Tsimlyanskoe wine: description, prices and customer reviews. History of Tsimlyansk sparkling wine factory

Over the history of winemaking , a culture of making the drink of the gods has developed around the world. Don Cossacks also contributed to the wine production process. In this article you will learn about what Tsimlyansk sparkling wines are famous for.

The history of Tsimlyansky wines

The famous Tsimlyansk sparkling wines owe their appearance to Don winemakers who created the production several centuries ago. The drink was so successful that it began to supply aristocracy and the Russian nobility.

The wine got its name from the Don village of Tsimla, which was famous for the climate favorable for growing grapes. Mass production began after local winemakers learned to grow vines and process grapes into a high-quality drink. Information has been preserved that the quality of Tsimlyansk wine was appreciated by Peter I. In 2014, the Russian producer turned 228 years old.

Tsimlyanskaya wine

Today, Tsimlyanskiye Viny OJSC is the largest reputable company producing elite alcoholic beverages. Participation in international competitions allowed the company to present its products on the world market.

Tsimlyansk wine in the history of Russia

Mention of Tsimlyan wines can be found in the works of A.S. Pushkin. He often described feasts, the king of which was the Don sparkling drink. Although this wine at that time was considered not as elite as, for example, French.

Tsimlyansk sparkling wines

Naturalist Samuel Gmelin in his memoirs on a trip to the Don in 1767 also mentions Tsimlyansky wine. In his opinion, the drink had a tart, unique taste. In addition, he noted that Don wine was in no way inferior to the most famous European alcoholic drinks.

Surprisingly, even Kutuzov himself celebrated his victory over Napoleon with the famous Tsimlyansk wine. These and many other events are proof of the uniqueness of an amazing wine.

Tsimlyansk sparkling wines

The term "sparkling wine" is interpreted by many experts in different ways. Some believe that this is ordinary champagne. Others argue that sparkling drinks are a separate variety among a huge variety of wines. There is no unequivocal opinion on this subject, but the Tsimlyansk drink became so popular precisely thanks to the unusual combination of red wine and air bubbles. To date, the brand has many admirers around the world.

Traditionally, Don wine is made from grape varieties such as "rakatsiteli", "chardonnay", "muscat" and "aligote". The Tsimlyansk sparkling wine factory also offers in its assortment traditional champagne of the Brut and Demi-sec varieties, which is also very popular among connoisseurs of elite alcohol.

A distinctive feature of the packaging of products of Don winemakers is the note "Prepared in the old Cossack way" and the image of the portrait of A.S. Pushkin, who was a great lover of sparkling wine. Tsimlyansk drinks are produced not only in traditional glass bottles, but also in cardboard containers.

wine tsimlyanskoe reviews

Tsimlyanskiy wine production technology

Since the Don Cossacks did not own the art of winemaking, initially the technology for producing the drink was rather primitive. The grapes were harvested in late autumn and rubbed into the pulp on ordinary wooden graters. The resulting mass was placed in large containers for fermentation. But since this process was practically impossible in winter, the wine gained good color.

After a few months, the pulp was filtered and the resulting juice was poured into bottles. In this form, Tsimlyanskaya wine was stored until the first warm days. To ensure tightness, cork plugs filled with resin were used. This prevented air from entering and oxidizing the wine.

Thus, the process of bottling continued for several months. During this time, Tsimlyanskaya wine acquired natural bubbles and a rich ruby โ€‹โ€‹color. This simple technology was called the Cossack secret. Of course, with the advent of technology, the process of making wine has changed. But grape growing and production stages remained the same. The modern Tsimlyansk wine factory only improved and accelerated the process.

Tsimlyansk sparkling wine factory

How to drink Tsimlyanskaya wine?

Real Don wine has excellent taste and high quality. The combination of sparkling bubbles with a ruby โ€‹โ€‹hue makes this drink unique.

To serve wine, it is recommended to use glasses made of transparent glass with a wide neck. This will allow you to enjoy the ruby-colored overflows and pink foam, which is formed during the evolution of carbon dioxide.

Experts recommend tasting Tsimlyansk wine chilled to 7-10 degrees. This will reveal its sophisticated taste. As an appetizer, you can serve meat and fish dishes. It goes well with Tsimlyansk sparkling wine with fruits and dark chocolate.

The drink should not be consumed too quickly. You need to enjoy every sip, savoring the taste of wonderful grape nectar. Tsimlyansk sparkling wine, the price of which is quite affordable, is a vivid example of a high-quality alcoholic product.

Tsimlyansk sparkling wine Price

Where could I buy?

You can buy famous wine both in Russia and in European countries. The company's participation in international competitions has allowed production to reach a world level.

Tsimlyansk sparkling wine is especially popular in stores in Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and Volgodonsk. In addition, you can order wine through the online store with home delivery.

Since 2011, the products of the Tsimlyansk plant have become available to residents of cities such as Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Samara, Irkutsk and others. This was due to the opening of official representative offices and chain stores in different regions of Russia.

You can also appreciate the taste of the famous drink in the tasting room at the Tsimlyansk plant, which will offer you the best varieties of sparkling wine. Acquaintance with the Don products will help determine the choice of variety before buying. You can order a tasting both via the Internet and directly at the enterprise.

How much does Tsimlyan wine cost?

The cost of Tsimlyansk wine varies from 500 to 750 rubles per 750 ml bottle. The price, as a rule, depends not only on the variety and region of sale. You need to understand that intermediaries do their mark-up on the product. That is why it is most profitable to purchase alcoholic beverages from the manufacturer.

Tsimlyansk wine factory

Tsimlyanskoe wine: customer reviews

Comments on the web regarding Don wine are extremely positive. Many users note the amazing and unique taste of Tsimlyansk sparkling drink. Its combination with almost any dish makes wine the real king of a magnificent feast. The quality of the drink is appreciated even by those who are very far from the intricacies and nuances of wine art.

The only drawback users consider the inaccessibility of wine in some cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Perhaps this is due to the lack of reliable suppliers in remote regions. In any case, Tsimlyansk wine can always be purchased through online stores that offer a large selection of products with a minimum margin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44679/

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