Why keep your word?

Keeping your word is an extremely useful habit, because only through trust between people can a prosperous and harmonious society be built. Receiving a promise from you, people are waiting for it to be fulfilled, and if it does not follow, hostility can arise. And besides, such behavior can leave a negative imprint on your fate, which in the future will lead to unpleasant surprises.

Have you noticed this around others and yourself?

Do you always keep your word? There are frequent cases when loud promises are made in a conversation, but only a person needs to be reminded of what he said earlier, and he hides in the bushes. Often what follows is even the surprise that you are demanding something. The tendency to the appearance of such situations is increasing, and the ability to keep the word, on the contrary, is becoming weaker.

keep my word

It is likely that you also sin by this and do not even notice. One has only to observe one's own behavior in order to notice this tendency. As a rule, many people don’t even think about keeping their word. Often, even parents do not teach this in childhood. Neglect of the promised has become a generally accepted norm, which no longer surprises anyone.

Why develop this skill?

What does "keep the word" really mean? If you say that you will do something, this action must be performed, and small barriers cannot be an excuse. Thus, you are responsible for your statements, show a desire to balance the promised with the actions. Gave the floor - hold on! So all moral standards say .

What can this useful skill give you? By starting to practice it, you will notice that your life is noticeably changing for the better. If earlier you were idle talk and constantly talked about the need to take certain actions, but nothing followed, now such problems will remain in the past.

“Keep this word” - you say it yourself, and if you used to spend a lot of energy on ranting, now it will be used in a good way and will improve your life.

It often happens that people talk a lot, but do little. Having accustomed yourself to keep your word, you will no longer just talk about how you would like to earn more and look better. All these global ideas will begin to come true thanks to your successive steps. Pay attention to yourself and your friends. Surely you often conduct such conversations, gathering in the evenings, but after you disperse, nothing changes. To stop dreaming and take action, follow one simple rule: say the word - keep it.

keep this word

Positive changes

Your self-esteem will grow steadily as a result of this good habit. The benefit is obvious. The main pillars of moral well-being are trust in oneself and others, as well as respect. Fulfilling your own promises, you will be imbued with reverence and note your own successes.

If you do not fulfill your plan, you can begin to feel like a failure or look for the guilty among others. Such thinking destabilizes the individual. So, being honest with yourself and others, you not only do a service to everyone around you, but also significantly improve your morale. In order not to be burdened by unfulfilled tasks, it is better to deal with them as soon as possible. As they say, did the thing - walk boldly!

gave my word hold

be careful

Carefully measure each spoken word and do not scatter them in vain, because your own mood and self-esteem depend on it. The inferiority complex appears precisely because you neglect your own statements. Your brain fixes that a given commitment has been given. If fulfillment does not occur, self-confidence disappears. But faith in yourself is the basis of self-esteem, which is so necessary for each person. Self-respect disappears.

And even if you need to do something, you simply won’t believe in your own abilities. If earlier you could be honest with yourself, after a systematic lie from a favorable moral plan there will be no trace. Otherwise, you feel better, imbued with positive emotions and feel the power.

said the word hold

Personal growth

You and your loved ones win. Colleagues and friends will show more respect for you. We all live in a society, it is important who is around us and what kind of relationships we have with other people. You will be trusted with a more responsible and prestigious job, opening up more opportunities for you.

If you want to choose the life that you like, you need to fight for it, and therefore, clearly move according to the plan, because no one will do this for you. Achieving the desired is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to move from promises to action, and then the result will not be long in coming. You need to start moving in small steps, giving yourself consistent tasks. The main condition is their mandatory and regular implementation.

Do not put off until tomorrow everything that can be done today

Many people do not realize the value of their own lives, look at how others live and only complain that someone is interfering with them, does not provide opportunities, although they themselves are not too tense to achieve their goals. Analyzing the past, we sometimes can not give an adequate explanation of our behavior. As a rule, this is ordinary laziness, spitting on oneself, wrong thinking.

do you always keep your word

Thoughts and words directly affect all areas of our lives. Almost everyone uttered the phrases “It is necessary to change everything”, “I want to start all over again”, but the task seemed so impossibly and incomprehensible that it never came to the conclusion of the case. Everything seemed too complicated, worthless and meaningless. We spend a lot of energy on bad thoughts, idle talk and doubt.

When in thought everything falls into place, when desires come true, a person feels wonderful, feels the meaning of his own existence, his wings behind his back appear from a sense of his own power to create and achieve everything that he wants. So keep your word. Then your well-being will be prosperous, and every day - joyful and significant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44681/

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