Relations are trusting. Psychology of relations between people

Today we will be interested in trusting relationships. This is a very important moment in the life of every person, because a lack of trust is a sign of far from good relations. How to build them? What does that require? Can a trusting relationship negatively affect a person? Read more about all the features of relationships between people.

trust relationship

What it is

The first step is to understand what a trusting relationship is . Indeed, without this, it will not be possible to fully realize what is at stake. And even more so to build relationships of this type.

Trust contacts are the contacts of people in which citizens can trust and trust each other. For example, you are not afraid to tell someone your secrets and secrets. This is a kind of faith in mutual decency, sincerity, honesty.

This is the type of relationship that should be in families and couples. It allows you to maintain a friendly and favorable atmosphere. Unfortunately, relations between spouses and children are not always trustworthy.

Start of formation

Each person sooner or later has a character. And the style of behavior with people, too. The formation of trust usually occurs in childhood, from birth. In any case, from the side of children and parents. That is why the child must not be deceived.

I do not trust

If there is no trust in the family, then this is the model of behavior the child will adopt. He will not learn to believe people. And, as a result, trusting relationships for him will become something unimaginable.

Parents very often want their children to be able to tell them everything and share everything. In practice, this does not happen too often - it is very difficult to maintain trust with adolescents. Therefore, you should know how to behave with a child if you have a desire to build a trusting relationship with him. Remember: losing them is easy, but returning is almost impossible.

How to build

What should parents pay attention to if they want to raise a child in an atmosphere of complete understanding and trust? The fact that it is necessary to show by your own example what trust is. Although you can sometimes do without it.

In order to build a trusting relationship, you must impress upon the person that you are a reliable partner to whom you can tell everything. Share your secrets with your child and don’t tell anyone what you promised to keep secret.

breach of trust

If the child needs attention, be sure to get distracted and take a moment to your baby. At the age of about 3-6 years old, children really like listening to stories from the series "But when you were little ...". Also, kids love to view photos. Take this opportunity. If you want to maintain good, friendly relations with your child (including trusting ones), try to devote as much time as possible to him. Make it clear that he can always turn to you for help.

A team

But in a team, relationships have always been more complicated. Trusting people is hard. It is a fact. It has already been said that trusting relationships is easy to lose, but returning them is very problematic. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their retention.

How to build relationships in a team so that they turn out trusting? It is enough to be honest and not to let people down. If you can attract someone to yourself, and also your reliability will be proven (time or deed), you can hope for a trusting relationship. Try not to deceive, not to let the one who believes you. Otherwise, relations can not only lose trust status, but even collapse. Therefore, if someone believes you, do not neglect this!

Is it worth it to trust everyone

Many are interested in whether trusting relationships are harmless. It would seem that there is nothing suspicious about them. Faith is good. And when you always have someone you can rely on, too.

how to learn to trust

Only if you believe everything in a row will the abuse of trust begin. Before you tell something important to a person, try to analyze his behavior and character. It is possible that in secret from you comrade tells the secrets entrusted to him.

You need to trust people, but in moderation. Otherwise, as already mentioned, there will be an abuse of trust in your address. You will be deceived, and you will believe. As the saying goes, "trust, but verify." Usually this rule applies to any interlocutor: a child, spouse, relative, colleague, simple acquaintance, friend.

Who should not be trusted

It is worth knowing which people it is advisable not to trust. With them, mind you, you will not get a trusting relationship. After all, you will most likely be deceived. So, there is an abuse of your faith.

Do not try to build a relationship (trusting) with a pathological liar. Such people always lie, without even realizing it. People irresponsible and those who do not fulfill these promises should not be trusted either. You can easily be framed. What kind of trust can we talk about? Avoid people who do not know how to control their emotions.

building trust

Of course, true trust relationships are excluded with those who once spoke negatively at you, did not want good and "put sticks in the wheels." Most likely, a person just wants to get into confidence, then to inflict a serious blow.

Why does distrust arise

Some complain: "I don't trust anyone." This is a normal and frequent occurrence. It is found in almost every second. Hard to believe. Especially if in childhood you did not have an example of a trusting relationship. Where does distrust come from?

Firstly, this feeling comes from childhood. If you saw that parents do not trust each other or deceive each other, then there will be distrust of people.

Secondly, negative experience in this area. Say "I do not trust people" may be someone who once believed, and then he was framed or deceived. The most common option.

Thirdly, due to the nature. Some people are too prudent, they are used to not trusting anyone at all. In this case, it is recommended to consult a psychologist for help.

team relations

Stages of formation

If you do not take into account family relationships, then trust is formed in several stages. The first occurs at the dating stage. Here people get to know each other and analyze behavior, intonation, and stories about life. This is usually not true trust.

The second stage is more significant. It stretches for a long time. It is about building real trust between people. Here, help and support play a huge role. They must be repeated over and over again. That is, they should be directed to the future. Otherwise, trusting relationships will not take place.

Just at the second stage of formation, problems often arise. Indeed, if a person deceives at least once, it will be difficult to believe him. Sometimes even impossible. This is how human psychology works in relationships. If you are serious, try not to let your comrades down.

Learning to believe

Sometimes the negative experience of the past puts a block on trust. Therefore, many are interested in how to learn to trust. It will not be easy to do, but possible. Only working on yourself will help bring the idea to life.

To begin with, understand that negative experience is also very useful. Now you know what people cannot be trusted. Just keep that in mind.

Next, just do one exercise. It will help to figure out whether to believe a person. On a piece of paper write why you should not trust a citizen. On the other hand, why it should be believed. Evaluate the pros and cons of the interlocutor. If the reasons for mistrust are not significant, you should not consider them. From here draw conclusions.

human psychology in a relationship

Also try to act on the principle of "trust, but verify." It is not as difficult as it seems. In the end, remember that it’s enough to choose the right people with whom you will build a trusting relationship. Typically, such individuals do not lie, fulfill promises, help others and know how to control their emotions. Also here are interlocutors who sincerely wish you well.

Learning to trust is in principle impossible. Making the brain believe in someone is not so simple. Sooner or later, you can give free rein to emotions and again lose confidence in a person. Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to work on yourself. Learn to analyze people by their behavior. Then you can definitely tell who you can trust and who you can't.


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