Rosstroyinvest: reviews on construction sites

Interest in buying apartments in new buildings in Russia is increasing every year. Despite certain risks, people still decide to entrust their money to the developer and wait for a few years for the house to be commissioned. In order not to fall into the hands of fraudsters and not invest in a deliberately failed project, future equity holders try to carefully study information about the developer company. A lot of useful information can be obtained from the reviews. Rosstroyinvest (St. Petersburg) is one of those companies about which there are a lot of rumors on the Internet. Some buyers praise the company for an excellent and inexpensive apartment, while others are dissatisfied with their housing and list its many shortcomings. So who is right? Is it worth it to trust the company and sign an agreement with her on the acquisition of housing in a new building? Today we will tell readers all about the Rosstroyinvest construction company. Thanks to this article, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the reliability of the company and its rating among developers of St. Petersburg. For reliability, we will take as a source of information real reviews about Rosstroyinvest, which are posted on various resources.

roststroyinvest reviews

A few words about the developer

The Rosstroyinvest group of companies (we will analyze the feedback from equity holders in one of the sections of this article) has been working on the Russian market for about fifteen years. And all these years, the organization has shown itself as a responsible and reliable developer who always fulfills the promises given to buyers of apartments.

The company has two priority areas - civil and industrial construction. This gives Rosstroyinvest the opportunity to dynamically develop and even overtake its competitors in some respects. More than once, the developer has successfully completed government orders, which is another argument in favor of its reliability.

An important role in choosing a developer is played by his agreements with leading banks of the country. It is noteworthy that Rosstroyinvest (feedback from equity holders confirm this ) often collaborates with Sberbank, which finances many of its projects. This fact is a guarantee that the residential complex will be completed on time. Therefore, many St. Petersburg residents prefer this particular company.

Number of objects

The reputation of the developer directly depends on how many objects were delivered on time. It is noteworthy that the Rosstroyinvest group of companies for all the years of its existence was able to build about thirty real estate objects in accordance with the established deadlines. Their total area is more than one million square meters.

In addition to the construction of residential buildings and the implementation of state orders, the developer pays attention to the creation of infrastructure. Rosstroyinvest in St. Petersburg managed to gain a reputation as a company that, even after the commissioning of residential complexes, actively contributes to their development and helps residents solve various problems that arise.

reviews about the company roststroyinvest in spb

Company Features

Many families wish not only to become owners of their own apartments in a new building, but also to live in a beautiful house built according to a non-trivial project in an ecologically clean area of ​​the city. In addition, equity holders dream of having a developed infrastructure, which greatly facilitates life and makes it qualitatively better. Not every developer can offer buyers similar conditions, of course, except for Rosstroyinvest. Each new project of this company is characterized by interesting architectural solutions, low prices per square meter of housing, as well as an abundance of social and entertainment infrastructure. They include cultural centers where children of different ages can work out, fitness centers with their own pools, cafes, restaurants and shopping centers. The developer promises that life in his houses will not only be comfortable, but really pleasant and easy.

It is very important that Rosstroyinvest independently carries out all stages of construction. Specialists of the developer develop projects, prepare estimates and work with contractors. In addition, if we focus on reviews about Rosstroyinvest, in St. Petersburg, it did not leave any of the objects already put into operation without control. The organization regularly holds various holidays for residents, which are always accompanied by pleasant and cheerful surprises.

Company awards and achievements

It is not easy to list all the awards that the company received over the years of fruitful work. For several years in a row Rosstroyinvest was awarded the title "Best Builder of the Year", the winner of international competitions, and has been included in the rating of the most reliable developers in St. Petersburg to this day. Recently, the residential complexes of this company have been recognized as one of the most comfortable in the city.

To date, the developer is accredited with seventeen leading banks in Russia, so customers who plan to purchase housing using a mortgage have the opportunity to choose a credit institution with the most suitable conditions.

Many equity holders in their reviews note that the conclusion of contracts is carried out in accordance with the two hundred and fourteenth law, which protects all clients of the developer from fraudulent schemes. All this inspires confidence among apartment buyers, in addition, they always gratefully recall the company managers who patiently explained all the nuances of the transaction and helped to choose housing.

