How to participate in electronic bidding: e-commerce methods

Today, electronic trading is one of the most popular types of trading on the Internet. This method of concluding contracts for many market participants is the most attractive due to the fact that in order to participate in tenders, it is absolutely not necessary to be geographically close to the customer. In addition, in this way it is much more convenient to monitor the market of interest, tracking the newly emerging demand.

How to participate in electronic bidding
So, how to participate in electronic bidding is described in detail in the Federal Law No. 94 of July 21, 2005. This document primarily describes the process of public procurement. It is such applications that most often appear on electronic platforms. First of all, thinking about how to participate in electronic bidding, you need to prepare for such a procedure. For this, it is necessary to issue an electronic digital signature (EDS), with which it will be possible to certify all documents uploaded to the network on behalf of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur. In addition, the potential participant must undergo the accreditation procedure at the site where the application of interest will be placed. Site selection is carried out by the supplier independently. Accreditation is accompanied by the provision of a specific list of documents, which is mandatory in each electronic trading system. Although it is worth noting that this list is usually identical.

how to participate in electronic bidding sberbank
Choosing an electronic site will be the next issue that needs to be addressed to those who want to know how to participate in electronic bidding. Sberbank-Ast is today one of the popular systems for concluding contracts. This is primarily due to ease of use, a large number of placed applications, the speed of work of competent specialists. The procedure for using this site is clearly and clearly spelled out on the official website of the system.

Information on how to participate in electronic bidding after passing all the necessary registration procedures is usually provided at each site. First of all, using the search box, you should find the application you are interested in. It always contains information about the customer, subject of bidding, the maximum amount of delivery and its conditions. Having collected the necessary package of documents specified in the application, you can draw up a proposal by assuring it with an electronic digital signature.


At the first stage, potential suppliers are deprived of the opportunity to view other offers, only information on their quantity is available. In the event that several proposals of similar price have been received for this application, the organizers conduct a second round, the so-called rebidding. At this stage, suppliers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with which companies are applying for the conclusion of this contract, and what are their price offers.

It is worth remembering that, when asked about how to participate in electronic bidding, it is necessary not only to prepare a package of documents, but also to be prepared for the fact that to participate in the tender a certain amount of money is needed related to securing the application. As a rule, if a potential supplier for some reason did not win the right to conclude a contract with a buyer, this amount is returned to his bank account or to his personal account on the site for the possibility of its further use.


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