How to write a resume: tips

In the era of the development of the Internet and modern technology, employers prefer to first look at electronic resumes of potential employees. And only then they are invited for an interview. A well-written resume can significantly increase the chances of your employment. You can find detailed information about what principles should be followed when preparing a resume, as well as the structure and tips for writing this document in this article. Also in it you will find a form and a sample (how to write a resume correctly).

What is a resume

The word "summary" is translated from French as "biography." As a rule, employers do not read biographical novels, therefore this document most often indicates work experience, skills, education and other information that may be required when applying for a job. Resume can significantly reduce the time it takes to search for a new employee and evaluate in absentia whether a candidate is suitable for a particular position. Now you are unlikely to find at least one company that would not ask you to send a resume before the interview. This is especially true for positions of middle and senior management. Much is required of specialists in their field, which means that the summary information should be disclosed as accurately and fully as possible. For employment in large international and foreign companies, a resume must be written or duplicated in English.

how to create a resume for work

Writing a resume is a whole art, because in it you can not only profitably present yourself, but also interest your bosses by composing an interesting structure or text. Now you can find a lot of information on how to properly create a resume for the job. Most companies do not make direct demands on what they want to see in this document. However, there are some general principles that are best followed when writing a resume.

How to create a resume?

Practice shows that certain general standards for writing resumes can be identified for absolutely all posts. Firstly, it should contain all the necessary contact information: name, age, email and several phones. It is better to single out one way of communication, which is most convenient for you to answer the requests of employers. But the passport data should not be indicated: who knows who your resume can get to. Marital status is usually indicated as desired.

The resume must contain the column "education". Even if you have completed only courses in a secondary specialized educational institution, indicate them. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​compares favorably among other applicants, so do not forget to mention them. As for work experience, it is important here not to overload the resume with unnecessary information. Indicate several places of work, starting with the last. For each, assign a couple of lines of responsibilities. It’s not worth writing in detail about your skills in recent years: this will only tire the employer, and most likely, he just won’t finish the document. Remember that on average, HR specialists spend only 30 seconds reading one resume. It is up to you to decide whether the manager will see important information in your resume or not. In conclusion, you can write a couple of lines about your hobbies and hobbies, as well as personal qualities that can be useful in a new job. What to do if you are not sure that you can write a resume correctly? A template that can be adapted for all professions can help you with this.

how to write a resume

Principles for writing a successful resume

How to create a resume for a job? The following principles will help you quickly get your desired position:

  1. Literacy. You wrote a resume, you have great skills and you are sure that it will be you who will be hired. But did you forget to check the document for spelling errors? Indeed, the inability to speak or write in one's own language is a serious enough “minus” in your image. How to correctly and competently write a resume? Modern office programs like Microsoft Word themselves highlight errors and inconsistencies, so carefully read your resume and check for errors before sending the document. It’s even better to send the text to friends - a fresh look will help you notice inconsistencies that you did not pay attention to.
  2. Brevity. Not without reason in the Russian language there is a proverb “Brevity is the sister of talent”. By reducing the text to the necessary minimum, you show your respect for other people's time and the ability to organize and structure space. Many come from the opposite and describe in detail all their duties at their previous places of work, thinking that this will play to their advantage. But, alas, usually such graphomania has the opposite effect, and your resume is not read to the end.
  3. Specificity. An experienced HR specialist can determine in two minutes whether or not you are suitable for the proposed position. It is extremely important to indicate directly in the resume what can be useful at the new place of work: the specialty in which you studied, the availability of relevant experience. It’s not worth overloading the document with various awards, merits or prizes: the employer will always receive more detailed information if he wants, inviting you for an in-person interview.
  4. A clear indication of the position you are applying for. If you write in the title information “any job” or “a good position with a large salary”, be prepared for what a job as a loader or a cleaning lady can offer you. Specifying the specific specialty you are applying for will help you quickly find a job, as it eliminates unnecessary offers.
  5. Honesty. This quality is especially appreciated not only in the personnel sphere, but also in many others. The desire to appear as a specialist of a higher level often plays a bad joke: after all, during work it immediately becomes clear what you are really worth. If you do not have the necessary experience, it is better to write honestly that you are still new to this field, but are ready to learn and develop.
how to create a resume sample

Resume structure

When asking a question on how to correctly create a resume for a job, do not forget about the structure of this document. To facilitate this task, you can use several methods: write the text of the letter on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil, or use electronic templates. Experts recommend the first option, as it helps to focus on the content and make the resume more attractive. What should the structure of a good resume look like?

  • Name - It’s better to put a summary in the heading. So a potential employer will immediately understand who owns the document.
  • Goal - This is the position you are applying for. The more specific a post you write, the better. The maximum number of specialties that should be indicated in this column is 2-3. For other vacancies, it is better to send a separate copy with other posts so that it does not look like spam mailing from an uninterested applicant.
  • Contact details - in this column you must indicate the place of your residence. If you are looking for work in another city and want to move, do not forget to indicate this item in brackets.
  • Education. Do not indicate education that is not true. Even if your knowledge does not match the vacancy, it would be better to say so directly.
  • Professional achievements and skills are perhaps the most important column in the resume. You should start with the field of activity in which you are a professional, and experience in it. It is important to highlight the main responsibilities and beautifully state them so that the potential employer makes an opinion about you as a competent and knowledgeable person. How to create a resume without experience? Just honestly write about it, as well as indicate your willingness to develop in your chosen field and learn from other employees.
  • Personal qualities - this column is the least standardized, because it is in it that you can show your creative and creative sides. Who you are, what you are fond of and interested in - all this can be indicated in this section. But don't get too carried away: remember that you are not writing an autobiography. It’s best to indicate a few qualities that you think will help you cope with your new job.
  • Weaknesses. Not all resumes have this item. But if you have bad habits that can affect the result of work, it is better to write about it right away. Then there is a chance that the employer will appreciate your honesty and choose you.
how to create an accountant resume

How to write a resume: sample

A resume is a business card of any specialist, and sometimes your career depends on the 30 seconds during which you look at it for the first time. Here is an example of how to write a resume correctly.

