Alatyr - the amulet: features of use

The Slavic amulet Alatyr is a star with eight ends. The significance of this amulet lies in the development of life and movement.


According to Slavic legends, the alatyr is a stone with wonderful and healing properties. According to legend, he fell from heaven and the laws of Svarog were written on it. Alatyr (amulet) is mentioned in conspiracies as “white - a combustible stone”, “a stone for all fathers”, “alatyr-stone”. This amulet is at the head among all the protective signs. He is the bearer of the laws of the universe, wisdom and enlightenment.

Alatyr - shield

Alatyr is the most popular among all amulets. Since it is believed that any of the signs that protect, is included in this amulet. From ancient times, the Alatyr shield was used by the Slavs to preserve the house and bring peace and prosperity to it.

Alatyr amulet
They placed his image on utensils, household items and houses. Since his symbol acts as a reliable shield that protects his master from evil deeds and thoughts. It protects against diseases, and if the owner is ill, then he will soon recover.

The image in the amulet “Shield Alatyr” differs from the amulet “Alatyr”. In the first, the rays diverge in different directions and resemble the sun, and in the second - the rays are directed equally up and down.

Slavic amulet Alatyr
This symbol is suitable for any person. Because it is considered a symbol of the universe. It has a positive effect on everyone, and women, and men, and children, regardless of age, social and financial situation. Alatyr has incredible power. To its owner, he brings health, success, prosperity and brings harmony to his life.

We make or buy a talisman

If a person wants to have such an amulet, then it is necessary to know some features in order for him to work for protection. You can buy alatyr (amulet), but you can do it yourself. Charms made of precious metals are preferable, but it can also be made of steel, and if you do it yourself, you can give preference to wood. It is necessary to take a talisman with caution.

charm star alatyr
The one who gives it should have bright thoughts and a benevolent attitude towards the person who is presented with the amulet. This is extremely important. If there is even a fraction of doubt in the person that the Alatyr gives, then you should not accept it. Since the amulet should be given with the wishes of health, happiness, peace of mind. The amulet should be constantly next to its owner. Since it is necessary to hold it in your hands for 10 minutes every day, charging it with your energy.


The star guard Alatyr includes the unity of two crosses. The straight cross is the masculine principle, and the oblique is the feminine. Denotes the unity of the opposition of the two principles. Eight rays connect at the central point, which is the stone alatyr. The result is the divine number 9, which the Slavs had a great significance. Nine consists of three triples that are in each other. They thereby create everything that exists. Therefore, in the ancient sanctuaries there were eight sacrificial fires and a ninth fire in the middle, it symbolized unity with the gods through sacrifice.

Alatyr preserved the meaning
The most common symbol of the sun is the alatyr (amulet). Its value is great. If you give such a talisman to your other half, then you can be calm that nothing will happen to her (or to him). It is used in healing rituals. Many conspiracies mention stone alatyr. They try to present such a talisman to a convicted person, since they believe that he will be able to put him on the path of correction. The symbol of the amulet was applied to toys and hung over the cradle.

The properties

Alatyr (amulet) according to legend has magical properties. It calms the nervous system and strengthens the immune system, cleanses the mind of bad thoughts, helps to find the right solution in any life situations. He also reveals the talents of a person, encourages him to obtain new knowledge. Alatyr will not defend a person who does evil; he does not like lazy and greedy people.

For women and men

Previously, for every home and for all family members, they tried to make an alatyr. Female amulet was made mainly of silver. Since it is considered a light metal. Women wore earrings, bracelets, and combs with the sign of a stone-clad stone. He decorated the bedspreads in the house. They also tried to embroider him on clothes, because the purpose of the amulet is to ensure that the mother is protected and gives healthy offspring.

Alatyr amulet for women
The girls themselves, so that the magic sanctuary was nearby, embroidered a sun sign on towels, pillows, curtains, eight rays that converged at one point. Shirts and belts were embroidered for husbands, so that they could protect them in battle and give strength in work. The embroidered shirt with the symbol of the amulet protected from energy impact. The princes bore the alatyr sign on the shields. Since this sign was considered divine, it brought good luck in battle and protected from black magic.

Now they produce amulets and women's jewelry with the symbol Alatyr amulets. They can be ordered in workshops, made at will from any metal. Or you can buy them in specialized departments.

For home and family

In order for a piece of jewelry or an item with an alatyr symbol to become charms, they must be nourished with their energy. To do this, you need to hold them in your hands, presenting your amulet with your warmth, and then put it on, wear it without taking it off for a while. At home, you can hang an alatyr-stone sign above the door to the apartment.

Charm Alatyr shield

Then peace and order will prevail in the housing, and all family members will receive an additional chance for luck in their affairs. Again, embroidery returned to fashion. Therefore, a woman, in order to protect her home, can embroider cushions with a symbol of the Slavic amulet Alatyr.

Traditional Slavic conspiracies have survived to our time . They are still known, and used by the sorcerers. Conspiracies with the mention of alatyr stone are aimed at health, protection and getting rid of negative influence from the outside. From ancient times this amulet was asked for protection. Turn to him in conspiracies. In order to avert trouble from yourself and your loved ones, and to remove the evil eye. When a conspiracy is being read, the amulet must be held in hands. Then you must always carry it with you. If the plot is read to protect the family, then the amulet should be kept at home, determining his place, as if he was lying on the altar. So he will protect the whole family.

Little conclusion

Alatyr is a talisman known since ancient times, when it was still revered by the Slavs, asking him for health, protection and peace in the family. He was used in conspiracies and his symbols painted homes and kept at home for protection. In our time, the strength and properties of the alatyr amulets are not lost. The person who owns it, peace and prosperity in the house, all things are done. Stress protection works, it’s easy for such a person to climb the career ladder. The amulet gives inner strength and confidence.


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