Good moonshine stills: review, description of models, characteristics

Often users ask the question: which of the moonshine is the best? Is there a rating for this equipment? Where can I get the most successful device? And in general, what does it mean - good moonshine stills?

good moonshine stills

The procession through the ages

The history of moonshine is rooted in the deep past. Even the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans mastered the art of distilling water and all kinds of essential oils. They used clay dishes equipped with tubes for this.

The device was improved by the great Avicenna - the scientist turned an elongated tube into a coil, and he turned out a device for the production of medicinal essences that healed patients.

Good moonshine stills, corresponding to the level of development of the then science, were used by alchemists in the Middle Ages to produce “water of life” - so called alcohol then.

Home-brewing progressed throughout Europe and gradually came to Russia.

Here, his intoxicating qualities, the ability to relieve pain, to cheer up during an hour of gloom, and to increase fun during the holidays were appreciated.

Already in the seventeenth century, many estates smoked the home distilleries in full, in which the drink was brewed in wooden or clay vessels with metal pipes.

Good moonshine at that time were a curiosity. Time has filled this gap.

Today, in any village you can find a classic device in which steam passes through a coil and there is coolant outside. Old inexpensive stainless steel units are sold in the markets, you can find a wide variety of models, the best of which will be the one that is able to satisfy individual consumer needs as much as possible.

Market patterns

Demand for this specific equipment increases in direct proportion to the increase in prices for alcoholic beverages. As well as an increase in the number of surrogate on store shelves.

In this regard, many factories, factories, organizations and simply “handy” craftsmen began to produce moonshine units of all kinds and brands. Today, more than 100 different items are already known. How to find among them really good moonshine stills?

How to choose? Overview

Experts believe that each moonshine is in its own good - provided that it is assembled by a quality bona fide manufacturer.

When choosing a suitable moonshine still, you should decide on several criteria:

  • cooling method;
  • a method of heating mash;
  • whether the use of induction cookers is planned;
  • what kind of drinks - distillates or rectifications - the user is going to make using the apparatus;
  • what is planned to drain sludge from a sucker;
  • what material the unit should be made of;
  • whether the apparatus will be used with or without distillation cube;
  • what price the device plans to count on;
  • what should be its performance;
  • What should be the parameters of the device so that it easily fits in the kitchen.

In the modern market there is a wide range of various equipment for home brewing. We offer readers a brief overview.

By cooling method

This criterion divides the moonshine stills into flowing and non-flowing. Flowing is used with the use of a water supply system (water continuously enters the cooler through a PVC hose), and non-flowing - without it: a container is used in which the coil is lowered and water is poured. As you heat up, water needs to be constantly changed.

Of the most famous sluggish devices should be called:

  1. Moonshine "Magarych rural", which is considered the most economical.
  2. Moonshine still "Good heat country", which is a distiller, according to experts, deserving the attention of consumers.

All other well-known brands are flowing.

By the method of heating mash

There are devices equipped with a heating element, and without it. Making a choice, one should weigh the living conditions in which it is planned to carry out the production of moonshine. If they allow you to use a gas stove, electric or induction stove, then you should purchase a device without a heater, which is cheaper. Otherwise, experts recommend choosing a device with a heater. “Sore spot” in these devices is called gaskets that connect the heating elements to the body. It is necessary to constantly monitor that they are necessarily immersed in the mash.

Worthy moonshines with electric heaters are:

  1. "Magarych TT". The structural elements are connected by silicone tubes, does not have automatic adjustment.
  2. "Technology", which happens with the coolers "Legend" or "Athlete". The latter is more compact, the cooler and the steam chamber in it are placed directly on the housing.

Other devices are not equipped with heating elements.

Distillation column or moonshine - which is better?

When choosing an apparatus, you should decide which drinks are most preferred:

  • distillates (moonshine, tequila, cognac, brandy, whiskey, calvados, chacha, etc.);
  • or rectified (vodka, absinthe, tincture, alcohol, etc.)

