Is it possible and how to get rid of fears yourself

Anxiety and fear ... Eternal companions of man, from the cradle to the grave. Surely you still remember how in childhood you were afraid to tremble to the dark back room, how you thought that terrible monsters lived there and were waiting for the right moment to grab you and eat ... You grew up, and children’s chilling fears were replaced by other adults , "Serious." What are you afraid of now? Speak to an audience? To be left alone Or maybe get sick and die young?

Afraid of normal!

Fear is a natural feeling of a person; it has long since helped him to survive in sometimes difficult environmental conditions. This is our bodyguard. And there is nothing wrong with him, unless he “protects” us too hard. If it does not haunt us constantly and does not interfere with a normal life.

It is human nature to be afraid of many things: darkness, height, water, dogs, insects, mice, poverty, disease, open space, closed, etc. But is anxiety and fear always justified? Fortunately not. There are not so many dangers in life. Most human fears have no objective reason. These are imaginary fears. And they have no place in the life of a sane person.

Worst fear

But how to get rid of the fear of death, for example? You are so used to this feeling that it seems impossible not to be afraid to die! After all, everyone is afraid of this! And somehow they live with it ... Somehow. Intense. Hesitantly. Painfully.

But let's deal with the fear of death. Why be afraid of something that cannot be avoided? Every living creature on the planet will die sooner or later. A priori. So is it worth clouding your existence with useless anxiety? Is it worth it to turn him into a living hell, tormenting himself with an irresistible desire to live forever? Wouldn't it be more pleasant to accept with gratitude the opportunity to be on Earth for a while? And enjoy every moment?

How to get rid of the fear of death? Paradoxically, the easiest way is to accept it, accept it, and not try to get rid! The more we fight against fear, the more strength and energy we lose. Accept your inevitable fate. Humble yourself. You die anyway - whether you want it or not. It is pointless to be afraid. Try to explain this simple thought to your mind in an accessible way. He will understand.

Declare war on the phobias

With the fear of dying, everything is more or less clear. This is familiar to everyone. But there are such fears of people that many are unaware of. But what about you - the one who lives with this? To someone who is afraid to admit this to even the closest person ... How to get rid of fears and anxieties before the upcoming trip? Before a public appearance? What to do if you are afraid to ride on public transport, because there are so many all kinds of pathogenic microbes? In the end, how to get rid of the fear of being eaten by terrible monsters living in the dark far room that has been tormenting you since childhood?

Take a pen and a piece of paper. To get rid of fears, make a list of everything that you are afraid of. Do not be cunning, write everything. Confess to yourself in all your fears. Carefully analyze each of them. Why are you afraid of this? Is it worth it? Is there an objective reason for this or that concern? So you can separate real fears from imaginary ones. Leave the real ones, perhaps they will one day save you from troubles. And the imaginary will have to work.

If you are overcome by some kind of mental fear, remember that you are a person and you are worthy of joy and happiness. Think about what gives you pleasure - and the fear will go away by itself. This or that situation may or may not occur. Your fear may be empty and meaningless! Why do you need him? Leave it and be open to all manifestations of life. In any case, this is your experience, but it should be different.

In a state of panic and anxiety, deep breathing will also help. Consciousness will calm down - and common sense will return and help solve the problem.

How to get rid of fear if it does not give in? Go to the trick! Try to get angry with yourself, with circumstances, with someone - it doesn't matter. Anger neutralizes fear, and in return comes the determination to act and change things.

Through fear to new heights

Remember: when a person overcomes his fears, he grows and develops. Its horizons are widening, the boundaries of personality are expanding, new opportunities are appearing, the world is gaining new colors. Therefore, do not give in to your fears, accept them as a gift of fate, as an opportunity to become better.

Look into the eyes of what you are afraid of - and become a new person!

The article is written on the site .


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