How to disassemble the tablet of the following manufacturers: Asus, Texet, DNS, Explay, Prestigio, Acer and Oysters

If you came up with a question about how to disassemble a tablet, but at the same time you are almost not familiar with modern technology and you have never seen its inside before, you should not do this on a fully working device. Even if something does not work, or it became very interesting to you, but you almost do not understand this, then it would be more correct to refer the device to specialists. The fact is that modern electronics has a very complex device, and at the same time, it itself is quite fragile. That is why sometimes it happens that as a result of unprofessional and unsuccessful disassembly, even specialists fail to bring the gadget back to life.

How to disassemble a tablet

How to disassemble the tablet: general instruction

It is worth noting that for such an operation you will need to arm yourself with special tools. In any electronics store or even in the market, they are quite easy to find. Before disassembling the tablet, you need to prepare a set of thin screwdrivers, which include a straight and a Phillips, as well as tweezers and a metal spatula. In some cases, you may also need a hexagonal screwdriver, although such screws are not so common on tablets, it should be prepared so that there is no need to look for it when the device is already at the disassembly stage.

How to disassemble a DNS tablet

The main stages of work

It is clear that it is difficult to describe in detail within one article how all tablet computers are disassembled, however, there are several main stages of work.


The first stage of work with almost any tablet model requires you to disconnect the display panel itself from the back cover. Depending on the manufacturer and brand, screws or special locks can be used to connect them. Most often, there are no screws, however, before disassembling the Texet tablet, you will have to not only unscrew a few screws, but also snap out special latches. And after that, you can walk around the perimeter of the display, prying it with a metal spatula. This must be done carefully at small intervals so as not to damage the display, and also to carefully detach it from the back cover.

How to disassemble a Texet tablet

The next step

If we talk about how to disassemble the tablet, then we should continue. The second stage for most models involves disconnecting the cables, after which you can remove the battery. You must perform all these manipulations with utmost care. If you are doing everything right, then all fasteners and parts should disconnect as easily as possible. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no accidentally tightened screws that sometimes hide, for example, under gaskets or protective films.

When the battery is disconnected, you can proceed with the subsequent disassembly. This step requires you to take the following actions: remove the speakers, disconnect the camera, if possible, and also disconnect all available cables from the device’s system board. Now you can unscrew the system board, which is usually fastened around the perimeter using special screws.

How to take apart your Prestigio Multipad tablet

We disassemble a tablet made in China

The fact that most tablets are manufactured in China is no secret. It is clear that such products fail quite often, and tablet computers can hardly be called an exception in this regard. There can be a huge number of problems: the screen is broken, which needs to be replaced, the touchscreen refuses to work, the sound disappears and so on. And immediately the question arises of how to disassemble the tablet? Not all owners of such devices agree to carry them for repair, but decide to repair them on their own.

How to disassemble the Oysters tablet

The subtleties of the process

Typically, the process of parsing such devices is not particularly difficult. You must arm yourself with a small screwdriver, find the bolts and get to work. Typically, a tablet consists of a cover and the tablet itself. After unscrewing the bolts, the cover is removed. Usually the clasps hold well enough, so you should try to remove the cover. You can use a plastic card that you want to insert into the slot, and then hold it around the device, which will allow you to separate the cover quite easily.

Maximum care should be taken, because the speaker may be attached to the lid, because of which you can tear off the wire. In addition to the speaker, you should see a board, as well as a battery, which is traditionally fixed on the screen.

How to disassemble Acer tablet

Screen Replacement

If we talk about how to disassemble a DNS tablet or some other, then first you need to disconnect the screen cable, which is done with a screwdriver, gently prying it off, then you need to find the bolts holding the board to unscrew them. The board should be carefully disconnected and then set aside. As a result of this, you will only have a screen and a battery. Now it's time to disconnect the screen that you decided to replace. Carefully separate its corners from the adhesive tape, if any, or from glue. The tape is removed, and then laid aside, it will need to be used again. It is intended for more reliable fixation of the screen so that dust does not fall under it.

Take a screen

This procedure will cause the screen to very easily separate from the plastic. Next, you need to separate the battery from it, which can be held on glue or double-sided tape. Therefore, all work should be carried out very carefully so that the battery packaging is not damaged. You can disassemble the screen, and for this it is enough to pry it and remove it from the latches.

