Keratin straightening: before and after, pros and cons

Girls are often interested in the condition of the hair before and after keratin straightening. And having learned about a positive result, everyone wants to try this procedure on themselves. In fact, this type of straightening has not only advantages, but also disadvantages that must be taken into account before signing up for a session.

The article provides information on how hair looks after keratin straightening, reviews, photos, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. All this must be studied by every fashionista who has decided to go to a session with a specialist or to conduct it herself at home.

after keratin straightening

What it is

Before you learn about the condition before and after keratin hair straightening, you need to understand what this procedure is all about. In fact, it is not as bad as it might seem at first glance. It allows you to cure curls and restore their structure. At the same time, the effect of keratin provides the straightening of hairs and gives them silkiness, natural radiance and smoothness. After the procedure, the hair structure is in no way violated and does not change. Thanks to this, such a straightening method is considered today the most effective and safe.


The main advantage of the procedure is the fact that after keratin straightening, you don’t have to think about how you need to quickly get together in the morning and put your hair in order, since it will initially look gorgeous. The positive aspects of this service include:

  • almost 100 percent straightening of any hair, including problematic hard or curly curls;
  • lack of restrictions on the type of hair;
  • maintaining the ideal condition of curls after a session for 4-5 months;
  • protection of hairs from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • the possibility of forming an ideal hairstyle with just combing, which takes no more than a minute;
  • colored strands before straightening do not lose their color and after the procedure for 3-4 months;
  • repeated rectification will require less time and money, since it will be made much easier;
  • the treated hairs gain strength and heal.
consequences after keratin straightening photo

All this can be achieved with a keratin procedure if:

  • there are no individual contraindications to the use of a straightening composition;
  • the tool will be used proven;
  • all requirements for the care of curls after keratinization are observed;
  • Correctly consolidated the result immediately after the session.


Along with the advantages of keratin hair straightening (before and after photos are provided in the article), there are also disadvantages. They are very important to know before you go to the session. The most important negative point is the fact that formaldehyde is used in the procedure, which, with frequent interaction with the hair, destroys their structure. In addition, if safety measures are not followed, the composition of the product can lead to poisoning of the client and the master, because if heated, it becomes volatile and it will be very difficult to hide from its adverse effect.

What kind of hair is suitable

Some girls before and after keratin straightening are interested in whether, in general, this procedure is suitable specifically for their hair type. Surprisingly, they are not stopped by the fact that at the end of the session nothing can be changed, even if the tool turned out to be harmful for some reason.

Although this straightening is suitable for absolutely all types of hair, the end result is different:

  • on thin and soft strands, the effect will last much longer, but at the same time, they will take on the form of adhering hairs for 3-4 months, which will not be too noticeable;
  • owners of dense and fat curls will be able to say goodbye to excess volume, although the result will not be as long as we would like;
  • Normal hair will look naturally shiny and healthy for a long time.
consequences after keratin hair straightening

Rules of procedure

Today keratin straightening, the photo before and after which is in this article, is carried out in two variations.

  1. American It is considered mild, the composition of the product contains an order of magnitude less harmful substances, but its cost will be several times higher. The result in this case does not last very long, and with care problems arise over time.
  2. Brazilian A radical and long-term straightening for the development of Israeli specialists is designed for owners of curls. This option is convenient in that there are no strict care restrictions.

The straightening procedure lasts more than two hours. It all depends on the length of the curls. The session consists of three main stages:

  1. Washing hair with shampoo with the effect of deep cleansing and drying it with a hairdryer.
  2. Application of keratin mass starting from 1.5 cm from the ends, drying with a hairdryer.
  3. Processing the strands along the entire length with an iron heated to 230 degrees.

When keratinization, the basal region is not affected, so the growing hairs will be very different from the treated ones. This is precisely the need for systematic straightening procedures.

hair after keratin straightening reviews photos

At home

When the girls are going to have a session at home, they are even more interested in what condition the other ladies had before and after keratin straightening on their own. Although in practice it has been proven more than once that salon procedures give a much better result, fashionistas still try to conduct it on their own at home. Of course, you can do this, but you will have to spend much more time and money.

The procedure is carried out at home in the three steps provided above. The only caveat - a keratin mask will have to be purchased on your own in order to conduct a session, since it is a key component.


Due to the emission of formaldehyde vapor, there are several limitations to the application of the procedure. If a person has an individual sensitivity to a given substance, then such consequences can be expected:

  • burns of the mucous membranes;
  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • exacerbation of bronchitis, if any.

