Phytobarrel - what is it? Cedar phytobarrel. Cost of procedure, contraindications

Recently, a wonderful procedure called "cedar phytobarrel" has become very popular. After it, a pleasant feeling of vivacity appears, the mood rises. In Russia, several companies produce such equipment and supply it to the market. Who has installed a miracle barrel at home, has a unique opportunity to restore his strength after a day spent in worries without any extra hassle. But is this procedure suitable for everyone, and how should it be carried out so as not to harm oneself?

Phytobarrel - what is it?

This newfangled device, in fact, is a mini-steam bath. No wonder its counterparts are the Turkish hammam, the Japanese ofuro, well, our traditional Russian bathhouse, where steam is obtained by pouring clean water or herbal decoctions on very hot stones. Cedar phytobarrel is designed for one person. They make it from cedar, because its wood releases phytoncides. They are able to kill bacteria, fungi and protozoa, that is, they have disinfecting properties. Inside such a mini bath there is a bench, a door on the side for entering inside and a lid with a hole on top for the head. Steam is produced by a steam generator operating from a conventional network. Before it begins, a decoction of herbs or pure water is poured into it. The temperature can be set according to the wishes of the client, but usually it is from 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. That, in fact, is the whole construction.

phytobarrel what is it

Types of phytobarrels

Now mini-baths are made square, oval, in the form of chests, horizontal, but their regular shape is round, and the position is vertical. For the manufacture of barrels, old cedar trees are used. The production technology is different.

  1. Cooper phytobarrel. What it is? This mini-bath is made of separate specially prepared planks, which the master, with the help of various carpentry tools, tightly attaches one to another, fixing it with rivets, folds. Then he sets the bottom and fastens everything with metal hoops. Sometimes wooden hoops are also used. Work requires a lot of skill and time. Cooper barrel is considered the highest quality, durable and environmentally friendly.
  2. Joiner's phytobarrel. What it is? The joinery technology is simpler, so the bulk of the mini-baths offered on sale are made that way. Masters on machines cut cedar boards from which the finished product is assembled. For fastening, various parts and glue are used. Joiner's mini-baths are cheaper and short-lived.
  3. Shredded barrel. Manufacturing technology is quite laborious and unprofitable. Masters hollow out a barrel from the bottom of a tree trunk, and in volume it should be not less than a meter.
  4. Chipped barrel. These products are considered exclusive and are very expensive. The master, working only with an ax, splits parts of a tree trunk into logs, and then onto boards, all of which must belong to the same annual rings. A barrel is assembled from the boards obtained in this way.

phytobarrel reviews

Steam generator

The essence of the procedure in a miracle barrel is that steam is pumped into a hermetically sealed container. Otherwise there will be no effect. A steam generator for a phytobarrel sometimes comes with the main product. If not, you need to buy it separately. The domestic market offers two types of steam generators:

  1. Stationary. It is fixed on the wall with special consoles.
  2. Mobile. It is installed on the floor. This type is more practical and convenient, since it does not require additional costs for drilling walls, installing fasteners.

Both floor and wall steam generators are:

  • Flowing. They are connected to a water tap. This is convenient on the other hand, because it is not necessary to constantly monitor the amount of liquid in the evaporator chamber. The disadvantage is that the installation of additional pipes connecting the steam generator with a tap and drain is required.
  • Bulk. They are more convenient at home, as they are not connected to a water source, which means that they do not require additional costs for pipes and can be installed anywhere. A bulk steam generator for a phytobarrel can have a transparent container where water is poured. In this case, you can visually observe the liquid level. However, most models are equipped with sensors that turn off the heating elements if the liquid becomes less than the required amount.

The power consumption of any steam generator for a mini bath should preferably be 2 kW.

Cedar phytobarrel


The type of steam generator largely determines how the phytobarrel will work. The procedure is more comfortable if you do not need to monitor the water level and temperature.

