How to fry shrimp. Tips from experienced craftsmen

Recently, seafood has thoroughly entered our daily diet. Now no one will be surprised at the presence on the table of sushi, octopus, mussels or shrimp. These exotic products clearly pleased and even became a favorite dish for many. At home, the easiest way to cook shrimp. These small crustaceans are easy to process and look spectacular on the served table. They can be boiled, fried or stewed. An excellent result is guaranteed in any case. There are several ways to fry shrimp. The first option is the easiest. Of the products we need: frozen shrimp, vegetable oil, salt, butter, spices and quite a bit of lemon juice.

The cooking process from A to Z

how to fry shrimp

  1. Defrost seafood. To do this, do not resort to using a microwave or hot water. Everything should go naturally.
  2. For defrosted foods, remove the head, shell and all the insides.
  3. Squeeze fresh juice from the lemon .
  4. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire.
  5. Put the shrimps in the heated oil and lightly pour them with the prepared juice.
  6. The main thing is how to fry shrimp - it is not to leave them for a long time without attention. The product must be constantly turned over for uniform processing. Fry should be 5-6 minutes, no more.
  7. Then sprinkle shrimp with spices, add a slice of butter for flavor and mix well. Remove the pan from the stove, cover and leave for 2-3 minutes.

how to fry shrimp
There is another option for how to fry shrimp. But it is more complex and requires additional products. For 350 grams of thawed crustaceans, take 150 grams of cream (20%), a couple of tablespoons of white wine, 20 grams of butter, spices and salt.

And you need to cook the dish like this.

  1. Put the peeled shrimps in a frying pan with preheated butter and warm them up for a couple of minutes, constantly turning over.
  2. Add the remaining products according to the recipe, mix and boil for 10 minutes until the amount of sauce is halved.
  3. Put out the fire and cover the dish. Leave for 5 minutes to infuse, and then put the shrimp on a plate. It will be nice to sprinkle them with chopped green onions. This will add freshness to the product and decorate the dish.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to fry shrimp. The main thing is to do everything with desire and put your soul into your work.

how to fry tiger prawns

Tiger prawns in fragrant batter

Of course, messing with small crustaceans is boring and not entirely pleasant. You can simplify your task and purchase tiger shrimps in the store. These individuals are much larger than the rest, which greatly facilitates the work. There are individual specimens that weigh more than half a kilogram. Soups, salads and various sauces are prepared from these giants. They are boiled or fried in boiling fat. There are many options. Let's look at how to fry tiger prawns in a very unusual way. To do this, you need: 0.5 kilograms of shrimp, vegetable oil and 200 grams of coconut flakes (for breading). And for batter you will need 1 egg, salt, 0.5 cups of flour and light beer.

Once all the products are ready, you can begin the process:

  1. Defrost the shrimp, cut off the head, remove the carapace and remove the entrails.
  2. Using a fork or whisk, prepare a batter.
  3. Pour coconut flakes into a separate plate.
  4. First, dip each shrimp in a batter, then roll it thoroughly in chips. Fold the pieces processed in this way on a plate and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Then take a deep frying pan and boil vegetable oil in it. Next, carefully dip the breaded pieces into it and wait until they pop up. It will take about three minutes, and the shrimps themselves will be covered with a delicious golden crust during this time.
  6. Remove the fried slices with a slotted spoon on a napkin to stack excess fat. Now you can safely put them on a dish and serve greens to your taste. It can be green onions or lettuce - whoever likes it.

Boiled shrimp is easier to cook

how to fry boiled shrimp

In stores, you can often find already boiled shrimp. They are, in principle, already ready for use. It remains only to defrost - and you can serve it to the table. But it will be even tastier if the product is subjected to additional heat treatment. There are several options for frying boiled shrimp. Let's consider the simplest one. Of the products you will need: the shrimp themselves, salt, herbs, black pepper, a clove of garlic and half a lemon.

Everything is done simply:

  1. First you need to defrost the product. The process can be accelerated by pouring boiling water on it and letting it stand for a while.
  2. Put the shrimp on a napkin for 5 minutes to glass the water.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a pan and pour dried shrimp into it. Add salt, chopped garlic, pepper, lemon juice and fry with constant stirring.
  4. 2 minutes before the end of frying, pour the greens and mix everything again.
  5. Put the finished product on a plate and serve immediately. This dish looks very impressive. It is perfect for beer, but you can eat just like that.


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