Depending on preferences, a distillation column or moonshine is selected. "What's better?" - users ask a question.

distillation column or moonshine

It should be borne in mind that in moonshines even with repeated distillation, pure alcohol and real vodka will not work. For this purpose, distillation columns should be used . For many users, this may be the answer.

Classic moonshine stills:

  • "Good heat."
  • "Magarych."
  • "Thermosphere".

Of the more "advanced", according to experts, you can pay attention to the following models:

  • Grinalco distillers;
  • "MAX Cuprum" (copper).

Distillation columns are of two types:

  • dish-shaped ("Brownie");
  • columned.

The moonshine still with a column is Dobrovary, Grinalko.

Miniature distillery

Rectification columns, according to experts, is a kind of mini-distillery that allows you to get pure alcohol, which is used in the preparation of tinctures, vodka, absinthe, home perfumes. In the recent past, such installations were used exclusively in laboratory and industrial conditions, now they are operated at home.

Distillation column uses any alcohol-containing raw materials. As a result of distillation, rectified alcohol without a strong aroma is obtained.

The absence of pungent odors distillation process in the column compares favorably with the use of distillers, when a strong unpleasant vodka-alcohol smell from the kitchen is carried around the apartment and the entrance.

The process consists in the multiple conversion of liquid into steam and vice versa: the lightest fraction is at the top, and then at the exit.

It should be noted the minimum content of harmful impurities, which is ensured by the alcohol preparation system. The downside is the low rate of product formation (500 ml per hour).

Most popular models

1. For several years now, the Bee distillation column has been in high demand. It will be suitable for buyers who do not pursue high speeds. The device produces 200 ml per hour.

2. The distillation column "Litrovka" is already a more serious apparatus, requiring significant space, sufficient water for cooling and good heating. It has high performance, has excellent quality, produces a product of at least 80-90% strength.

About the universal system

Connoisseurs advise those who find it difficult to choose between a distillation column and distillate to give preference to a universal apparatus with which it is possible to produce both moonshine and pure alcohol (96%). The essence of improving the design of the device is to add a new node.

You can make a universal system yourself by purchasing a good distillation column for a quality distiller.

The best qualities of distillation and distillation apparatus are combined in themselves by the popular “Two in One” system (Dom Peregon company). The fairly well-known Doctor Huber Midget and 2016 Midget also belong to the category of universal moonshine stills.

What type of discharge is planned?

The user needs to know that moonshine equipment happens with and without a steamer. As a rule, modern classic devices are available with steam generators. A relatively more economical exception is Magarych-ekonom. How profitable it is, everyone decides for himself.

With the help of a steamer, additional purification from fusel oils is provided, protection against fermented sprays, and aromatization of products.

Sludge of their sukhoparnik better drain with a crane. The devices have them:

  • "Good heat";
  • "Thermosphere".

Column type apparatuses do not need dry steam generators, since they are purified by rectification.

What material should the unit be made of?

It is important to determine the choice of material. The main ones from which modern moonshines are made are copper and stainless steel. Their fans have been arguing among themselves for a long time. Meanwhile, it is possible to make the right decision in favor of this or that, having studied some well-known moments.

About the features of copper apparatus

Copper is capable of absorbing and neutralizing sulfur oxide. As a result of distillation, the unpleasant smell of moonshine from apples practically disappears.

glass moonshine

Copper devices are traditionally used in the production of all well-known European cognac brands.

The minus of the copper apparatus can be considered that over time, copper will become coated. At the same time, its absorbent properties are neutralized.

You can increase the duration of the device’s life by regularly cleaning it with soda and a brush.

It should also be remembered that copper is a soft metal, which should be handled with care.

The most popular are the copper Cup MAX devices.

