Antivirus comparison: choose the most reliable. Comparison of corporate antiviruses

Today under consideration is a comparison of antiviruses. Modern antivirus programs give us quite a few guarantees and opportunities. But you can often notice how some say that their antivirus is better, and the one that stands, say, in the office of "Uncle Petit from Entrance 5", is several times worse. Therefore, we will try to compare antiviruses. The table of possible software options can be quite voluminous, so let's see what users say after using several of the most popular means of protecting your computer from malware.

antivirus comparison

What antiviruses get rid of

But first, let's try to figure out with you what antiviruses can protect and cure the operating system from. Of course, as already mentioned, from malicious files. But what is dangerous about them? What are they like? Let's get a look. This is important for our comparison, because some antiviruses are better at finding one type of computer infection, while others successfully fight other pests in the system.

So, the first kind of “infection” is trojans. They are able to steal user data, as well as damage the operating system. They are considered the most dangerous and "dodgy."

Worms are the second virus you may encounter. It was distributed about 10 years ago. It does not pose any particular danger to the system, unless it clogs it with its data, which slows down the computer. Efficiency in the fight against worms is a significant factor when comparing antiviruses for Android. After all, if such a system begins to "stall", then you can forget about the comfortable operation of a smartphone or tablet.

antivirus comparison table

Spam is the third type of computer infection that can be encountered by every user. Such programs are quite diverse in their effect. They can either simply display advertising banners or steal data. It is worth considering spam in the "running" state (when the computer is very slow) a very dangerous type of virus, the same as trojans.

Difficult choice

If we compare corporate antiviruses, then, most likely, there will not be any special problems. Indeed, for these purposes it is usually customary to buy some well-known brands and even pay large sums of money for them.

But the situation is a little different if you are the most ordinary ordinary user. Agree, no one wants to pay several thousand Russian rubles for a program that does not provide you with guarantees that it will work perfectly and protect your computer. If everything was as promised, then viruses would cease to create at all. Unprofitable this case is to try to infect a computer on which there is an antivirus with 100 percent data protection.

Unfortunately, as already mentioned, not a single paid anti-virus program guarantees that it will completely cope with its task - not to let computer infection into the operating system. And then the first important question arises before the user: which antivirus to choose - paid or free? If you buy, then which one? In order to help people in their choice, we will compare the effectiveness of antiviruses. Let's get down to exploring the topic soon.

Worm search

So, the first thing to do is turn to such an indicator as the detection and treatment of worms. As you can see, for a computer this type of computer infection is not particularly dangerous. Rather unpleasant. With all this, it is necessary to cure the system of such viruses.

corporate antivirus comparison

Let's try to compare antiviruses Spy Hunter, Kaspersky, Dr.Web and Nod32. These are fairly popular and common device security features. So what about them regarding worm search?

An incomparable leader here is a free utility designed specifically for "catching" a particularly "cunning" computer infection - Spy Hunter. For her, the search for worms is quite a common thing. Kaspersky handles this task a little worse. However, it is often used as a corporate antivirus. After all, in offices, as a rule, the likelihood of getting some dangerous virus is pretty low. Nod32 handles worm searches a little better. As many users note, on an equal footing with Spy Hunter, Dr.Web copes with these pests. In principle, if you are counting on the integrity of the company’s employees (more precisely, on the fact that they will only visit sites “at work”), then you can choose any of them.


Well, now let's compare antiviruses by a more important indicator. Probably every user has ever come across such a “thing” as a Trojan horse. A very nasty virus that is dangerous for the operating system. Now let's see what users say about our security software options.

Spy Hunter is not particularly good at finding these pests. In general, this free antivirus was created only for a personal computer, and mainly for the detection of worms and spyware. You should not count on the fact that he will be able to detect trojans perfectly. Only with the constant updating of the database is it possible to quite successfully cope with this task.

Kaspersky, too, perhaps, is now not coping with this task as well as we would like. This is a good antivirus (both software for individuals and corporate versions), but only until you come across something that’s very dangerous and "tricky". True, we are talking about versions for the PC. For “Android”, “Casper” is quite enough. Nod32 fights with Trojan horses in the same way as Spy Hunter.

antivirus comparison for android

The natural leader here is Dr. Web Users are pleased with the work of this antivirus in the field of search and treatment of the system from trojans.


Now let's compare antiviruses by the quality of curing the operating system from a variety of spam. Indeed, now every second computer is infected with this particular computer infection. Sometimes it’s too difficult to catch and remove banner ads and browser hijackers.

The leader in the fight against spam is Spy Hunter, because this antivirus was created specifically for the fight against spyware and advertising. In second place is Nod32. He’s not so good at fighting advertising. Indeed, sometimes this anti-virus tends to erase quite important files that could be cured. True, Kaspersky is doing even worse with this task. Sometimes he is able to take an absolutely normal link for advertising. Regarding Dr.Web, we can only say that it is also very good at finding and removing spam. If you decide to choose an antivirus that is designed specifically for this purpose, then stop at Hunter or Doctor (including Android).


Next, you can stop at such an important point as the detection of spyware. These are applications that can steal personal information from you pretty quickly. Sometimes a comparison of the effectiveness of antiviruses begins with this point, because this topic becomes more and more relevant every day.

Among our antivirus products today, Spy Hunter is the unrivaled leader. This program is simply ideal for finding spyware, as well as for cleaning the system from this infection. Nod32 and Dr.Web are doing a little worse. In principle, this is quite logical: some antiviruses are designed to fight mainly with trojans and dangerous viruses, and some are for the detection and treatment of everything else.

Worst of all, according to users, "Kaspersky" copes with this task. So if you decide to choose a good antivirus (whether it is corporate or not), which fights spyware perfectly, then it is better to stop at Nod32 or Dr.Web. For personal (home) use, it is advisable to supplement the anti-virus protection with the Spy Hunter utility.

antivirus performance comparison

Conflict and error

Well, the antivirus comparison has almost come to an end. True, there are still a couple of points that you should pay special attention to when choosing the corporate version of the “antivirus”. It is about compatibility with equipment, other software, and, of course, about giving false signals.

The most “loyal” is Spy Hunter. He is the least in conflict with programs and applications, and also least of all "swears" at them. In addition, stamping false messages about the presence of a virus in an absolutely “healthy” file is not its thing. All this cannot be said about Kaspersky. Users note that it very often conflicts with applications, blocks utilities, and also accepts "healthy" files as infected. This is not dangerous by all means until the system files start to get under suspicion.

Nod32 is less in conflict, and also much better combined with software. Dr.Web "works" even better. Probably, if you choose a corporate antivirus, as well as a tool for protecting software based on Android, taking into account conflict and reliability, it is best to dwell on the Doctor.

To summarize

If you look at the table below, you can see how users relate to the anti-virus programs we have taken for comparison. Their effectiveness was evaluated according to several rather important criteria. This table will help you determine which software option and for which type of virus is best used.

Comparison of antiviruses on a 10-point scale (according to users)
AntivirusWormsTrojansSpammingSpywareFalse signalsConflict with softwareAdditional utilities
Spy hunter1081010211

In conclusion, we note: the decision about which antivirus to choose is up to you. It is best to dwell on paid versions, and then supplement them with free utilities. So you can protect your data as much as possible.


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