Hair gel

Hair gel is considered one of the most popular styling products. There are many types of these products: a gel of strong fixation - hair, as if glued, and weak - gives the impression of disheveled. Gels for complex hairstyles, similar to those made by representatives of indigenous African peoples, are also on sale. For lovers of something extravagant and original, the modern market for styling products offers colored hair gel.

As a rule, these agents include cationic polymers. Due to their positive charge, they are attached to negatively charged amino acids located on the surface of keratin molecules, which make up the hair itself. It is for this reason that it is possible to create absolutely any hairstyle.

Some types of gel contain a small amount of alcohol. It has the ability to have a drying effect on the structure of the hair, as well as on the skin, this in turn can lead to dandruff. For this reason, many experts recommend using alcohol-free products to create hairstyles. Despite the composition, it is better not to use hair gel too often. It has the property of loosening the hair, making it brittle and also tough, and after some time there is a chance that they will fall out at all.

Hair styling gel must be applied to wet hair, you can immediately after washing, you can moisten a little before applying specially. A small amount of the product is taken into hands, rubbed between the palms. It is necessary to apply, starting from the top of the head, evenly and quickly spreading over the entire surface of the head. After that, you can style your hair in the hairstyle that is intended, if you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer. The last moment will significantly strengthen the fixation, remove the shine that is characteristic of the gel, and the hair will look more natural. For those who have a desire to slightly reduce the effect of this product, a special indelible conditioner can be applied to it before the hair.

When applying a large amount of the product, a characteristic white coating may appear on the hair, and this phenomenon can also occur due to the use of low-quality products or very strong fixation.

There is one characteristic feature - if the hair has a greasy structure, or if there is no plan to wash off the hair gel in the next day - do not apply it to the roots. The tool has the property of interfering with the normal oxygen saturation of the hair follicles, clogging the sebaceous gland openings, and therefore they do not function correctly.

It is also recommended that you do not apply hair gel with a higher fixation than necessary. There is a possibility that instead of a hairstyle, something like a helmet forms on the head. This โ€œstructureโ€ not only looks unnatural, but also causes severe damage to the hair.

Extravagant and unusual hairstyles are not all; hair gel will help to create a more rigorous hairstyle, for example, a smooth tail, suitable for working in the office. To do this, you need to comb your hair well, apply a little gel on them and collect in the tail. The result is a smooth, as if polished hairstyle. And this is not the only case when such โ€œsleeknessโ€ looks very beautiful.

This styling product also exists with the effect of wet hair, it is able to make them more shiny. Such a tool is applied to curled hair or curly.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the gel is suitable for both female and male hairstyles. It protects against loss of shape, makes the hair structure elastic. With it, you can make not only a lush or smooth hairstyle, but also generally put the hair upright.


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