What to do: hair is split.

What to do: do your hair split? Yes, this problem is tormenting a huge number of women. After all, the beauty and attractiveness of the fair sex in most cases depends on the healthy shine of the hair. Currently, we have created all the conditions in order to prevent the hairstyle from looking normal: chlorinated water, regular dyeing, frequent use of a hair dryer, in addition, the hair also weakens after extension. All these factors have a devastating effect on the hair. And now you are already standing near the mirror and asking: "What to do? The hair is split!".

First of all, you need to understand what all this means. Hair in which nutrition is disturbed becomes too brittle, splits at the ends and then easily breaks off, that is, is split off. That is why many women are faced with the same problem: hair grows, but does not get longer. As a rule, split hair is found in those people who are weak, often overworked, anemic and monotonous. Often, to get rid of the problem, you just need to take more care of your health.

The remedy for split ends of the hair was found by no means one. If you want to solve the problem radically, then you should go to the salon, where you will be cut with hot scissors. During this procedure, the ends of the hair will be sealed and all the nutrients will remain inside. The constant use of the hot scissors haircut method can bring a visible result: the hair will get a healthy look, will shine and become smooth.

If you are interested in the answer to the question "What to do? Hair split!", But you are an opponent of radical methods of dealing with this problem, get down to prevention. You need to start using a comb with rare large teeth, preferably a wooden one or a brush with a ceramic coating. Remember, you can not comb wet hair.

Ladies who often dye their hair should be careful about choosing a dye. Pay attention to its composition. Now the industry produces such paints that contain caring substances, that is, they do not affect hair as harmful as their predecessors. And if you have a perm, and you regularly update it, you must definitely take treatment and rehabilitation courses, moreover, have a specialist in a beauty salon.

You often ask yourself: "What to do? Hair split!"? Then change the shampoo. Prefer regenerative shampoos with vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs, keratins, silk proteins and lecithin. Conditioner or hair mask should be made on the basis of various oils (olive, burdock, almond, castor, jojoba oil and so on).

After you wash your hair, apply one of the preparations for split ends and thin hair: a mask, conditioner, cream, ampoule, fluid and so on. They must be rubbed, but not washed off afterwards.

Many women know firsthand that wrapping gives a good effect in the fight against split ends. You need to take one tablespoon of castor and sunflower oil and mix them with half a spoonful of soap foam or liquid soap. This mixture must be warmed up and applied to the hair with a toothbrush or cotton swab. After that, comb the hair with a comb to evenly coat it with the mixture, tie it in a bun and put oilcloth or parchment paper on the head , and a warm scarf on top. After a few hours, you can wash your hair.

In order that one day you do not face the problem called "What to do? Hair split!", It is necessary to observe preventive measures. Treat your hair with love, care for them, and then they will always look great.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44702/

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