DIY beautiful pigtails

Since ancient times, a girl with long hair was considered a beauty, and everyone around paid attention to her. Loose hair is not always convenient and beautiful. A well-combed head with well-laid hair in a beautiful hairstyle looks much more spectacular, and even better if beautiful braids are braided and decorated with modern accessories. There are a lot of varieties of braids, and each of them has its own history and peculiarity.

beautiful pigtails

In addition to the fact that the braid decorates the hair and puts the hair in perfect order, its weaving is also a fascinating activity that for many women becomes a favorite hobby. There are no people indifferent to this type of hairstyles , beautiful pigtails attract the attention of others and increase the self-esteem of the girl or woman who wears them. Any woman needs to be able to braid braids, as this may be necessary in a certain life situation. If you learn to braid your hair yourself, you can save money on trips to beauty salons, and besides, it will always be relevant and beautiful. In childhood, everything is much simpler and you do not need to think about how to weave beautiful pigtails, you just need to go to your beloved grandmother or mother and ask them about it. And after ten minutes, the girlfriends could show off their beautiful hairdo, which is decorated with a bright red bow.

beautiful pigtails how to weave

In order to master all the techniques and understand the technique of weaving, first you need to learn how to braid the most ordinary braid, consisting of three strands. The most universal of all types of braids is French, as it is suitable for almost any type of hair. It is easy enough to braid and it will not take you much time.

Such braids as "fish tail", "spikelet", "Greek braid", "Danish braid", "African braids", "French braid" are very popular. Very sonorous names and beautiful braids, how to weave at least several types, let's try to figure it out.

how to weave beautiful pigtails

There are a large number of different species. For example, such beautiful pigtails, such as a fish tail, in the description seem difficult to perform, but this is only at first glance. Before weaving, moisturize your hair and comb it. We begin to braid the braid by dividing the hair on the crown into two equal halves vertically. Then on the left we take a thin strand and attach to the entire mass of hair on the right side. We repeat the same on the other hand. That’s the whole principle of weaving a fish tail.

Such beautiful pigtails, like the Greek braid, are very fashionable this season and are especially popular with women. It can be suitable for owners of both curly and straight hair. The main feature of the technique of weaving this type of braid is that the locks are taken only on one side. Take the middle strand of hair from the left side and braid as a fishtail braid weaves, grabbing strands on both sides. When your braid reaches its opposite ear with its weaving, fasten the resulting hairstyle with hairpins. Decorate the resulting braid with a beautiful hairpin or other beautiful hair accessory.


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