How to open a nail salon from scratch: documents, premises, equipment, staff

In our country, quite a lot of people are thinking about opening their own business. But at the very beginning the question arises of which niche is better to choose in order to receive a stable good income. The beauty industry promises good prospects for budding entrepreneurs. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the business does not require significant investments, secondly, it is very simple to manage and scale it, and thirdly, it is capable of generating considerable profit. However, like any other niche, a beauty salon has many nuances that must be considered when opening it. As practice shows, most newcomers make the same mistakes, as a result of which things are not going in the best way, and the company has to be closed just a couple of years after the start of work. Let's take a closer look at how to open a nail salon from scratch, so that it fully justifies the investment and constantly brings a steady income.

Where to begin?

opening of a nail salon

This aspect should be given special attention. First of all, you should develop a business plan for a nail salon. A carefully designed action algorithm will minimize the associated risks and quickly reach the breakeven level. Planning consists of the following aspects:

  • assessment of the level of competition in your city;
  • determination of the range of services provided;
  • finding the best place for the cabin;
  • calculation of financial indicators;
  • identification of potential customer base.

Next, we will talk in more detail about each item and find out how to do everything correctly, as well as what equipment and furniture for the nail salon will be necessary for normal operation. Strictly following the instructions given, as well as adhering to the main tips and recommendations, you can not only open a successful salon, but also build a real profitable empire in the fashion industry.


When drawing up a business plan for a nail salon, you must first decide what exactly you will do. This direction is good in that the range of services provided can be simply huge. For example, many modern institutions do the following:

  • classic manicure;
  • manicure with a special grinder;
  • artificial increase in length and correction of the nail;
  • nail design;
  • art painting;
  • strengthening the nail plate;
  • polishing nails;
  • healing procedures;
  • nail modeling;
  • paraffin hand mask;
  • pedicure;
  • processing of fingers and feet;
  • healing baths.

In addition, you can also open a manicure shop at the salon, which will generate a significant share of the profits. But you must understand: the wider your area of ​​activity, the greater the investment will be necessary to start. Therefore, when developing a business plan, you should really evaluate your financial capabilities, and not be guided by desires alone.

We identify potential customers

business plan of a nail salon

So what do you need to know about this? If you are a beginner entrepreneur who does not have any business experience and does not know how to open a nail salon from scratch, then you need to be very serious about project planning. After defining the main range of services, you should identify the categories of people who may potentially be interested in them. There will be no problems with the shortage of consumers, since every year more and more not only women, but also men begin to monitor their appearance and follow the latest fashion trends, therefore they regularly visit beauty salons. However, the main generator of profit will still be representatives of the fair sex. As statistics show, potential customers are:

  • Housewives
  • young mothers;
  • Business lady.

It is on these representatives that you should make the main emphasis during the advertising campaign. Young mothers and business women are very busy (some with their children, the other with business meetings), so they simply do not have time for themselves. And housewives, as a rule, have a good income level and prefer to trust their nails to professionals.

Business Registration

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. So, how to open a nail salon from scratch? If you have carefully planned everything and identified key points for yourself, you can begin to resolve the legal aspects. You will need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. This process is quite simple and does not take much time. You must contact the nearest branch of the state body at the place of registration, write a statement and pay the fee. You need to have your passport and TIN with you. Next, you need to register with the Pension Fund. The registration procedure will take about one week.

You must also decide which tax system you will work on. If you want to keep 1 salon and the volume of your potential net profit for the year does not exceed 900 000 rubles, then the ideal option is UTII. With it, it’s much easier to keep accounts, and deductions to the state budget will be less. If you plan to expand in the future, then it is better to immediately file a patent. In this case, you will have to contact the Rospotrebnadzor, in which you need to provide the following package of documents:

  • statement of established form;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of registration of IP;
  • document on registration of the cash register in the tax office;
  • premises lease agreement;
  • contract with utilities for the removal and disposal of garbage.

As for the registration of a legal entity, it makes sense only if a network of nail salons is opened. The most common form of doing business is LLC. But, according to experienced entrepreneurs, it is better to start with IP. So you can get the necessary knowledge and management skills of the company, after which you will already make plans for further expansion.

Logistics Equipment

how to open a nail salon from scratch

The next stage is the purchase of equipment for a nail salon. What you need to know about this? Many beginning entrepreneurs do not pay due attention to this aspect. They want to save money on opening, so they buy cheap appliances and supplies, which is a very big mistake. It is better to buy high-quality and reliable equipment with great functionality right away. So not only the masters will manage to do more work, but their quality will be much higher, so customers will be satisfied with everything, and therefore, will come to you the next time. To provide bass services you will need the following:

  • a set of manicure tools;
  • ultraviolet device for nail extension;
  • professional manicure machine;
  • sterilizer;
  • Fraser with a set of nozzles;
  • paraffin bath;
  • manicure lamp;
  • foot baths;
  • arm rollers.

In addition to equipment and tools, you will also need to periodically purchase supplies. The list of obligatory includes the following:

  • paper towels;
  • rubber or disposable gloves;
  • varnishes and means for their removal;
  • acrylic;
  • creams and gels;
  • paraffin;
  • false nails;
  • tipsa.

It is worth noting that all tools and equipment, as well as consumables, must have certificates of quality and compliance, confirming their safety for health. In the absence of this documentation, you may be fined if checked by SES employees.

Particular attention should be paid to the purchase of furniture for a nail salon. It must meet the following requirements:

  • the height of the manicure tables should be at least 70 centimeters;
  • their surface should be made of moisture resistant and durable materials;
  • each table must be equipped with a hood;
  • pedicure chairs should be able to adjust the height and level of the backrest.

