Shaper of reinforced concrete products and structures: job description, responsibilities

The molder of reinforced concrete products and structures is one of the most necessary vacancies in the construction services market. The professionalism of these specialists has a direct impact on the quality of manufactured products. The job description of the enterprise helps the applicant to clearly understand what will be required of him in the workplace.

General Provisions

The applicant is hired by issuing an order from the head of the company. Employment is possible after the candidate is submitted by an authorized person of the organization’s staff.

A vacancy molder of reinforced concrete products and structures requires a secondary vocational education. Also, the applicant must have at least one year of work experience. The length of service may vary depending on the professional level.

molder of reinforced concrete products and construction duties

The job description of the molder of reinforced concrete products and structures also provides for the subordination procedure in the performance of professional duties. According to this document, the person holding this position is subordinate to the shift supervisor, foreman or other person holding a managerial position in the workplace.

What should be guided by the applicant?

In any position, there are a number of documents and acts that serve as the main guide for a person in the performance of official duties. For the molded concrete goods there is also such a list.

In his work, the person holding this position is guided by:

  1. The provisions of the charter of a company or organization.
  2. The rules according to which the labor schedule is established.
  3. Orders and orders given by the direct manager or director of the organization.
etx molder of reinforced concrete products and structures

It is worth noting that the job description is also a guide for the activities of the molder of reinforced concrete products and structures. This is definitely worth considering when drawing up work instructions, and when hiring employees for work.

What should the applicant know?

When hiring, the employer has certain requirements for what the jobseeker needs to know before employment. This allows you to hire a qualified specialist who will be able to fulfill their immediate duties without much difficulty.

The molder of reinforced concrete products and structures must know the following:

  1. The principle and arrangement of the equipment that is being serviced.
  2. Requirements for the technological regulations of the process of molding the product or design.
  3. Rules by which drawings are read.
concrete shaper

Also included in this list is knowledge of how to disassemble and assemble forms. No less important in employment is the knowledge of the ways of transporting forms and finished products.

Key professional responsibilities

The molder of reinforced concrete products and structures has a wide range of professional duties that he performs in the course of his labor activity. The job descriptions spell out all types of work that must be performed as part of the production of a particular company.

The list of the main responsibilities of the molder of reinforced concrete products and structures includes:

  1. The formation of complex reinforced concrete products.
  2. Management of work related to cleaning, lubricating and folding installations and molds.
  3. Acceptance of forms and settings that have been processed.
  4. Installation of mounting loops and filling parts.
  5. Laying of reinforcement cage elements with increased folding and fixing in the form or installation in the position stipulated by the project.
  6. Fastening tensile reinforcement near the mold using a jack or tensioning stations.
  7. Filling the mold with concrete mixture and compacting the mixture.
  8. Installation of liners and cores.
  9. Slinging the product.
  10. Grouting open areas of the surface of the molded product.
  11. Disbanding of products with subsequent transportation to the processing station or in stacks.
concrete shaper

In addition to the above types of labor, the responsibilities of the person holding this position include the management of all the machines used to form reinforced concrete products. The exception is volume forming machines.

Examples of work performed

To complete the job description, the employer can place a list of products that the candidate will have to produce after employment. This allows the applicant to have a more complete picture of the work within a particular organization.

Examples of work may include:

  1. Solid blocks of internal walls or the same design with voids, partitions.
  2. Foundation blocks with a simple configuration.
  3. Side stone.
  4. Flat floor slabs and coatings.
  5. Tram, pavement and road plates.
  6. Landings.
  7. Piles reaching 6 m in length.
  8. Steps and treads, sleepers.
vacancy molder of reinforced concrete products and structures

Also, the list of executed products may include non-console columns, lintels, racks, poles and stepsons. This list can be supplemented with other options depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

Basic rights

Any employee has not only duties, but also rights. A person holding a vacancy in the moulder also has certain abilities during the performance of his professional duties.

The basic list of human rights in this position is as follows:

  1. The right to demand periodic training on labor protection.
  2. Possession of all necessary instructions, tools, protective equipment for work.
  3. The right to demand from management the provision of all necessary means.
    molder of reinforced concrete products and structures

A person holding the position of a moulder is also entitled to get acquainted with the collective agreement and the rules of the internal work schedule. The core list of rights also includes making suggestions for improving working technologies. This list can be supplemented with other items that depend on the specifics of the organization.

What is the molder responsible for?

Each position provides for some points for which the person who holds it is responsible. An employee employed as a molder of reinforced concrete structures and products also bears his responsibility.

The scope of obligations in this position includes non-performance or improper performance of their immediate duties to the extent established by labor legislation. The molder is also responsible for the misconduct committed during his career. Offenses are established within the limits defined by administrative, civil and criminal legislation.

Another area of ​​liability is material damage. Its limits are determined by the current labor, civil and criminal laws of the country.


The molder of products and structures made of reinforced concrete is a position in which there is its own responsibility, rights and obligations. Correctly written job description allows you to clearly limit this circle for employed employees and candidates. Also, the document examined allows us to show what is required of the applicant in order to get a job in the company that made this list. For the molder of reinforced concrete products and structures, ETKS will help the manager to prepare the correct instructions.


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