What is a showdown. How to find out the relationship correctly

Clarification of relationships is an integral part of any social and personal interaction. The fact is that sometimes it’s really hard for people to understand each other. Everyone wants to defend their own interests and at the same time, most often, do not sacrifice anything. In the process of living together, people often accumulate mutual claims, which are not always expressed in a timely manner. It is necessary to have very great patience so as not to utter offensive words to relatives and friends. It is so easy to actually do stupid things that will lead to very sad and unexpected consequences. What is a showdown, if not the need to find the truth?

tug of war

However, few people understand that it needs to be looked for correctly, and not just to spray negative energy everywhere. The ability to control oneself is useful always and everywhere. It is necessary to show a certain degree of wisdom and patience so as not to say too much.


What threatens the clarification of relations, if people do not know how to restrain emotional impulses? By and large, numerous troubles. In fact, the dispute must also be wisely. If this is frankly neglected, then it is possible to spoil relations with the entire immediate environment. It is also likely to lose emotional comfort for a long time, become irritable and aggressive. So what are the main features of clarifying relationships, what should be remembered?

Sense of tact

Respect for the interlocutor is not at all a manifestation of weakness, as many may think. The timely sense of tact will help to “resolve” even the most hopeless situation. The opponent should not be considered incapable of understanding anything. If you react with expressed attention to what they say to you, then help yourself. Any conflict, if it is prolonged for one reason or another, harms mental health, exacerbates chronic ailments, reveals the negative aspects of the personality. At least for a brief moment, try to get out of the argument, to calm the accumulated irritation. Listen to what they are trying to convey to you, and you will understand a lot.


Desire must be sincere, this is a prerequisite. Otherwise, the conflict will only worsen, and it is not known what will result in the result. Finding a compromise solution really helps to maintain relationships for many years. If people show enough patience, then they can count on a favorable outcome. In fact, much depends solely on ourselves.

The desire to change something

No one comes into conflict solely for the sake of sports interest. As a rule, people tend to defend significant positions for themselves, especially when they directly affect their personality. If reality does not suit you in some way, then you have to consider alternative options. It is worth remembering that everyone wants to feel significant and in demand.

Recommendations and methods

Many people think about this question: "What can I find out during a showdown?" Is all this fuss not meaningless and devoid of any logic? Perhaps quarrels and scandals should be avoided in principle, so as not to spoil interpersonal relationships? Is it necessary to constantly give in or strive at all costs to prove their case? And yet, how to sort things out correctly? What is necessary to strive to try to offend the interlocutor as little as possible?

the struggle between good and evil

Why does the majority break down and cannot refrain from insulting an opponent? Let us consider in more detail effective recommendations and methods. You should pay attention to them, especially if you are not a fan of conflicts and prefer to resolve issues in a constructive way.

Desire for understanding

This is perhaps the most important and valuable recommendation. Unfortunately, many neglect it, because they do not know how to curb their own difficult character. The pursuit of understanding can help save any relationship, even if it is on the brink of disaster. Believe that your interlocutor also wants to be heard, hopes that his personal interests will be taken into account. That is why you should not try to think only about yourself. At the time of clarification, it is quite difficult to distinguish between claims.

unwillingness to understand each other

After all, I want to say at once everything that has accumulated, and at the same time completely not think about the consequences. But if you want to come to the truth as painlessly as possible, you need to act much more carefully. In fact, delicacy in such a case does not hurt at all. Before expressing accumulated claims, try to understand your interlocutor. What worries him, what problems haunt, what does this person strive for? Maybe due to your delicacy you can help him, and you won’t need to connect “heavy artillery”.

Clear line building

Clarification of relations should not turn into a real battlefield. We need to learn how to express our position as concretely as possible in order to avoid any ambiguity. Otherwise, you will surely remain guilty of something. We must try not to depart from the main topic, not to allow the transition to personality. A clear line of borders will help reduce the severity of the conflict and ultimately resolve it faster.

way to agree

The more prudence will be shown at these moments, the better. You should not splash out your irritation just because you have accumulated it. Show tolerance, respect, try to understand the interlocutor, find some significant common ground.

Billing Your Requirements

As a rule, an open quarrel erupts at a time when opponents are unable to contain the accumulated negative emotions. Before this, in fact, it is better not to bring. It is necessary to expose your requirements within reasonable limits so as not to offend the interlocutor additionally. At the same time, the words should sound quite convincing and bold.

go in different directions

You can’t adapt in everything to the opinions of others, as it is wrong to bend your line, no matter what. It is necessary to indicate requirements gently and at the same time quite firmly. You must be clearly aware of what you want to achieve as a result, what you are willing to sacrifice, and what points to fundamentally uphold until the end.


Thus, sorting out relationships is a whole art. We must learn not only to express our point of view, but also to listen to someone else's position, to adequately respond to what is happening. It is possible that, following simple recommendations, people will even be able to agree, find a common language, and find additional points of contact. In order not to regret subsequently the words spoken aloud, be sure to think through everything that you are going to voice. This will save you from growing conflict.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44662/

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