Peruvian poppy: description, collection and harvesting

Peruvian poppy is a unique plant that has the properties of an aphrodisiac. It looks like a small yellow, beige or red turnip. Belongs to the cabbage family, genus Klopovnik.

peruvian poppy

Peruvian poppy is rare. Its place of growth is the high plateaus of the Republic of Peru. Residents of the Andes have been using this plant for many years, since its root has a very strong energy effect. Maka was used by warriors to increase strength and stamina before the battle. Native American shamans, this plant was used in the treatment of male and female infertility and as an aphrodisiac.

Also, maca was eaten in dried or boiled form. Plant powder was used for baking instead of flour, leaves were added to salads, to tea. Before cooking, the dry root crop was soaked overnight in water, then cooked until it became soft. From the root of the poppies and sugar, they prepared the Chichi de Maka alcoholic beverage. The Indians also used this plant as pet food, which contributed to increased fertility.

This root crop became known to science only in 1831 thanks to the German scientist botanist Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen. Later, a unique aphrodisiac was also found outside of America.

Growing, harvesting and harvesting

Plant seeds are sown in September, when the rainy season begins. Poppy is harvested in May, by this time its roots reach a size of five centimeters in diameter. They dig out with the help of a hoe, trying not to damage the root crop. Then dried under the sun for about two weeks. Prepared in this way, poppy can be stored for about 7 years.

Peruvian poppy in a pharmacy

To prepare the powder, the roots need to be washed, disinfected, cut into small parts and finally dried at a temperature of 45-50 ° C. After this, the root is ground into powder.

Chemical composition and properties

The specific features of Peruvian poppies are explained by the fact that it contains essential oils that provide an exciting effect. Maca root is a source of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, as well as minerals, amino acids and rare trace elements necessary for the body, such as copper, iodine, selenium, manganese and zinc. Due to the presence of arginine, tyrosine, histidine and phenylalanine in it, the production of sex hormones in the body occurs. In addition, the root contains dietary fiber and vegetable protein. The plant root powder contains linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids, as well as carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Maca leaves contain iodine and glycosinolates, which have an antitumor effect.

Peruvian poppy (Peruvian ginseng) helps increase libido in men, improves sperm quality, and normalizes the balance of hormones in the body. Many years of experience using the plant by Indians proves its effectiveness in treating female infertility, as well as animal infertility.

peruvian poppy for men

Peruvian poppy is used not only to increase sexual activity. Its use also ensures the normal functioning of various organs and systems of the body. The use of seeds and powder of Peruvian maki is useful for strengthening the heart and blood vessels, the body's defenses, improving metabolism, rejuvenation, toning, stimulating mental activity, improving memory, getting rid of depression, panic attacks, and normalizing hormonal levels.

An important feature of this tool is that when it is used, side effects do not occur. Unfortunately, Peruvian poppy is not sold at the pharmacy. You can buy it only from the manufacturer.

For healthy skin and hair

Maki root powder is used to cleanse the skin of acne and blemishes, reduce its sensitivity, and make it firm and elastic. With the regular use of such a product, the skin smoothes, looks young and fresh, and wrinkles are reduced. Maca root is an active ingredient in many cosmetics.

As part of shampoos and conditioners, this plant helps to increase the volume and shine of hair. Masks, which include Peruvian poppy, improve hair growth, prevent hair loss.

For life energy

Regular consumption of Peruvian ginseng root leads to increased stamina, relieves chronic fatigue and stress, gives energy and vitality. It is used as additional nutrition for athletes, which allows to increase muscle mass and physical endurance. Children who eat maca daily grow and develop faster.

Peruvian Maki Powder

Peruvian poppy helps to increase the level of dehydroepiandrosterone and cortisones, so its use is recommended for older people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Natural substances in the plant provide stimulation of the pituitary and hypothalamus.

To increase libido and normalize hormone levels

Peruvian poppy for men is useful in that it is a natural aphrodisiac, helps to strengthen potency and sex drive, normalizes the balance of hormones in the body. The plant contributes to increased libido in women. In addition, the poppy root helps to regulate the menstrual cycle, eliminates the signs of PMS, and alleviates the condition during menopause. During menopause, Peruvian maki powder is used to eliminate vaginal dryness, hot flashes, increase libido, and normalize mood.

In postmenopausal women, small doses of the drug are useful, which helps maintain a normal level of hormones in the body and slow down the aging process.

Infertility treatment

The active components of poppies contribute to improving the quality of sperm, increasing their motility, as well as maintaining a normal level of testosterone in the body of a man.

Peruvian poppy is also used to treat female infertility. When it is consumed, more eggs are produced. The biochemical substance that is contained in this plant provides stimulation of the brain and reproductive organs.

maca peruvian how to take

Against depression

The root of Peruvian ginseng is a good remedy for depression, relieves anxiety and anxiety, improves mood, and activates brain activity.

Osteoporosis Prevention

This problem is more common in women after 35 years. In addition, a lot of calcium is lost during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. When a plant powder is consumed, bone calcification occurs, which prevents osteoporosis. With arthritis and rheumatism, Peruvian poppy is also effective.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant has no side effects when used in the usual dose. In case of an overdose, diarrhea, headaches, abdominal pain, sleep disturbances, flatulence, increased pressure can be observed. Due to the fact that the use of poppies leads to an increase in estrogen levels, body weight may increase.
The use of Peruvian ginseng is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as people who have thyroid disease.

Cooking Maca

Maca is eaten mainly in fresh and dried form. It can be fried, stewed and baked with other vegetables or meat. From a dried plant, flour is made to make pies, pancakes and other bakery products. In addition, crushed and dried poppies are used for the production of low alcohol drinks such as beer and liquors.

Maca Peruvian contraindications

When choosing a root crop, it is important to pay attention to its appearance. It is best to take medium-sized tubers, hard and heavy, without any damage, stains or cracks. Fresh fruits are stored in a cold place for no more than 7 days. The dried plant can be stored for several years at room temperature.

Features of the reception

For various purposes, Peruvian poppy plant powder is used. How to take it correctly? Powder intake should be started with a minimum amount and gradually increase the dosage to one to three teaspoons per day. For prevention, five grams of powder per day is enough. Therapeutic dose - 10-12 gr.

Take according to this scheme - after six days of admission, a break for one day. The powder can be added to warm drinks, salads or cereals. It is undesirable to take the drug before bedtime, since it has the ability to tone the body.

peruvian poppy application

With regular use of poppies, immunity increases, the body's resistance to various diseases, stress resistance, intellectual activity is activated.


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