Kazan city: Freedom Square

Millennial Kazan is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. A rich history, special flavor, high culture - this is not the whole list of advantages of the city.

Kazan - Freedom Square

Kazan: legends and myths about the formation of the city

Around the history of the formation of Kazan, there are many legends. However, they all agree on one thing - Kazan is directly connected with the famous Bulgarian Khanate. There is a popular version that, on the advice of the sorcerer, the Bulgars founded a defense fortress in an exceptional place - where the boiler boils without fire. So the place of the current location of Kazan was chosen. This is a high hill that was previously surrounded by swamps on three sides and a river on one side. Such geography is comparable to a cauldron surrounded by campfire fire. Perhaps, on this basis, the name of the city appeared.

There are other hypotheses about the origin of the city and its name.

Kazan Freedom Square parade
It is as if Kazan was named after Khazan, the Bulgarian Khan. Or because a golden cauldron with coins was dropped into the river. There is still a version, the adherents of which claim that once in the basin of the Kazanka river there lived a unique species of geese - "kaz", and as if the toponym Kazan came from this name.

Millennium of Kazan

Scientists from more than twenty countries found that Kazan already existed in the 10th century. The official version of the city’s origin is the formation of a northern defense fortress in Bulgaria. A study of the Kazan Kremlin proved that the city is more than 1000 years old. Kazan celebrated this discovery with the formation of one of the largest squares in the world - Millennium Square. The area and objects located on it are the hallmark of the city.

Victory Parade Kazan Freedom Square

Kazan: Freedom Square

In the historical center of the city is Freedom Square. In Kazan, as in a multi-million dollar large city, there are many squares, parks, squares, boulevards.

How to get to Kazan Freedom Square
However, Freedom Square (Kazan), whose address is the central Vakhitovsky district, parallel to the streets of Teatralnaya and Pushkin, Bolshaya Krasnaya and Karl Marx, plays an important role in the life of citizens.

This is the venue for important municipal events, exhibitions, competitions. For several decades, the Victory Parade has been held here . Kazan, in which Freedom Square was the only place for such events, at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries added Millennium Square to the map, where the bulk of large events moved. However, the solemn march parade is traditionally held on Freedom Square.

From the day of the Great Victory, the words "Kazan", "Freedom Square", "parade" have become inextricable. There are thousands who want to see a beautiful celebration with the participation of not only the military, but also talented actors.

The historical and cultural significance of Freedom Square

Many historical events are connected with the territory where the central square of the city of Kazan - Freedom Square is now located. Near the present square in the distant XVIII century was the entrance to the city through the Arskie Gates. At the beginning of the 19th century, on the site of Freedom Square, Pavel Esipov built a wooden theater for his serf troupe. From this moment until 1924, this territory was called Theater Square.

Even then it was a central place in the city. In honor of the victory in the war with Napoleon, a monument was erected on the square in 1815 to the commander M.I. Kutuzov. Opposite the Freedom Square, where is now the theater to them. Musa Jalil, Derzhavinsky Garden was located with a monument to the great political figure and cultural figure G.R. Derzhavin. The monument in the twenties of the XX century, when the square was renamed Freedom Square, was demolished, and restored only in 2003 in the Lyadsky Garden of Kazan. Freedom Square suffered a turning point in the history of Russia, changed its name and appearance. Today it is a place without which modern Kazan cannot be imagined.

Architectural Monuments in Freedom Square

The most important administrative institutions for Kazan and Tatarstan are located along the perimeter of the square. So, here are the buildings of the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kazan City Hall. The World Tatars Congress is also located on Freedom Square.

Here are important educational institutions: Technical University. A.N. Tupolev, First Kazan Chess Club. For the city of Kazan, Freedom Square is the focus of the largest cultural institutions. Here is the Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganova, on the basis of which major contests are held. World famous festivals "Concordia" and "White Lilac" are held in the Great Concert Hall. S.Z. Saidesheva, which is also located on Freedom Square. Opposite the square across Karl Marx Street is the Opera and Ballet Theater. M.M. Jalil, where a number of major opera and ballet festivals, competitions, shows are held.

Freedom Square - the center of Kazan

The significance of the territory where Freedom Square is now located is great both for the city and for the whole country. This is the link between the European territory of Russia and the eastern. The square remembers how the Pugachevs stormed Kazan, how the exiles went to Siberia, how the soldiers of the Kazan militia met. Now everyone knows how to get to Freedom Square: Kazan, Tukaya Square metro station and on foot along Pushkin Street. Trolleybuses and buses go here (stop "University").

Freedom Square Kazan address
Considering the sights of Kazan, you can stay for a long time on Freedom Square, study the architecture of buildings, take photos of historical monuments. Not far from the square are such attractions of the city as the Leninsky Garden with its fountains and shady paths, the Black Lake Park with the famous arch of lovers, the monuments of A.M. Butlerov, K.F. Fuchsu Museum Gorky Museum N.G. Zhiganova and others. Being within walking distance from key places of the city, Freedom Square remains the historical and cultural center of Kazan.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44643/

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