Business mission assignment - formality or protection?

The direction of the employee on a business trip is accompanied by the compulsory execution of the following documents: official assignment for a business trip, order and travel certificate. As a rule, the employee takes the necessary funds in advance in the sub-report, filling out the appropriate application. Or payment of business trips is carried out upon returning to a permanent place of work, and the company reimburses the money spent. In both cases, the basis for payment is an advance report and documents confirming certain expenses (tickets to the destination and back, hotel bill, per diem).

Business trip assignment

The amount can be transferred to a personal account or received in cash at the cash desk of the organization. The trip report is carried out within three business days after its completion. In the case of a trip abroad, the period is increased to ten days.

The order of sending on a business trip is a unified form. It is prepared most often in the personnel department. Further, the document is signed by the head of the organization, and its number, date and name are recorded in a separate register of orders for business trips. The seconded employee gets acquainted with the order for signature and receives a copy in his hands.

business trip order

An official assignment for a business trip is a mandatory document, as it reflects the content of the trip. Before this document will be signed by the head of the organization, it is approved by the immediate supervisor of the employee. It is important to know that there are certain categories of employees protected by law and having the right to refuse a business trip:

- pregnant women;

- women with children under 3 years old;

- employees under the age of 18;

- employees working in the organization on the basis of a student agreement and sent on a business trip not related to training;

- single parents, if the child has not reached 5 years;

- parents raising a disabled child;

- employees caring for a sick family member.

payment of business trips

An official assignment for a business trip can have a flip side, where the above categories of citizens are listed and graphs are given for the employee - refusal / consent to the business trip, full name, full name, position and date of signing. Both facts (consent or disagreement) imply only a written confirmation form. Strict compliance with legal requirements when filling out a document will save you from conflict situations.

In addition, the job assignment for the trip contains a progress report, which is summarized by the employee himself. And this action must be confirmed by personal signature both the immediate boss and the head of the company. In order to avoid problems with the report on the trip to the accounting department, it is necessary to verify the identity of the data in the entire package of documents. Any discrepancies in the surname, first name, patronymic or dates of the trip will require adjustment, documentary justification and additional waste of time.


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