How to plant strawberries? How to choose a site?

The yield of berry crops largely depends on compliance with the rules of planting. Many gardeners do not know how to plant strawberries correctly, therefore, as a result, they are disappointed even in the best varieties. To get juicy and large berries, you need to take good care of the plant: pick a plot, fertilize, water, etc. It must be borne in mind that strawberries love loose, structured soils rich in nutrients. The earth should be rested, best of all, if before that it had grown cereals, cereals or legumes. The situation is worse with representatives of nightshade. If strawberries used to grow on the plot, then at least three years must pass before returning it.

how to plant strawberries
Berry crops cause great damage to the larvae of various insects. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to plant strawberries correctly, but also how to prepare the soil. If the site is located near wild fields or forest stands, then in the ground there may be wireworm or May bug beetles. In this case, you need to dig the territory, select pests manually or pour soil with ammonia water per 2 l per 10 m 2 . At a high level of acidity, the soil should be grown. Strawberries love space, so clogged areas with wheatgrass and other perennial weeds do not suit her. In extreme cases, rhizomes must be selected in advance, but chemical herbicides are not recommended, because toxic substances can be absorbed into the berries.

It is important to know how to plant strawberries correctly, because it depends on it whether it will take root in a new place. Berry crops are usually planted with seedlings in early spring or early autumn. If you follow all the rules of agricultural cultivation, then strawberries will bring the crop in the first year. The soil should not be very wet, but not too dry. It is best to plant seedlings in the ground in late August or early September, because late planting can contribute to the death of plants.

how to plant strawberries photo
In order for a plant to take root, it is important to know how to plant strawberries. Photos of sites of other gardeners will help determine the choice of location of the berry culture on the territory. For planting, you need to select seedlings with a healthy root system. Dense bushes are not recommended. Many gardeners are interested in how to plant strawberries beautifully. To do this, you must adhere to the following scheme: row spacings need to be made about 80-100 cm wide, and planted in a row of plants at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

how beautiful to plant strawberries
Two days before planting, the seedlings should be kept in a cool place. If the site is not fertilized in advance, then directly in the holes you need to put ash, humus, peat. The ground should be moist, but not wet. You can plant seedlings in dry soil, but then you must water it. In order for the plants to take root, it is important to know how to plant strawberries correctly. The roots must be placed vertically, their length should not exceed 9 cm. The root neck must be placed on one level with the ground. During the first two weeks, plants should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist, then the beds can be mulched with hay.


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