Steam generator components:

  • Capacity filled with water.
  • Heating element (ten). They are dry (installed in the body of the steam generator, outside the liquid tank) and water. The former are more practical, since their work does not depend on the hardness of the water, they do not require the installation of purification filters, and are easier to maintain.
  • Container for herbs and essential oils.
  • Remote control for temperature. Sometimes the buttons are installed on the body of the steam generator. Some models have an automatic device to control the temperature of the supplied steam.

steam generator for phytobarrel

Principle of operation

As mentioned above, a small steam bath or sauna is a phytobarrel. What is it and how does it work? Everything is very simple. All you need is:

  • Pour water into the container of the steam generator and a decoction of grass in the container.
  • Set the desired temperature.
  • Connect the steam generator to the network.
  • Take off the clothes. Some are soaked naked, but it is possible in a swimsuit.
  • Go into the barrel and sit on the bench.
  • Close the side door and top cover. The head remains outside, only the body is exposed to steam.

If there is anyone else in the house during the procedure, you can ask to cover with a towel the gap in the lid that remains around the neck. So there will be no excess heat loss. All. You can sit and have fun.

Teng heats the water in a container to a boil. The steam enters the barrel through the pipe.

After the procedure, you need to take a shower to wash away all the dirt that is released through the pores.

DIY phytobarrel

Why phytobarrel to healthy people

This procedure has become extremely popular only in recent years, although doctors used it in the early twentieth century in the treatment of soldiers from Volyn fever. Only the barrels were oak then. At the end of the 60s of the same century, the hereditary herbalist Praskovya Losevskaya revived tradition. She treated people with a barrel for many diseases, for which she used special herbal preparations. But just with clean water, cedar phytobarrel brings a lot of benefits . Reviews from numerous customers are only enthusiastic.

Using it you can:

  • remove toxins and other contaminants from the body;
  • with regular use, reduce weight;
  • relieve stress, fatigue;
  • cheer up.

Steamed cedar boards fill the room with a coniferous aroma, which further enhances the effect, helps to relax and rest.

Almost every healthy person fits phytobarrel. There are contraindications only with:

  • acute headache;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pregnancy (or steam temperature should be low).

phytobarrel contraindications


If you use correctly selected herbal preparations, a phytobarrel helps with many ailments. Patient reviews confirm that the procedure helps to overcome many ailments. It helps with:

  • a cold (if there is no high temperature);
  • problems with joints, muscles, bones;
  • dermatitis, diathesis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • neurosis, insomnia, stress;
  • some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduced immunity.

If you allow the couple to reach the neck (make a special bandage), you can treat the cervical vertebrae. However, not all patients fit phytobarrel. Contraindications are as follows:

  • oncological diseases;
  • weeping eczema;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • angina pectoris of the 2nd degree and above;
  • bleeding
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • atherosclerosis.

phytobarrel procedure

DIY phytobarrel

If there are no contraindications, and there is a desire to take a steam bath in a mini-bath for very little money, you can do it yourself. To do this, they make a barrel, which can be not round, but square (this is easier to do). The cracks between the boards are covered with a special sealant. A condensate pan is provided below. The hardest part is the steam generator. Some simply put a container of water in a barrel and place a boiler there. They wait until the steam temperature inside the structure reaches the desired one, turn off the boiler and start to steam. It is more practical to make a steam generator from a canister, which must be connected to the barrel with a hose. In order not to burn yourself with steam, the hose is connected to the steam distributor (tube with holes sealed in a circle). It is also desirable to have a temperature controller and a temperature sensor. Such a phytobarrel, made with your own hands, is very cheap, but quite suitable for operation. Who does not want to experiment with a steam generator, you can buy ready-made, and you can only make a barrel yourself.


In Russia, phytobarrels are mainly produced by the Roskedr company. Their products are of good quality and diverse design. To date, the most popular is a phytobarrel, the price of which, together with a steam generator, is 24-25 thousand rubles. There are exclusive samples worth up to 90 thousand. The price of an ordinary phytobarrel without a steam generator is 16-17 thousand rubles. They are delivered to the client in a collapsible form. The company, in addition to delivery, also offers assembly, free installation of phytobarrels, connection and induction training. The cost of the procedure in the cabin will be approximately 300-400 rubles.


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