Rabbits french ram: reviews, breeding, care, features of the breed, feeding rules and description with photo

Owners of farmsteads in Russia most often breed, of course, rabbits with erect ears. But some farmers also contain a rather unusual and rare breed of such animals - French rams. Animals of this species grow very large and are relatively unpretentious. Judging by the reviews, keeping French rabbits in the compound is very beneficial.

Breed history

As can already be judged by the name, this breed was bred in France. For the first time such animals began to contain in the XIX century. English lop-eared rabbits and German giants became the parents of the breed.

French sheep rabbits

The main distinguishing feature of French rams are hanging ears. In nature, such animals do not occur. The result of the appearance of all lop-eared rabbits was once an ordinary mutation. Some farmers liked the original appearance of such animals and they decided to fix this feature. At the moment, the most common variety of lop-eared rabbits is precisely the French ram. These animals have earned the best reviews from farmers.

French ram rabbit: breed description

The best results on the farm can be achieved, of course, by growing purebred animals. At the moment, the characteristics of the French ram are fixed as a standard for all fold rabbits. The main features of this breed are:

  • massive long case;

  • wide back;

  • deep chest;

  • strong strong legs;

  • Thick and beautiful fur.

The ears of these rabbits can reach a length of 60-70 cm. Representatives of this breed of the following colors can be bred on farms:

  • light straw;

  • variegated;

  • black

  • white

  • gray.

A photo of a French ram rabbit can be seen in the article. As you can see, these animals look really unusual and cute.

Is it profitable to contain

In terms of productivity, the characteristics of the French sheep rabbits, judging by the reviews of farmers, are very good. This breed belongs, of course, to the meat group. These rabbits earned good reviews from farmers, among other things, for their quick weight gain. Body weight in adult sheep can reach 4-8 kg. Some individuals even gain weight in 10 kg.

Rabbits in the aviary

Also, the undoubted advantage of the French ram is, in the opinion of the owners of farmsteads, fertility. At one time, the female of this breed can bring up to 12 rabbits.


So, above we gave a detailed description of the French ram rabbits. But what is the nature of the representatives of this breed? Of course, French rams, like any other rabbits, have a rather active temperament. Animals are mobile, strong and quite hardy. The nature of these animals is consistent with their attractive, pretty appearance. As many owners of farmsteads say, representatives of this breed are usually very friendly and balanced. That is why such rabbits, despite their large sizes, are sometimes kept in apartments as pets.

Farmers about the breed of rabbits French ram: reviews

The complaisant nature of the absolute dignity of this species is considered, of course, by all owners. This feature of the breed, among other things, makes it easier to care for it. For example, many owners of suburban areas contain queens of this breed along with young animals. In separate cells on farms specializing in the cultivation of French sheep, usually only pregnant females and production rabbits are planted.

This breed belongs to the meat direction of productivity. However, from these animals, among other things, you can get very large skins. For this, French sheep rabbits, reviews from farmers also earned very good.

Rabbit keeping

Owners of farmsteads consider the rather high cost of young animals to be some disadvantage of this breed. The price of such purebred rabbits often reaches 5000 r. At ordinary sellers, such young animals can be purchased for 700-1000 r.

Another small drawback of the breed, farmers consider a weak digestive tract. The choice of food for French sheep should be approached with all responsibility. Rotten foods, moldy, sour, etc., should not be given to such rabbits.

Conditions of detention

One of the features of French sheep is their unpretentiousness in care. These rabbits are large in size, and therefore experienced owners of farmsteads are advised to keep them in spacious enclosures. But if desired, the farm, of course, can be equipped with cages. It is also necessary to select such "dwellings" for rams as large as possible.

Among other things, when buying cells, you need to pay attention to the design of their sex. French sheep should be kept exclusively on slatted floors. The fact is that representatives of this breed often fall ill with pododermatitis, manifested by ulcers on the paws. Therefore, in cages with such animals should be as clean as possible.