  1. Elena Tikhomirova, 36 years old
  2. Moscow, metro station "Tverskaya". Married, one child (born in 1998).
  3. Contact details.
  4. Purpose: to get a job as a psychologist. Desired salary: from 35,000 rubles.
  5. Higher education. Russian State Social University (Russian State Social University): 2002-2008, specialist in interpersonal communications.
  6. Further education courses: in 2005, 36 hours of advanced training “Psychological Consulting” was received in the educational center “Higher School of Psychology”.
  7. Work experience (last two places in descending order):

- January 2017 - September 2017: HR manager. Job Responsibilities:

  • search and selection of personnel;
  • conducting structured interviews with job seekers;
  • psychological testing of candidates;
  • HR record keeping.

- June 2016 - January 2017: counseling psychologist. Responsibilities:

  • individual and family counseling;
  • development and conduct of art-therapeutic training to combat addictions and phobias.

8. About me: I have a driver's license category B, experience since 1998. Mid-level English, I know the programs Word, Excel, IE at the level of an experienced user.

9. Personal qualities: kindness, honesty, ability to establish contact with others.

If you are still not sure whether you filled out the sample correctly, you can view the resume of the applicants. So you can compare your document with those already posted on the network.

correctly draw up a resume form

Major spelling mistakes

The most common mistake in writing a resume is the “Summary” table of contents at the top of the page. This is wrong, because the employer already understands what kind of text you are sending him. It is better to put your surname and first name in the first place, indicate the desired position and salary in the second line, and then write the city. So you will put all the main criteria in the first place. Agree that it is very unpleasant to spend a few minutes reading the professional experience of the applicant, and then understand that he lives in another city.

The second most common mistake is to indicate a too frequent job change. If you have worked in a company for only one or two months, it is better not to list it at all, so as not to create an impression of yourself as an unreliable employee.

Additions to the resume

If you send your resume to a recruiting agency or potential employer, you can attach a cover letter to it for certainty. What is it like? In fact, this is also a statement of information about yourself and your work experience, but in a more free form. According to generally accepted rules, a cover letter is usually attached as a separate file if you send a resume by e-mail, or immediately after the main document. It is better to indicate in it what is not included in the structure of the resume. For example, you can write about your willingness to move in case of employment or clarify some details. Why do I need a cover letter?

  • Show your uniqueness - among thousands of identical resumes, your cover letter will stand out and allow you to consider your candidacy from a different perspective.
  • A cover letter is also needed to save employer time. Indeed, in essence, it is a brief “squeeze” from the resume and allows you to spend less time reading it.
  • Individuality - in the cover letter you yourself place accents, and this allows you to create exactly the image that you see.
how to create a resume sample form

In addition to the cover letter, you can attach your photo to the resume. It will allow the employer to build an impression of your image and appearance. It is better to choose a picture that is not defiant, in strict clothes on a neutral background.

Features of writing resumes for different professions

It is no secret that for different professions there are different nuances of compiling a resume. We will try to consider some features of the main professions. For example, when looking for an accountant, they mainly pay attention to such qualities as an analytical mindset and organization. How to create a resume accountant? Representatives of all office specialties are recommended to use a strict "classic" scheme for writing this document. A single format, font and style of the headings will make it more presentable. And the volume of the resume should not exceed 1-1.5 pages. Information on education and relevant work experience must be entered into this format. Even if instead of a "tower" you have completed only accounting courses, do not hesitate to write the truth, because the employer will be interested in only your professional qualities.

No less than accountants are looking for personal or office drivers. How to create a driver’s resume? In this case, it all depends on the category of vehicle. If you are looking for the position of a driver of a car that will transport employees of the company, then recommendations are extremely important here. It is forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation to indicate contacts directly in the text, but you can indicate the fact that you are ready to provide them in person. For drivers, freight forwarders or truck drivers, it is more likely that the tolerances to the relevant categories are important, so when writing a resume, do not forget to indicate them, as well as your work experience.

Human Resources Tips

Every day, dozens of resumes pass through the hands of HR managers. They have well studied the features of their profession and know exactly what is not worth doing. Not everyone can write a resume correctly. The form of this document can be found freely available on the Internet, but here's how to fill it out? Expert advice comes to the rescue.

  • Put your needs first. Do not please everyone, hoping to find at least some work. Clearly define for yourself what you would like from life, and mark this in the document.
  • Set achievable goals. It is ridiculous to see a resume for a manager’s job with a salary of 300 thousand rubles. Sane people understand that from the threshold they don’t offer such money, and the applicant with such requirements looks ridiculous and ridiculous.
  • Work for an interview. If you clearly decide to have an interview at a certain company, then everything is in your hands. Only it will need to be thoroughly prepared. First, try to go through the first stage - write your resume so that the company you are interested in wants to invite you to work.
  • Create your resume as a marketer writes a description of a service or product. Then read the document and decide how attractive your image will look in the eyes of the employer.
  • Do not delay shipping. Even for the sake of improving your resume, you should not delay sending a document. Indeed, many others may be faster than you.
    how to write a driver summary


After reading this article, you should not be very confused about how to properly create a resume for the job. The sample is the same for all professions, it will help you get the desired position. To get a good result, it is enough to conduct a little preliminary preparation, sketch out a draft, and then the positive response of the employer will not take long.


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