety "Lyubasha", then their number should not exceed four. Otherwise, caring for these tomatoes is no different from other varieties.

How to water

Everyone who planted tomato "Lyubasha" reviews about it leave only positive. How to care, what is the yield - this is what primarily interests summer residents. The issue of watering also remains relevant. It should be plentiful and regular. This is especially true for dry weather. So you can grow a good crop and protect the plants from drying out. It is recommended to water the tomatoes in the evening. During the night, water will be absorbed and saturate the earth. Watering plants is better near the roots.

How to fertilize

What else to do to get a big crop? High-quality fertilizer - this is what is of great importance for growing such a variety as tomato "Lyubasha". Reviews of gardeners say that you need to feed tomatoes every three months. Manure is best suited as fertilizer. It can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. About 200-300 ml are poured under each bush. It is best to fertilize the plants during the formation of the ovary.

Interesting Facts

What else can be said about the tomato "Lyubasha" in the description? Reviews and recommendations of summer residents of our country confirm that it is extremely effective to mix biohumus in the soil when planting seedlings. This will allow you not to worry about additional bait. Particular attention is also recommended to give the formation of a bush. Experienced vegetable growers recommend leaving a few stepsons. One should be located under the flower brush. The remaining stepsons are removed when they reach a height of 7 cm. This is done very carefully. It is important to cut, not pull out stepsons.


tomato variety lyubasha photo reviews
What else can you say about the tomato "Lyubasha"? Reviews of experienced gardeners indicate a high yield of this variety. You can pick fruits in June. Much depends on climate and care. Usually, all tomatoes ripen at the same time on the bush. So you can easily collect all the fruits immediately. This is especially suitable for those who preserve for the winter. "Lyubasha" will be an excellent hybrid variety for your garden. These tomatoes do not require special care, but at the same time they are characterized by high productivity. The advantage of this vegetable is that it is suitable for any purpose: for the preparation of salads, and for preparations.


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