How to stop thinking about the girl with whom he broke up? Psychologist's advice

For both women and men, parting with a soul mate is a complex and painful process. To stop loving in an instant is very difficult, and therefore a person is bored and constantly thinks about his former partner. Men are only seemingly courageous and strong, but in their hearts they experience separation no weaker than a woman, and sometimes even stronger. How to stop thinking about an ex-girlfriend and live on - this is what we learn from this article.

What to do

After breaking up with the girl, this is the question that most worries the guy. Everything literally falls out of my hands and I do not want to do anything. All thoughts are only about one. And the more you think about your beloved, the more you suffer. Many guys do not know how to stop thinking about a girl, and because of this they become depressed. Of course, to find a magical way that would work like amnesia is almost impossible, especially considering the fact that love lives not only in the head, but also in the heart. Nevertheless, it is possible to make some attempts to alleviate a difficult period.

How to let go of attachment to something? Don't even try, it's impossible. Attachment to things goes away when you no longer try to find yourself in them (Eckhart Tolle).

Psychologists recommend creating a plan for yourself and stick to it for a while. This is necessary to fill the void that remained in the heart after a loved one. Consider the most popular ways to do this.

How to stop thinking about the girl you love


Pangs of conscience can ruin everyone’s life. And, of course, if the other half, before breaking up, made it clear that it was you who were to blame, a sense of guilt would haunt you endlessly. And it is urgently necessary to get rid of it. What happened cannot be returned, moreover, in each conflict, as a rule, both are to blame. If you are thinking about how to stop thinking about a girl, and not about how to return her, then you understand that this union has exhausted itself. And if so, then guilty feelings will not help you anymore.

Partner Replacement

Many men believe that in order not to think about the former, you just need to find a new love. But most psychologists do not recommend using this method. Firstly, if you love a person, you will definitely compare the others with him. So, with a probability of 95%, new passions will lose to the former. From this man will only be even more upset and freaking out.

On the other hand, isolating yourself from any contacts and being alone in such a situation is also not recommended. Chat with friends and acquaintances, have fun and relax. Keep a certain distance with the girls. Perhaps in your environment there is a lady who will tell you an effective way how to stop thinking about your girlfriend.

How to stop thinking about your girlfriend

To enter into a new relationship should only be when you will not idealize your ex. Communicating with the fair sex, compare and analyze why you are so fixated on past relationships and what exactly holds you. After some time, you will notice that the girls around you are no worse than the one that has not gone out of my head for so long. And then you can start flirting with them. A few fleeting novels will coolly raise self-esteem and relieve sadness.

Divert attention

Switching to an exciting activity will help to cope with stress and stop thinking about a girl. No matter how hard it is, you should focus on work, study, or, for example, do something completely new and unusual. Let's say you have long dreamed of attending boxing classes, but there wasn’t enough time for this. Now it's time to implement plans and say goodbye to the past.

After parting with a girl, it is very important not to give up the usual pleasures and joys. Allow yourself to be happy. A visit to the gym helps some men. The guy becomes more confident in himself, and the relief on his stomach will attract the life of the best and most beautiful girls on the planet.

How to stop thinking about a girl

New life

You all suffer because you don’t know how to stop thinking about the girl you broke up with? Then you need to once and for all turn this page in life. Arrange a house cleaning, get rid of everything that can at least slightly remind about it. A small repair also does not hurt. Dramatic changes in life will certainly benefit a man.

We must try to reduce to zero all meetings and communication with the former. If you live nearby, work or study, then, of course, it will be much more difficult to do this. In any case, do not visit places where it may be. At least some time you need to try to isolate yourself from communication with the former. Then you will stop thinking about it much faster.

How to stop thinking about girls forever

Everything goes and it is also

Such, it seems, a simple inscription on the ring of Solomon helped more than one person to cope with depression. Time is what can completely heal wounds. Of course, for some it flies by unnoticed, but for others it stretches like an eternity. The secret lies in what a person does and what he thinks about. Favorite activities and relaxation pass, as if they were not there. And if you are constantly tormented by the question of how to stop thinking about the girl you love, and look at one point - time does stand still. Answer honestly the question, do you really want to delete it from your life? Then go ahead, dare, you will succeed.

How to stop thinking about a girl who likes

Leave gloomy thoughts with one that did not value you. Ahead of you is a whole life, diverse and interesting. And the more time you spend on suffering about something that can’t be changed, the less it will be left on more exciting things.

Unique techniques from experienced psychologists

Not everyone succeeds in coping with depression and finding the answer to the question of how to stop thinking about the girl they like, on their own. But only 10% of men turn to psychologists for help. If it’s difficult for you to open up to an outsider, then you should learn about the methods that psychologists most often use in their classes.

  1. The letter of the former. In order to let a person go, you need to tell him everything that you think and feel. Write a letter in which you state everything that you would like to tell her, but did not dare. If parting is your fault, be sure to ask for forgiveness. This email is not required to be sent. But by writing down thoughts and feelings on paper, you can easily get rid of them.
  2. Meditation. Do you still think that for a man this is an improper occupation? Then you have to choose: either lie down and relax or suffer further. So, take a comfortable pose. Imagine that you are standing in front of a large door. You open it and see a new life. You are a successful person, strong and courageous. If during meditation in your mind the image of the former pops up - make it colorless. You see, he has already turned into a transparent fleur and seems to disappear? So it should be, soon this image will not come at all.
How to stop thinking about a girl

Such simple techniques really help guys get out of depression and return to normal life. But if you are wondering how to stop thinking about girls forever, you are haunted by obsessive thoughts and ideas, then it may make sense to turn to an experienced psychologist. In life, various situations occur, and if one man helps banal advice, then with another you need to work only in person.

In any case, even with the help of a specialist, it will not be possible to immediately get rid of thoughts about the former. Therefore, always remember that just a girl left you, but not love. The time will come, and this feeling you will experience again, but already to a completely different person.


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