Mullein fertilizer: how to cook and use?

Korovyak is a fertilizer that has been used by gardeners, summer residents and in industrial agriculture since time immemorial. It is known as cow dung. In popularity, this fertilizer is superior to all other organic counterparts. Korovyak finds its application not only in agriculture, but also in some other industries of other states.

Litter manure

In this case, the mullein fertilizer is prepared interspersed with straw or peat. In the manufacture of the latter, compost is obtained, which is rich in ammonia nitrogen, which is readily available to plants. Hay and straw enrich it with phosphorus and potassium, which helps plants undergo stressful conditions, increasing their growth rate. Such a mullein can serve as the basis for composting.

Cow as a source of mullein

Litterless manure

Mullein fertilizer is a fluid mixture that is averaged over density. There are no impurities of peat, hay, straw. It has much more ammonia nitrogen compared to the litter variety. At the same time, it is practically devoid of potassium and phosphorus. A solution is prepared from it, with which the garden is watered.


It is a liquid fertilizer. Its introduction is carried out when diluted with water. For cooking, it is placed in a fermentation tank for two weeks, after which water is added to it in a ratio of 1: 2. Superphosphate at a dose of 50 g per 10 l is also added to this. It contains a large amount of nitrogen and potassium.

Mullein liquid fertilizer

This fertilizer is a liquid form of mullein. It can be used in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Like any other type of mullein, it has a low phosphorus content, so it is better to add superphosphate when using slurry.

Mullein species by degree of decomposition

In this case, the fertilizer is divided into the following types:

  • fresh and slightly decomposed - the color of the straw is natural, its strength is preserved;
  • half-matured - the straw becomes dark brown, the tensile strength is weak;
  • rotted - in the form of litter, the straw blackens and crumbles when rubbed;
  • humus - a homogeneous mass similar to chernozem.

Beneficial features

The use of mullein contributes to the following:

  • improving the fertility of heavy soils;
  • the creation of small agronomically valuable aggregates in the soil, which are considered the most optimal for growing crops, since they contribute to resisting water erosion;
  • converts insoluble soil compounds into forms readily available to plants;
  • promotes the reproduction of beneficial microflora in the soil, and also forms additional organic matter, which is part of humus.
Marsh soil from mullein

The use of organic matter, in particular mullein, improves the structure of the soil, including light soils, which become more cohesive. In heavy soils, aeration of the roots and air access to them improves. In the latter, manure can decompose within 7 years, while in sandy and sandy loam this process is completed in 3-4 years.

How to make mullein fertilizer?

For cooking, a large capacity tank is used. 5 buckets of water are added to it on a bucket of rotten cow manure, after which they are thoroughly mixed, insisted for 2 weeks, mixing the contents daily. Before dressing, the solution is again diluted in a ratio of 1: 8. The more dry the soil, the more water needs to be added to the fertilizer. It is better not to store the prepared solution for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to do it as much as you need to make one time.

How to make mullein fertilizer

The unpleasant odor formed during the mixing of mullein fertilizer can be eliminated by adding silica powder. The resulting fertilizer is applied to the soil at a rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2 .


In India, manure is used not only as a fertilizer, but also as a raw material in the pharmaceutical industry. It is used as a base when creating tablets. The composition of the fertilizer (mullein) is as follows: a large amount of nitrogen, potassium, a significant amount of phosphorus. In addition, it contains trace elements that depend on the feed consumed by the cows. Each ton contains on average 4-5 kg โ€‹โ€‹of nitrogen, 2 kg of phosphorus and about 5-6 kg of potassium.


One year after storage, a rotted mullein is obtained. Fertilizer is applied for digging, both autumn and spring. It can be added when mulching. The need to use mullein as a fertilizer is established by the appearance of the plants. It must be used in the following cases:

  • pale underdeveloped leaves;
  • thin stalk.

The following plants respond best to the use of fertilizer:

  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • salads;
  • pepper;
  • Tomatoes
  • beet;
  • cucumbers.
Using mullein as a fertilizer

Poorly react to the introduction of mullein:

  • radish;
  • radish;
  • peas;
  • carrot.

In the latter, it gives many additional branches. Peas and other leguminous plants grow well with the introduction of mullein, but the formation of inflorescences is weak, as is fruiting. No need to use kohlrabi under cabbage. This is due to the fact that the flesh becomes stiff and hollow. Fresh manure is not applied to onion vegetables.

In the case of mullein fertilizing watermelons and other pumpkin vegetables, it is applied during the seedling growth period, before planting them in the soil for 2 days. This rule must be observed. Fertilization with liquid mullein is carried out in holes or furrows, without watering from above, which can burn plants and lead to their death. Top dressing stops about a month before harvesting. In the case of fresh fertilizer, it is used in the fall by spreading over the plot at the rate of 400 kg per one hundredth, after which cultivation is carried out. An exception is the introduction of fresh manure for cucumbers. In this case, it is introduced in the spring during the formation of the beds. This is due to the fact that when decomposed, the mullein generates a lot of heat, which these vegetables need.

Mullein fertilizer for watermelon

Fresh manure is not introduced into the planted beds, since it is possible to get a burn of the root system. In addition, it contains weed seeds, as well as pathogenic microorganisms. Rotted manure is used in doses that are an order of magnitude lower compared to those of fresh fertilizer. Humus can be used for all plants. It is believed that it is enough to make manure once every 3 years. However, when cultivating row crops, which carry many nutrients from the soil, it can be used more often. When fertilizing fruit trees, it is applied under trunks with watering. In addition, with its help it is possible to carry out mulching in the aisles of strawberries or other stunted berries.

Mullein Storage

In this process, the formation of pathogenic microorganisms in manure must be prevented. To do this, carry out the following activities:

  • make large heaps that will contribute to better preservation of fertilizer;
  • the best storage is provided with the cold method, which consists in laying mullein on a site with compacted soil, while the fertilizer is covered with earth, peat or leaves, the layer of which should be 30 cm or more;
  • phosphorite flour wakes up between separate layers of fertilizer;
  • slurry is stored in closed containers.
Mullein Storage

A more effective way is considered when the manure is placed in pits in layers with a mandatory ramming of each of them. From above everything is covered with straw or leaves. In this case, after 5 months, rotted manure containing a large amount of nitrogen will be obtained, while during loose storage most of it will evaporate.


What is mullein as fertilizer? It is used to feed various cultivated plants as a source of organics. Under some of them, its fresh form cannot be used, since this leads to different deformities of the fruits, and also contributes to the accumulation of an excessive amount of nitrates. It is better to use rotted manure or humus. In this case, the application rate is reduced, the effectiveness of the action is increased. Mullein contributes to the structuring of the soil, increases its fertility. For effective use, you need to properly store this fertilizer.


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