Now that you understand how to disassemble the DNS tablet, you can take a new screen to do all the operations described earlier in the reverse order. The screen is mounted on rubber seals, the board is screwed on and a cable is inserted. After all the described manipulations, it is worth checking whether your gadget is working or not, for which charging is connected and the device turns on. If everything works, then you can fix the battery on a double-sided tape. Now you just have to put the lid on and tighten it.

One important piece of advice can be given. So that you do not forget how the screen was located, cables and stuff, it’s worth photographing still before disassembling the device, as well as during operation. This must be done, especially if you are doing this for the first time. We can also note the fact that Chinese tablets may have a lot of screen models, but do not despair in search of just such a model, because some other one may come up.

Causes of problems

Analysts say that this year there should be more tablets than laptops, but if the majority of users are already able to handle the second, then not everyone can successfully use the tablets. Because of what do tablet screens suffer and break? Due to the fact that they are very thin, fragile, as well as due to careless handling of them. Even the most tidy owners can become a victim of improper handling of the tablet by children, guests, animals and in other circumstances. In order not to require repairs, it is important to keep the gadget screen intact.

How to save a tablet screen?

So that you do not have questions about, for example, how to disassemble an Asus tablet to replace the screen, you should adhere to several rules. First of all, careful handling is important. You do not need to drop the tablet, leave it on sofas or chairs, give it to inappropriate people, be sure to instruct the children and so on. You need to get a cover, preferably having a hard surface that protects the screen. This allows you to keep the device in good condition, protecting it from some causes of damage to the screen. Cover the screen with a protective film. It usually costs quite a bit, but gives the glass a fairly high degree of strength. The protective film should be glued to the new device until the glass is dirty. It is best to choose a film for your specific tablet model, since all devices are equipped with different screens. Usually a good film can last at least a year.

The question of how to disassemble a Prestigio Multipad tablet or another manufacturer most often arises when the screen is broken. Usually the screen consists of two layers: from a touch glass touchscreen and a matrix. Usually the matrix remains intact, but the touch screen breaks. Even in a broken state, it is able to work for some time, but do not delay the repair, since in this case the probability of damage to the matrix increases significantly. In addition, the decoder of the sensor may be blocked, because of which it may not work even after replacement.

Tablets such as Prestigio Multipad allow you to replace the touchscreen without changing the matrix. But if the screen cracked at you from a fall or impact, or you used the device with a cracked screen for a long time, then it is likely that the matrix managed to suffer, however, hidden damages often come up only in the process of replacing the glass or during further operation. In this case, you will be required to replace both the touch glass and the matrix.

If we talk about how to disassemble the Prestigio tablet, then the process is similar to the previous description. You can consider options for working with devices from other manufacturers.

How to disassemble an Asus tablet

Acer tablets

If we talk about how to disassemble the Acer tablet, then it is worth paying attention to certain points. The device is equipped with a metal back cover and plastic side inserts. This is done so that the antennas are not covered by metal. Special latches hold the lid. It is worth opening from USB or HDMI. Then, reaching the other corner, you can pull the lid in the middle to open one edge completely. The second edge is similarly disconnected. The upper part simply extends from the latches if you pull the entire cover down. Under the cover, where a memory card is usually inserted, there is a warranty sticker from the manufacturer.

We disassemble the Explay tablet

Explay is a fairly young Russian manufacturer who managed to win the love of connoisseurs of excellent gadgets. But in this case, sometimes there is a need to repair the device, which means that the question arises of how to disassemble the Explay tablet. Usually this is not particularly difficult. A small screwdriver will come in handy. On the device, you should find the bolts, and then get to work. The lid is then removed very simply. You need to remove it carefully, because the speaker is sometimes fixed to it, but you do not need to tear it off. In addition to the speaker, you will see the board, as well as the battery, which is usually fixed on the screen. Next, you can do with the disassembled tablet what you did all this for.

If we talk about how to disassemble the Oysters tablet, then the sequence of actions has much in common with those that have already been described above. You can make only a few corrections to the gadget model.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is best to contact qualified specialists if you need to carry out repairs.


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