What is absinthe? The composition, history, production and strength of absinthe

what is absinthe
What is absinthe and how is it produced? We will devote today's article to the presented issues. In addition, you will learn what components are included in the composition of the drink, the history of its occurrence, properties and other information.

Beverage Overview

What is absinthe? This is an alcoholic beverage that contains from 54 to 86% alcohol. Its name comes from the French word absinthe (according to some sources, from the Greek ἀψίνθιον). Translated into Russian, the name of this drink literally means “bitter wormwood”. And this is no accident, because its most important component is the extract of this particular plant, in the essential oils of which there is a large amount of such a substance as thujone.

absinthe degrees

Absinthe history

There are several versions of how exactly absinthe appeared. Some historians claim that the drink was first produced in 1792 in a Swiss town called Couvet, which was located near the border with France. In the village represented, two Enrio sisters lived. They were actively engaged in the manufacture of various medicinal potions. As a result of distillation of anise-sagebrush tincture in a home-made distillation apparatus, they received an unusual liquid, which was given the name Bon Extrait d'Absinthe.

After some changes, the composition of this alcoholic beverage began to include such ingredients as fennel, chamomile, veronica, hyssop, coriander, parsley root, spinach and lemon balm. Enrio's sisters began to sell the finished elixir through the physician Pierre Ordiner, who fled to Switzerland during the French Revolution.

It should also be noted that some sources believe that it is the aforementioned doctor who is the author of a unique absinthe recipe. As you know, he prescribed it to almost all his patients, claiming that this fluid is almost a panacea for all existing diseases.

A few years later, namely in 1798, the successful entrepreneur Henri Dubier bought the secret way to prepare this elixir and quickly established its mass production. In this he was helped by his best friend Henri-Louis Pernot.

As a result, the implementation of the magic drink went well, and almost every person in Europe already knew what absinthe is and how to drink it. Due to such popularity, Henri Dubier had an urgent need to open a new plant. So, in 1805, the mass production of absinthe was established in the French city of Pontarlier. Subsequently, it was this enterprise that became the main center for the manufacture of an alcoholic beverage. By the way, the plant for its production was called “Perno”. And still absinthe is sold under this brand name.

Distribution of alcohol

what is absinthe

The popularity of absinthe increased particularly during the French Wars that took place in North Africa. At the same time, a small amount of this drink was given to the military almost every day for the prevention of pertussis, dysentery, malaria and other diseases, as well as for disinfection of water.

It should be noted that absinthe was quite effective in the fight against various diseases. In this regard, he firmly entered the army life from Indochina to Madagascar.

One cannot ignore the fact that the popularity of this drink in France was almost equal to the popularity of wine and champagne. At one time, the newspaper The New York Times noted that French women aged 19 to 21 most often suffer from cirrhosis of the liver than in other countries, due to an uncontrolled addiction to this drink. After all, young girls drank it undiluted, since they could not drink a lot of fluids because of the tight and narrow corset.

What is part of absinthe?

absinthe production

As mentioned above, a substance such as thujone is the main component of the presented drink. It is this ingredient that creates the effect of absinthe that sets it apart from other types of alcohol. But, in addition to thujone, this drink also includes the following ingredients (plants):

  • wormwood;
  • anise;
  • calamus;
  • fennel;
  • mint;
  • liquorice;
  • Melissa;
  • angelica
  • white ash;
  • coriander;
  • chamomile;
  • veronica;
  • parsley.

Features and properties of the drink

Absinthe, the degrees of which can vary between 54-86 units, most often has an emerald or greenish color. But, despite the fact that such a drink is usually called a “green witch” or “fairy”, in reality its shade may be different from the above. For example, yellow, blue, black, red, or brown absinthe are quite common today. Moreover, some manufacturers make it completely transparent. However, the most natural color of this drink is considered to be green, which is due to the presence of chlorophyll, which is found in plants used in the production. It should be noted that this substance decomposes quite quickly in the light. That is why this drink is almost always available in dark glass bottles.

By the way, absinthe, whose degrees are 70 or more units, quickly becomes cloudy from the addition of water in it. This reaction is due to the fact that wormwood essential oils form an emulsion during dilution of a strong alcoholic solution.

Bans and revival of an alcoholic drink

absinthe marks

Over the years, the production of absinthe either ceased or resumed. This fact is due to the fact that many people committed a large number of crimes under the influence of this strong alcoholic drink . In addition, mass alcoholism among ordinary workers greatly reduced the French economy and increased mortality. It is also worth noting that numerous bans on the production of this drink proceeded from the fact that the French army had huge shortages due to the deterioration of the health of conscripts.

After a long “persecution” of absinthe, Britain became its new place of revival, where to this day this drink is very popular.

Brands and types of absinthe

Currently, there are several types of this strong alcoholic drink. It is classified according to different principles: strength (55-65% and 70-85%), color (green, black, red, yellow) and thujone content (high, low or without it).

By the way, today absinthe is produced in different countries (in France, Italy, the Czech Republic and Spain) and under different brands. The following types were especially popular among connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages: Xenta, Xenta Superior, Jacques Senaux, Teichenne, Hill's, King of Spirits and Red Absinth.

absinthe story

Self-made beverage

What is absinthe, we found out. Now I want to talk about how this drink is made.

The classic method of preparing absinthe is the method of Pierre Ordiner. To do this, dried wormwood, fennel and anise should be soaked in alcohol, and then boil the resulting mixture to form distilled liquid in combination with terpenoids from herbs (that is, essential oils). To improve the taste of the drink, it is recommended to add other plants to it. After this, the liquid must be infused and filtered.

It should be noted that the recipe and production technology of a particular brand of absinthe can vary greatly. However, the main idea of ​​their preparation is still the same. So, in the production of this drink is not an ordinary strong alcohol, as, for example, in the case of brandy or whiskey. After all, during its preparation, wormwood and other plants are used that join together and give all their aroma to alcohol.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44695/

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