Natalya Tolstaya is a psychologist who will help solve your problems

Recently, it has become very fashionable to turn to experienced psychologists with their problems, who will help to figure out any situation. Cheating, drinking husband, how to behave on a first date - all these issues constantly torment us. In most situations, neither the best friend or boyfriend, nor mom will help you figure it out.

How can a psychologist help

psychologist Tolstaya

Natalia Tolstaya is a psychologist who knows solutions that will help get out of any situation. This beautiful woman combines such qualities as confidence, perseverance and firmness of character. She is a member of the International Psychotherapeutic League, as well as a candidate of medical sciences. They resort to her help not only in Russia, but also in many European countries. All her childhood passed with the dream of becoming a famous actress, but having matured a bit, Natalia realized that she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her parents, who had devoted their whole life to medicine.

Natalya Fat Psychologist

Tolstaya and her clients

As you know, popular people submit their personal lives to the public, from which, in fact, they suffer. Many famous personalities have become regular customers of Tolstoy, and believe that it helps not only to save the family, but also to choose the right solution in many dual situations. One of her main tips is: "Start with yourself!" Many solutions to problems Natalya Tolstaya (psychologist) advises you to start with introspection, thereby drawing the attention of your clients to the problems that lie in themselves. At the reception of a psychologist, businessmen, politicians and just ordinary people find answers to all questions of interest, many come out of a long depression. Natalia Tolstaya is a psychologist, the cost of admission for which depends on the complexity of the problem and the number of consultations, but approximately 30 minutes of consultation costs 1000-1500 p.

Books by Natalia Tolstoy

Natalya Tolstaya - psychologist not only by profession, but also by the internal state of the soul. All her tips and tricks will help you look at yourself or at the situation itself with different eyes.

the cost of admission at Tolstoy

Natalya Tolstaya is a psychologist whose books are unique and interesting. Each of them opens its eyes to the standard mistakes in life that each of us makes. Such creative works as “Mistress and Beloved”, “How to Become a Beloved and Only Wife”, “Between Sex and Love” help many women to understand burning questions regarding personal and intimate life.

Most of the books were written by Tolstoy from personal experience or the experience of the clients she helped. Reading a book you have acquired and completely immersing yourself in that world, you can transfer yourself completely to the existing problem and look at it from two sides - both female and male. For example, the book "Men's misfortunes" reveals all the experiences of the stronger sex, in some situations even with irony and sharp directness, which only attracts interest.

Treason brings the most intense experiences and the most severe pain to loving people. A “duel with treason” will help you to embark on a true path and understand which of the love triangle is superfluous, as well as what methods of winning back your beloved exist. Everyone will understand their problem, the main thing is to want.

Natalia Fat Psychologist Books

Tolstaya - an expert on TV shows

Most TV shows are happy to invite Tolstoy as an experienced and professional expert. Her advice on such TV shows as “Mirror of Life”, “Private Life”, “City of Women” and others help to figure out how to solve many problems, and those present are happy to hear advice on this topic. From the names of both books and television programs, in which the psychologist Tolstoy acts as an expert, it is clear that love relationships and problems in them are her main topic. Natalia Tolstoy had to disassemble and solve her first family problems. And how she did it, deserves respect not only from women, but also from men. After all, it costs a lot to return a husband who starts a new romance while waiting for an addition in the family, and besides, doing it right and wisely.

To date, there are many videos in which Natalya Tolstaya, as an experienced psychologist, gives advice to all who need help or advice. Of course, this is not a direct consultation with a professional, but, nevertheless, for many confused and those who need help, a video consultation gives a real hint of ways to get out of this problem.


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