How to shave bald, care for a bald head, how much hair will grow

In the modern world, a large number of men prefer to shave their hair, arguing that it is convenient and less time consuming. But bald head is becoming increasingly popular not only among men, but also among women. The bald guy looks interesting, but what about the girl?

Unfortunately, not all representatives of both sexes have such a hairstyle, and if it does, then due to improper shaving, wounds and cuts can remain on the head.

How to shave the head of men and women so that there are no cuts left?

How to shave your head? Before starting this procedure, you need to take a hot shower. Hot water will help open pores and soften hair, and this, in turn, will contribute to a cleaner shave.

Further shaving is performed according to plan:

  1. If you have sufficiently long hair, then initially you need to cut it shorter. Such a haircut can be done both at home and in a professional salon. The only thing to watch out for is accuracy.
  2. Now your head is fully prepared for shaving. Multi-blade razors are best suited for shaving bald. This type of razor is specially designed for those men and women who prefer to go bald.
  3. Having picked up a suitable razor, apply shaving cream on the head, let it thoroughly soak the hair for several minutes.
  4. Now you can start shaving, and after that you need to use a moisturizer.

After shaving, you only need to make sure that your scalp remains moisturized. For washing your hair, use only mild soap.

In the summer, a bald spot must be smeared with sunscreen.

to shave

What is the best way to shave your hair bald: with an electric shaver, a machine tool or a machine?

Many people, before shaving bald, wonder about what exactly to shave?

It should be noted right away that an electric shaver is not suitable for shaving. The machine, of course, can be used, but not for the entire head, but for shaving the remaining hair.

So, the most suitable tool for shaving bald is a machine. The machine (provided that its blades are oiled and ground) can shave baldly without causing any harm to the skin.

Will the hair be thicker?

Shaving bald hair will be thicker? Unfortunately, an exhaustive answer to this question has not been found.

Most scientists agree that the increase in hair density after shaving completely depends on the genes that are in the human body.

If you have liquid hair by nature, then even after shaving, a thick braid will not grow bald.

bald guy

Proper bald spot care

Shaving baldly, many men and women believe that this will save them from having to take care of their hair and save a ton of time, but this is a myth. If there is no need to care for the hair, then the bald head requires no less care.

When caring for a bald head, there are important points that you must pay attention to:

  1. From frequent shaving of the head, various redness may occur on it, there will be a constant feeling of itching. You can cope with this problem using various cosmetics, namely balms, tonics, moisturizers.
  2. With cosmetics for the care of bald hair, do not overdo it, as this can lead to rashes. If acne is observed on the head, then immediately you need to change all the cosmetics for the care of the "hair".
  3. If your bald head shines too much, then this may cause some discomfort. As many will begin to use your bald head as a mirror. To prevent this situation, you need to stock up on special talcum powder. But to use this tool in large quantities is not recommended, since it leads to clogging of the pores of the skin.
  4. And the most important point is protection. A head without hair is very sensitive to temperature conditions, so in the winter season you must wear a hat, and in the summer - do not forget about the panama hat.

bald girls

How much hair after shaving after shaving will grow?

Many female representatives shave their hair only in order to grow healthy and beautiful hair in the future. Or, after shaving, they realize that this was a mistake, and they crave to grow their previous hair length as soon as possible.

It is important to note that how quickly your hair grows is completely dependent on the genes. But the rate of their growth in any case will not exceed 2 centimeters per month.

So, if you shave baldly, how much hair will grow back? After analyzing the answers of women who have ever shaved bald, we can conclude that on average 3-4 years are needed to grow average length hair .

cut your hair

How do you know if it’s right for you to be bald?

Before "rushing headlong into the pool" and shaving baldness, it is recommended to make sure that the bald head suits you, and you will not be horrified by looking in the mirror. In order to make yourself such a hairstyle, it is not necessary to have the correct shape of the head, but in this case you should not have any flaws on your head, because they will be open to everyone.

It is absolutely forbidden to shave bald with those men and women who have an elongated and egg-like head shape.

All other people can conduct a small experiment, namely, put a hat on the head for the pool, this will provide an opportunity to see how bald head suits you. After such an experiment, a large number of people refuse to cut their hair and stop just for a short haircut.

how much does it cost to shave

Does a haircut save baldness from further baldness?

Some males who are rapidly starting to lose hair are struggling to find a cure for themselves. Some even turn to unverified sources and cling to the lines that if you shave your head before the final baldness, then in the future the hair will stop falling out. Men, do not believe it, this information is not true!

Again, it is worth noting that it all depends on your genes, if you have already begun to go bald, then this process can only be slowed down by buying expensive medicines, but you can’t stop it. Permanent bald haircuts can only contribute to a person getting used to a bald spot, and in the future lead to an easier parting with the main part of your hair.

8 reasons why men tend to cut their hair

Many men are not completely satisfied with their lives; they are missing something. Sometimes it can be self-confidence, sometimes comfort, and sometimes a sense of style.

Therefore, every man shaves baldly for his "special reason":

  1. The bald head gives the man coolness. Very often men who are so unsure of themselves shave, those who were offended in childhood or those who simply do not have the strength to realize themselves in something larger. But sometimes men shave baldly just to be like their idols, stars. After all, bald head really makes a man more solid, in some moments even frightening.
  2. This saves a lot of time. As a rule, for this reason, male workaholics shave. After all, they have no time for anything other than work, even self-care.
  3. A bald head can exude steam. As a rule, for this reason, very young guys shave, who, having read information about bald heads, wanted to make sure that steam really comes from their heads. Steam can really come from a bald head, but only if the person was wearing a hat, and after long physical exertion took it off.
  4. Comfort when wearing hats. Most often, for this reason, those men whose work is associated with the constant wearing of hats are shaved bald, and in the summer it is quite hot, sweat is released, and the hair is constantly wet and clammy.
  5. Cost savings. Not every man is ready to regularly pay for a hairdresser. How much does a shave cost? You can do this for 300-400 rubles or free at home.
  6. The ratio of bald head and beard looks stylish. Many men do not have a special sense of style, so they try to stand out by the standard method. A guy or a man just cuts himself “to zero” and grows a beard.
  7. The bald head gives the appearance of a man more muscular. Hair distracts people from the muscles, so the less hair, the more muscle visually appears.
  8. A bald guy or man seems wiser.

if shaved baldly hair will be thicker

Which people are recommended to shave baldly?

Surprisingly, there are also people for whom a cut on the hair would be the best option.

This type of people includes:

  • Those men and women who have complete baldness. It’s much better to shave your hair right away than to grab onto the remnants of a once lush hair. This is a rather complicated decision, but the most correct one.
  • Those men and women in whom baldness is observed by foci. As a rule, in such cases, people try to hide their bald patches behind significantly thinning hair. It looks awful, it’s better to shave your hair right away.
  • Those people who were infected with parasites (lice). In the old days, lice were removed by shaving baldly, and it did not matter if it was a boy or a girl. In the modern world there are many drugs that can help get rid of parasites without shaving hair, but you can solve the problem in such a cardinal way.
  • Those people who are tired of everyday life. They want to change something in their life, for example, style.

if you shave bald for how much hair will grow

Are bald girls considered feminine?

The answer to this question is no. Most men who see such women, immediately associate them with boys or seriously ill. Therefore, most often, bald girls do not cause men to desire to invite them to a movie or cafe.

Dear girls, before you shave your hair, think carefully! Not all men like too eccentric ladies.


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