Since the human body reacts to a harmful substance in the keratin composition accumulatively, deterioration can occur only with a second procedure or even later. This suggests that women are forbidden to resort to such a procedure during gestation and lactation. Otherwise, there is a big risk of harming the baby's health and his own condition. Also, do not go to the session for people prone to allergies. Although such reactions are quite rare, they should not be ruled out.

care after keratin straightening


As a rule, the girls who completed the procedure are satisfied with the result. But some of them have consequences after keratin hair straightening, reviews about which are not entirely positive. Affected ladies indicate problems that overtook them some time after the session, and the most common of them are.

  1. Deterioration of general well-being during or immediately after the session. This is due to the individual reaction of the human body to the active substance or an allergy to keratin. In this case, repeated procedures are strictly prohibited.
  2. Fragility and hair loss increased. This phenomenon is observed if before that the girl did a lot of perms, often used a hot iron and lightened her curls.
  3. The repeated procedure did not bring the effect that was expected. This occurs in cases where the session is carried out earlier than the right time and if the interval between straightenings is not observed.

Here, such consequences after keratin hair straightening can overtake every client of the salon or a lady who performs all the same actions on her own. But if you follow all the rules, an unfavorable result is unlikely to appear. The reasons for such results can also include the following points:

  • use of low quality products;
  • ignoring contraindications;
  • severe damage and weakness of hair;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle that greatly affects the hair.

Photos of the consequences after keratin straightening are of little interest to anyone, because most girls hope only for the best result. In fact, this is exactly what happens in many cases, but there are units that are unlucky with this procedure.

keratin straightening before and after photos

After straightening care

Proper care after keratin straightening is necessary to maintain the results and the duration of the effect. It is important to observe it, since, otherwise, you can quickly worsen the condition of the hair, although it should remain chic for more than three months.

After keratin straightening, you can use special shampoos designed just for such curls. They definitely will not do harm, as they consist of natural plant components. In any case, it is precisely such tools that are worth choosing. It is also worth paying attention to sulfate-free shampoo after keratin straightening, which has only a beneficial effect.

In addition, proper care involves the allocation of several actions that in no case can be performed so as not to destroy keratin. These include:

  1. Exposure to hot water. You need to wash your hair with a warm or even cool liquid. From visiting baths and saunas it is better to refuse or visit extremely rarely.
  2. Washing with sulfate products. As mentioned above, it is best to use sulfate-free products.
  3. Dry hair in a wrinkled state. Do not immediately after straightening go to bed with wet curls, as well as put them under a hat or tie in this condition.
  4. Aggressive mechanical manipulations. Negative effect on keratin is combed, hairpins, elastic bands that tighten the strands tightly.
  5. Sea water. To the surprise of many people, and it is a destroyer of the rectifying substance. Even if the straightening was made shortly before going on vacation, you should not dive headlong, and it is best not to dive into the water above the chest at all. In addition, after each bath, just in case, it is recommended to treat curls with a special serum.

The opinion of hairdressers

Professionals who have been working in hairdressing for a long time often complain about their unscrupulous colleagues, because of which negative feedback has been received about keratin procedures. Unscrupulous hairdressers mean people who want to earn more money from their customers and give cheap and low-quality products for expensive and effective products. Because of this, confidence in the method is very much undermined, and it is becoming more and more difficult to restore it each time.

Hairdressers with extensive experience recommend that clients use such formulations for keratinization:

  • "Indola";
  • "THE CODE";
  • "Nanokeratin";
  • "Vitaker";
  • Global Keratin.

In addition, they give advice on choosing a method for changing hair. Experts say that in the absence of a desire to change the image, one can radically consider other procedures that will be less dangerous in themselves and during which it will be difficult for the master to cause damage to his visitor. For example, you can try lamination or a gelatin mask at home. Although these methods do not guarantee complete straightening and their effect is several times less in time than with keratinization, they will have to spend almost half as much money.

Reviews after keratin straightening

In conclusion, it is worth citing examples of reviews of real girls who performed the procedure using keratin on their own or contacted a beauty salon for this purpose. In most cases, they enthusiastically indicate the result obtained and the duration of the effect, which pleasantly surprised them.

effects after keratin hair straightening reviews

Some ladies decided to try the first session in the salon with a specialist, and the second, to save money, is already at home. Fortunately, the result was pretty good and not much different from the salon. Based on this, we can conclude that a visit to the master may be a waste of time.

Especially often about this type of procedure speaks girls with curls. Over time, this style is boring, and changing it is not so simple. Ladies with this problem indicate that keratin is the only sensible solution. They finally managed to get the desired shape of the hair and not think about how long they need to be combed to look decent. In addition, the girls enthusiastically point out their smoothness and natural radiance, which they had never seen before at all.


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