Breeding French sheep

French sheep rabbits French frosts, reviews of which are positive on the Web and therefore, are practically not afraid. However, in winter, it is better to bring cells with them into the insulated barn. In the aviary, special shelters should be arranged for animals. The sheep’s ears are quite long, and in severe cold they can freeze to various kinds of metal structures.

How to feed

Fast weight gain is one of the undoubted advantages of French ram rabbits. In the photo below, you can see how big such animals can grow. However, representatives of this breed will gain weight well and quickly, of course, only if they are properly fed.

The ration of French rams is practically no different from the “menu” of rabbits of any other breeds. The only, as already mentioned, owners of farmsteads involved in breeding this species of animals should as carefully as possible ensure that they receive fresh and high-quality feed.

Sizes of ram rabbit

Of course, among other things, the diet of French sheep should be quite diverse. All types of feed intended for farm animals should be given to rabbits of this breed:

  • rude;

  • juicy;

  • concentrated.

In winter, sheep rabbits must receive large amounts of hay, and in summer grass. This type of food should be offered to animals at least twice a day. Grass for French sheep should be selected with caution. For example, celandine and nightshade, including tops of potatoes and tomatoes, they should not be given in any case. This is very likely to lead to an upset digestive tract of animals or even to their death.

Of the succulent feeds for French sheep, carrots are most suitable. It can be given to these rabbits in unlimited quantities. Also, from this group of feeds, such animals are often offered cabbage, zucchini, fruits. But you can’t overfeed French sheep with such food. The same goes for beets. This root crop in small quantities is allowed to be given only to adult rabbits. In small beets, stomachs often begin to hurt.

Of the concentrates, the French sheep, like any other rabbits, are offered mainly crushed barley. Bran is usually added to it from the same cereal. If desired, a little oats can be mixed in barley for sheep. Rabbits, including sheep, are not recommended to give wheat. In addition to barley and oats, corn is considered a good concentrated feed for such animals.

Since French sheep are fattened for meat, boiled potatoes can be offered to them from time to time to accelerate weight gain. Small quantities of dry white bread are also given to rabbits.

Feeding schedule

Food rabbits usually put in cages or cages three times a day. In the morning and evening, animals are most often offered concentrates, and in the afternoon - root crops. Rabbits can be given grass at every feeding. It is this diet that contributes to the rapid gain in body weight by animals.

Of course, rabbits in cages and cages, among other things, should always have clean fresh drinking water. Check for its presence and, if necessary, should be changed at each feeding.

French sheep feeding


French ram rabbits from farmers earned good reviews, including for fertility. It will not be difficult to increase the number of such animals in the economy. Representatives of this breed breed fast enough. The case of producers is carried out in a cage in a rabbit. The offspring of a female French ram is hatched for quite some time - 30-32 days. In most cases, rabbits give birth to 6-7 cubs.

Unfortunately, no more than 10 babies can feed a female of this breed. If they are suddenly born more, she will bite the “extra ones" or throw them out of the nest. To prevent this from happening, check the mother liquor to the owner of the compound is to try immediately after the round. If there are more than 10 cubs, 2-3 will have to be planted by some other recently born female.

Care in the apartment

As already mentioned, urban sheep are quite often kept by urban residents as pets. In this case, care for the rabbit should be the same as on the farm. But when keeping French sheep in an apartment, the owners usually additionally:

  • from time to time comb out their favorites;

  • constantly check the condition of their long ears.

Maintenance in the apartment

Handle a French ram when kept in an apartment should be as delicate as possible. The health and constitution of such animals is not as strong as that of the same cats and dogs. And therefore, squeeze, squeeze, or, for example, throw the French ram from the bed to the floor is not worth it in any case. A particularly weak spot in these rabbits, as in almost any other, is the nose. If an animal hits it with something hard, it may even die.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44611/

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