About the features of stainless steel apparatus

They appeared relatively recently, when the development of metallurgy made possible the widespread use of stainless steel in the food industry. The main advantage of a stainless steel is its inertness to any substances, as a result of which the moonshine made from it is the most durable, strong and durable.

home-made moonshine

The line of reliable and high-quality moonshine made of food-grade stainless steel is offered by the companies Dobry Zhar, Domovenok, Magarych and others. Stainless steel products have won the trust of customers due to their simplicity, reliability and high quality.

Glass moonshine

In addition to these materials, glass is also used in the production of moonshines. The glass device is suitable for those who want to get alcohol in small quantities.

The whole fascinating distillation process in such an apparatus appears before the user in full view. It is recommended to purchase it for beginner moonshiners as an excellent device that allows you to "plunge headlong" into the process.

Glass moonshine still has a higher quality end product. You can buy a glass moonshine in an online store. Its value ranges from 3–20 thousand rubles. Experts call the glass unit the best combination of price and quality of the final product.

In addition to the positive qualities, moonshines made of glass have their drawbacks:

  • fragility of the material;
  • lead to lower quality berry alcohols.

About the presence of a distillation cube

Almost all modern units are produced with a distillation cube:

  • "Good heat."
  • "Magarych."
  • "Thermosphere".
  • Grinalco systems.

There are no distillation cubes in distillation columns and some distillers, such as:

  • "Brownie".
  • "Volunteers."
  • MAX Cuprum.
  • Budget devices "Grinalco".

The volume of distillation cubes

Today, moonshines with a cube volume are known:

  • from 12 to 20 liters;
  • from 20 to 40 liters.

Over 40 liters are the devices of the brand "Good heat", which are made up to 120 liters.

About moonshine stills of the Magarych series

The range of reliable, high-quality and affordable stainless steel units with cubes in both segments is the Magarych series. Very easy to operate, convenient for transportation and storage due to its compactness.

12 liter unit

Mashkovsky’s moonshine (12 liters) “Magarych” is one of the most popular among users.

Equipped with:

  • double steamer;
  • top steamer with a removable lid for laying fruit and flavorings;
  • a thermometer;
  • 12 liter tank;
  • wide neck;
  • wooden handles.


The advantages of the brand include:

  • providing the best purification of the distillate using a sequentially arranged pair of dry steam;
  • the presence of the top steamer makes it possible to book spices and flavorings, due to which an excellent taste of the drink is obtained as a result of the first distillation;
  • this design provides the ability to increase the number of dry steam and improve the degree of purification of the distillate in one distillation;
  • convenient design, high performance, budget device allows the use of Mashkovsky apparatus instead of relatively inconvenient distillation columns.

20 L apparatus: features, how it works

The moonshine still (20 liters) (Magarych Mashkovsky) is intended for fans of distillation technology with a steam tank. Its distiller is created according to the patented technology, in which two dry steamers are provided. This design feature provides improved quality of moonshine due to double purification from fusel oils.

moonshine still 20 liters

  1. The first dry steamer is rough cleaning, the second - thin.
  2. There is a removable lid in the top dry steamer for loading fruits, spices, flavors or flavors, which results in a drink with the desired taste.
  3. Thanks to the wide neck of the device, access to the inside of the tank is opened, which facilitates its cleaning after work.
  4. The presence of handles with wooden knobs gives the device a complete and attractive appearance, and the process itself makes it pleasant and comfortable.
  5. The distiller is used on all types of stoves.
  6. Productivity: 1.5 L per hour.
  7. Made of stainless steel, not subject to corrosion.
  8. Using argon welding, the joints are completely sealed.
  9. Using a thermometer mounted on a dry steam tank for fine cleaning, you can accurately determine the temperature of alcohol vapors and get an idea of ​​which fraction will condense in the refrigerator the next minute.
  10. The coil is built in.
  11. Flowing vertical cooler.

Brand Varieties

Those who wish can choose a similar device with the same volume:

  • "Magarych Derevensky 20T" without a steamer.
  • "Magarych Standard 20T" with a steamer.
  • "Magarych Premium 20 BKDR" with a steamer and a wide mouth.