Rosstroyinvest St. Petersburg

Briefly about company projects

Naturally, to evaluate the scope of the organization's activities can only help its commissioned facilities. Many potential equity holders draw conclusions about Rosstroyinvest. Feedback on the construction of residential complexes and life in new areas, which we will analyze in the following sections of the article, will help buyers make the right decision and, possibly, even choose housing for themselves.

To date, most of the comments on the Internet are posted about the LCD "City of Masters" and "Prince Alexander Nevsky." In the near future, two more residential complexes will be fully commissioned: “Old Fortress” and “Golden Domes”. The apartments in them are lively discussed on various sites, so we will definitely give you information about these objects under construction.

construction company roststroyinvest

LCD "Prince Alexander Nevsky"

This residential complex causes numerous disputes on the Internet, however, most residents are very pleased that they were able to purchase an apartment in this house.

The object was put into operation at the end of 2012, interest holders received the keys to new apartments just before the New Year, in which they saw a real gift. The residential complex consists of three 35-story buildings, claiming the title of "tallest building in the city." The houses were built on the very banks of the Neva, which initially caused great concern of interest holders. But after a few years, they thank Rosstroyinvest for such comfortable apartments, whose windows offer stunning views of St. Petersburg. The residential complex is characterized by modern finishes and includes several infrastructure facilities, which cannot but please the homeowners, who now can not spend too much time traveling to a cafe or pool - everything is right in their house.

Naturally, initially many were unhappy with the dirt in the entrances and some of the unsettled area. In this regard, the residents left numerous negative comments, but a similar state of affairs is characteristic of life in new buildings. Over time, everything worked out, and the developer fully fulfilled all his obligations, developing the area.

Also, negative reviews were left about the broken elevators, interruptions with hot water and not too conscientious management company. However, all these grievances are not related to the builder himself, because over time, all the gaps have been eliminated, and life in the houses has been fully adjusted.

It is worth noting that absolutely all owners are satisfied with the apartments in “Prince Alexander Nevsky”. They praised the layout, the materials used, the views from the windows and the infrastructure. A few years of living in houses showed that the developer did not save on materials and built a truly high-quality housing.

roststroyinvest group of companies

Residential complex "City of Masters"

If you start looking for reviews of apartments in these houses, you will come across two categories of comments: angry and enthusiastic. The first ones are left by people who, buying housing in an economy class house (albeit with a plus sign), hoped to get something incredible with ready-made park alleys and the absence of even a hint of a recent construction. Therefore, their reviews abound with negative emotions, in which, however, there is not a hint of the true state of things.

Those who soberly evaluate reality write that they are satisfied with the keys to apartments, luxurious halls, spacious elevators and parking lots on time. Many noted that even some infrastructure facilities were ready by the time the house was commissioned. This is a rarity for new buildings.

Most equity holders believe that Rosstroyinvest has fully met their expectations, and recommend the company to potential home buyers.

company roststroyinvest construction reviews

Reviews about LCD "Golden Domes"

This residential complex is aimed at people who dream of living comfortably away from the city center in nature. It was built in a suburb of St. Petersburg in a very picturesque area. The LCD was put into operation not so long ago, so it is now difficult to assess the quality of the houses themselves, but the general impressions of the owners of the apartments are positive.

Many residents at this stage are engaged in repairs, so they are quite loyal to various shortcomings in the form of periodically disabled elevators and risers with hot water. Also, the owners have not yet decided on the management company, but none of the former equity holders have any claims to the developer.

Rosstroyinvest employee reviews

"The old fortress"

This residential complex is still under construction, but interest holders have the opportunity to monitor the entire process through cameras installed at the construction site. Many write that they were conquered by the project itself and were pleased with the pace of construction. However, in recent months they have slowed significantly, which raises concerns about possible delays. The developer himself has not yet commented on this situation.

In the reviews about the residential complex "Old Fortress" you can find information that Rosstroyinvest offers real estate investors flats with or without decoration. If the client needs housing only with decoration, then he will be given a choice of several of its options. At the construction stage, redevelopment can also be carried out, all these nuances are specified in the clauses of the agreement between the company and the shareholder.

We hope that we have helped you create some insights about this developer. But if you still didn’t have enough information, we’ll add feedback from Rosstroyinvest’s employees. They always respond positively about their work, and many even become equity holders, and then the happy owners of new apartments. These facts testify to the reliability, integrity and professionalism of the builder. But this is the main characteristics for a company that you can trust your money with, is not it?


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