The role of the word in people's lives. The word as a means of communication

In the beginning there was a word ... And with this simple statement the emphasis is placed on the fact that it does not just mean something, but even has great importance, plays a significant role.

the role of words in people's lives

Words in people's lives accompany them almost always. After all, they are an indispensable way of directly transmitting information. Words are put into speech - an amazing tool of thinking, individual for everyone, and language - a powerful tool, a connected, integral system that is the result of a thousand-year development.


The word is a sign. It is defined as a unit of language that is universally used in speech. The word as a means of communication acts as an instrument of oral contact, that is, its verbal form. It performs the nominative function of language: indicates, names objects and things, actions and so on. But that dry definition does not fully explain how vast the term "word" is and how much can be created with it. In order to understand how much it contains, you need to understand in more detail, to penetrate into the very bowels.

the meaning of the word

Language, speech and their connecting link

As already mentioned, a word is a component of language and speech. At the same time, it is also their connecting link. It is known that language can develop independently of a person, while speech is its individual property. Through it, the peculiarity of the psyche of an individual person may manifest itself, in addition to using it information will be transmitted, control and regulation of communication with others will be carried out.

The role of a word in people's lives depends on who uses it and in what meaning. That is why, when considering its influence, it is important to consider all aspects of this phenomenon.

A bit of history

The origin of the language is shrouded in mystery. Of course, most of mankind has long gone through the stage of beliefs in myths and legends, and of all the possible options for the fact that language is a divine gift from heaven; or a property endowed by humans by alien creatures; as well as an ability that comes on its own; and finally, the result of many years of evolution, selects the latter as the most logical. But such an interpretation is too general for scientific theory; it does not explain anything at all.

what role do words play in life

But scientists unanimously argue that if you remove the language, a person will cease to be so. Because if speech can be called a characteristic of an individual person, then this most complex system is a property of nationalities, ethnic group, whole civilization.

The role of the word in society

It is no secret that the development of society has been and remains a long and laborious process, including a huge number of factors. Communication is far from the last of them, because speech interaction is a necessary condition for the existence of society and its progress. It provides the transfer of information in the world around us, and thanks to this, the accumulation of knowledge, its expansion, analysis, classification, application in practice and much more is possible. Thoughts clothe words that sometimes contain ideas that change our world. And this is just unbelievable.

The same proverbs prove that the role of words in people's lives has always been highly valued. But not only she alone, but also his strength.

There are so many sayings that answer the question of what role words play in life. And this answer is big, but not always positive. For example, the famous "silence is gold" or "talker is a godsend for a spy." Perhaps the dilemma here is not at all weightiness, but in what direction this role takes? The sages warned that the power of a word is too great, so much so that it can be dangerous.

the role of the word in society

The meaning of the word and its meaning

It is rare that a word has one meaning. Taken separately, taken out of context, it becomes a guardian of potential that can be realized in live speech. Only then does the word make sense.

This applies not only to the fact that one or another meaning can be used in the proposal. After all, there is still a figurative meaning, which once again proves the fact already mentioned in this article: speech is individual, saying something, a person gives it his character, and not just a list of data that needs to be transferred to someone else.

"The word is not a sparrow ..."

Words are everywhere. In everyday communication, in books, in songs, in cinema, in advertising, in thoughts. And no matter how large the vocabulary of a particular chosen person, it will not cover all the linguistic greatness. And this is only a separate language, let alone the treasury of the whole world and of all times!

word as a means of communication

But this greatness, this gift (and this is definitely a gift, albeit not in the literal sense, because the origin of the language has already been discussed in the article a little higher) must be managed. To think what you say means to reflect on every word. Besides the fact that it is necessary to communicate in such a way as to be correctly understood, it is important to listen to the other carefully so that you can catch what the other person wants to say. The art of communication is not a joke. It implies dialogue, reciprocity.

Masters of eloquence are speakers, people who prove what can be done with words. Raise the crowd to rebellion, convince in their point of view, calm or, on the contrary, piss off, direct, control, fully control.

Word and education

The role of the word in people's lives is not only great, but also very diverse: it covers almost any area of ​​his life. In addition to the fact that communication is very important for a person in view of his social development, it is significant in the professional sphere of influence. If you dig deeper, then it goes back not only to terms and termoids, but also to the very idea of ​​learning and its relationship with the word, or rather, the vocabulary.

The article said that the meaning of the word can be misunderstood, and this is a problem, of course, of a semantic nature, but it is tied to psychosocial factors. At the same time, what has been said may not be understood at all. Then it becomes no longer important in what sense the word is used, because the obstacle will consist in an actual lack of knowledge.

Learning Impact

The following model of the situation is given: a first grader reads a task in which it says: "A pen costs 5 rubles, and a pencil costs 8". He also needs to calculate how much all office supplies cost. The child is in a panic - he does not know how to do it. And he can explain the addition rules as much as he wants, but everything will be inconclusive. Why? He does not know what “stationery” means. An inexperienced teacher will write it off as a “non-mathematical mindset,” but in general a non-intelligent child will forever establish himself in the idea that he is not good enough.

This example shows well that semantics is not only a humanitarian profile, it is comprehensively important.

what is the meaning of the word

In a word, you can heal, but you can also kill

The description of the terms “words” and “communication” insists that their goal is the transfer and exchange of information. And this is certainly true. But this definition forgets to mention that the word can be rude or tender, comforting or causing unbearable pain. Heat can be hidden in it, and it can also drench cold from head to toe. One word can change the worldview if it makes sense. This is the meaning of the word, which consists of the one who uttered it, who heard it. And there are many empty words, just ringing in the ears, meaning nothing. And can this only be called a “unit performing a nominative function”? After all, it is much closer to magic and subtle matters of the rough world, which is not able to break this force.


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