When opening a nail salon, you should also worry about the maximum level of comfort for visitors. The room should include a separate area with soft sofas and coffee tables, as well as a hanger or wardrobe for outerwear. An excellent solution would be to install an audio system or, if finances allow, a large plasma, so that people can enjoy watching their favorite movie or TV show while waiting for their turn.

Location requirements

nail salon franchise

This aspect should be given special attention even at the stage of drawing up a business plan. For people opening a nail salon, renting a room is the best option, since it is the least expensive. In this case, it is very important to correctly choose the place where you will be. According to experts, it is best to settle down:

  • downtown;
  • in large shopping and entertainment centers;
  • close to business centers;
  • in sleeping areas;
  • close to hairdressers.

When searching for a suitable room, you should be guided by the basic requirements and standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service. The salon should be conditionally divided into the following zones:

  • work room;
  • the waiting area;
  • utility room;
  • a bathroom;
  • staff lounge.

Among the general requirements, it is worth highlighting the following: the workplace of a manicurist should occupy at least 6 square meters. It is also necessary to have a good electrical wiring, heating and air conditioning, water supply and sewage. In the working room there should be a sink for washing hands and processing tools. If all this is not done, then Rospotrebnadzor and the fire department will not allow you to work.

Name for salon

At the entrance you should hang a bright and attractive sign that will attract the attention of people passing by. You should also come up with a good name for a nail salon. On the one hand, it should be sonorous so that potential customers immediately understand what the institution is in front of them, and on the other, it is easy to remember. Among the most suitable, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Manicure Land".
  • Golden pens.
  • "Nail Art Studio".
  • "Stylish fingers."
  • "World of manicure."

These are just examples so you can understand what is at stake. You can name your salon as your heart desires. There are no strict recommendations in this regard. The main thing is that customers can easily remember and recommend you to their friends.


manicure master workplace

Employees - this is the face of any company, regardless of type of activity, so they must have a high level of qualification. For normal and continuous operation of the beauty salon, you will need to hire the following personnel:

  • administrator;
  • masters of manicure and pedicure;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning lady.

Since employees will work directly with people, you should take interviews very seriously. This is especially true for manicure masters. They must meet the following criteria:

  • have the appropriate education;
  • the presence of letters is welcome;
  • politeness;
  • correctly delivered speech;
  • stress resistance;
  • nice and tidy appearance.

At the same time, you should not save too much on wages. You must understand that good and highly qualified personnel will not work for a penny, but they will more than pay for their salary.

Financial planning

This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. Each aspiring entrepreneur is interested in the question of how much it costs to open a nail salon from scratch. It is very difficult to answer it unequivocally, since the exact numbers are very different in different regions of the country. But on average, estimated costs will be as follows:

  • registration of permits - 20 000 rubles .;
  • room rental - 80 000 rubles .;
  • repair - 50 000 rubles .;
  • Signboard manufacturing - 30,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture - 500 000 rubles .;
  • purchase of the first consignment of consumables - 40,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 15,000 rubles.

Thus, at the opening of a beauty salon, you can keep within 750 000 rubles. And here, probably, everyone will have a question about how profitable this type of business is. According to experienced entrepreneurs, one average nail salon is able to bring up to 200,000 rubles of net profit every month. From this amount on wages will go from 40 to 60 percent. Based on this, you will have from 70 to 100 thousand rubles left, so reaching a break-even level will take about 7-8 months, which is very good.


furniture for a nail salon

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade, so after the opening of the salon you have to seriously deal with it. Only with a well-thought-out marketing plan can you count on getting the maximum allowable profit. The following events will be well held on the opening day:

  • run ads on local radio and social networks;
  • shortly before the scheduled date, distribute leaflets to sweat boxes and cut flyers in crowded places;
  • launch various interesting promotions and give discount cards to everyone who came to the opening.

But the best advertising is your customers, so you should strive to provide quality service. Constantly work to improve the service and professional development of masters.

Running a ready-made business

Realizing a project from scratch is a rather troublesome, laborious and costly process, which is why many entrepreneurs advise opening a nail salon on a franchise. Buying rights to use the brand, you get:

  • fully established business process;
  • technical and informational support;
  • free staff training;
  • opening assistance;
  • advertising support.

Today on the market there is a fairly large selection of nail salon franchises, so there is plenty to choose from. According to experts, some of the best are the following:

  • "Network of the manicure studio of Lena Lenin";
  • Studio Star Beauty;
  • "Fingers";
  • "Silk".

The franchises listed above are attractive in that they combine a relatively low cost, by modern standards, quick payback and good conditions.

Potential risks

When drawing up a business plan, you must really appreciate all the pitfalls that you will encounter in the process. The main risks are:

  • high level of competition in your city;
  • drop in purchasing power;
  • competitor price reduction;
  • low qualification of staff.

Fortunately, almost all of these risks are controllable. If you have a competent business plan, you will be ready for various unforeseen situations and will be able to take all necessary measures in a timely manner. As for seasonality, the beauty industry is not subject to fluctuations, and the demand for various kinds of services is kept at a high level throughout the year.


equipment for a nail salon

This article described in detail how to open a nail salon from scratch. As you can see, this is a very promising niche for financial investments. But in order to reliably gain a foothold in the market and worthy to compete, you must not only think carefully about the pricing policy, but also be responsible for the quality of the services provided so that each client is satisfied and wants to return to you again. Follow the instructions and recommendations presented in this article, and you will certainly succeed.


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