How to choose sunglasses correctly?

The summer heat came, which means that the questions about how to choose sunglasses again confronted us with all their relevance. But first, weโ€™ll limit the audience of those who will benefit from this article. If you think that sun glasses are, first of all, a fashion accessory, and itโ€™s better to buy it cheaper, somewhere in the subway passage, you can not even read further. It remains only to sympathize: perhaps you will soon be unable to do this at all.

how to choose sunglasses
Sunglasses - male or female, it does not matter - this is, first of all, protection against ultraviolet radiation. So, the lenses in them must be of high quality and reliable. Otherwise, this is what happens: our pupils, deceivingly believing that the darkened plastic will protect them from the sun, do not have time to narrow, and as a result receive a sufficient dose of radiation. This is fraught with damage to the retina and other troubles, up to complete blindness!

Before choosing sunglasses, remember this. And then, already with knowledge of the matter, proceed to the choice of two aspects: technical and aesthetic.

The first step in the process of how to choose sun glasses is to choose between glass and plastic lenses. The former are guaranteed to provide a high degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. They are more durable, less scratched and look expensive and stylish. Unless, of course, you will not carry them in a bag with keys and periodically drop them on the asphalt. Plastic glasses are thinner and much lighter, do not cause discomfort and heaviness. Modern technology allows to give plastic strength and scratch resistance. By the way, plastic glasses do not break, and it is precisely them that children most often acquire - in order to avoid injuries.

how to choose sun glasses
How to choose sunglasses by the degree of dimming? It depends on where you are going to go to them. If you plan to spend the summer in the city, then you can buy glasses with a small level of dimming. But a trip to the south, with lying on the beach and the glare of the sun reflecting off the surface of the water, suggests darker glasses. They can even be mirrored or with a special anti-reflective coating. Today, there are chameleon glasses that change the degree of blackout depending on the room in which you are. This is truly a universal solution for any occasion.

After choosing the sunglasses according to the material and the level of blackout you have learned, you should pay attention to the color of the lenses themselves. Shades of brown, gray and green are considered optimal. But aggressive red and orange are better left to lie on the counter. This, of course, is catchy and original, but you definitely donโ€™t go through them all day. In addition, such bright colors adversely affect the human psyche.

men's sunglasses
We pay attention to the size of the new glasses. Experts say: the more the glasses themselves, the higher their degree of protection from the sun, and, accordingly, the better. However, glasses, in which their owner resembles a dragonfly or an alien, are not for everyone. Especially if they have a fairly wide frame. On the one hand, this is very good: it protects the thin skin around the eyes from wrinkles caused by squinting. On the other hand, you will look as if you are hiding from the police or your eye was hit. One of the possible solutions is to choose large glasses, but in a very thin frame or without it at all.

How to choose sunglasses? Now you know the answer to this question!


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