Moonshine mini-apparatus

For those who are among the people who want to get high-quality moonshine in the shortest possible time, a compact moonshine will be the best option. The device works on the same principle as its "big brother" - a dimensional analogue.

The difference between the compact and standard devices is the size of the distillation cube, the refrigeration chamber, the steamer and the length of the distillation tubes. Craftsmen make devices that are assembled less than the standard competitor by half, or even three times. At the same time, the device will yield only 2-3 liters in performance.

As for the quality of product cleaning, then in this mini-system sometimes even superior to larger distillers.

The popularity of miniature moonshines among professionals is growing every year. The reason is not difficult to explain: the device is easy to hide in a backpack in order to use it outdoors. Most units in their design are not dependent on the availability of water supply. An ordinary bonfire can serve as a heating element for them.

The device is unpretentious and in storage. It is only necessary to wash and dry the device, and lubricate the stainless steel made with special paste. It is also recommended to scrape off the remaining sealant from the joints - during long-term storage, the composition hardens strongly. Cleaning it with hardened can damage the unit.

Top Mini Devices

Of the most popular models, experts recommend:

  1. Small-sized device "Domovenok". A compact apparatus, which, in addition to high-quality moonshine, allows you to make aromatic extracts from drives and herbs for tinctures. Productivity - 1.3 L per hour. Weight - 2 kg. Equipped with a nut for attaching to the lid of the distillation tank, a hose for water drainage (3 m). It fits easily in any kitchen.
  2. Desktop device Moonsshine Still LePet. Allows you to independently make strong drinks based on raw materials in the form of an inexpensive low-alcohol wine. The device does not require a water supply. To cool it, you can use ice cubes.

The wine, poured into a distillation tank (1.9 l), evaporates, passes through the cooling system and turns into distilled alcohol, which gradually accumulates in a certain capacity. From 1.9 liters of weak wine (12 degrees), 200 ml of alcohol is obtained, from raw materials from 20 degrees - the volume of the product will be up to 380 ml. The device is made of stainless steel. Not subject to corrosion.

DIY moonshine

Many stores offer a lot of both mini- and standard distillers, as well as other devices for moonshine that do their job perfectly. However, it is believed that it is much nicer to use a home-made moonshine. Making the device with his own hands, the owner secures a guarantee of its absolute reliability.

moonshine still

How to make a mini-distiller yourself?

Usually this question is asked by lovers of using the system in nature.

In order to make a compact home-made moonshine, you should use:

  • glass jar (3-5 l);
  • aluminum can (a container for soda - 2 pcs.);
  • bolts and nuts (set);
  • copper wire;
  • plastic bottle (no more than 0.5 l);
  • polyethylene cover;
  • several silicone tubes (1 m).

It is not recommended to use rubber tubes, as they transmit their pungent odor to the alcohol during the distillation process.

Fasteners are easy to do with your own hands.

Some home craftsmen equip homemade mini-machines with dry steam: a container with a sealed lid (100 g) is installed between the distillation cube and the cooler. An additional element allows you to produce not only purified moonshine, but homemade tincture or liquor.

About the benefits of "homemade"

Moonshine stills are simple to manufacture. The network is filled with tips and tricks on how to make a moonshine yourself using improvised tools.

best home moonshine

The diagram of a standard home device consists of two parts:

  • heated tank;
  • coil.

Some also add a steamer, which significantly increases the taste of the product. Someone does without a coil, managing to manipulate with one pan.

Making a home-made device allows you to achieve significant cost savings: despite the fact that a store device usually costs up to 8-16 thousand rubles, a self-made unit can cost about 1-2 thousand rubles.

What else should I look for when choosing a moonshine?

Those who choose for themselves or as a gift the best home-made moonshine should pay attention also to the parameters of the device. The dimensions of the device should allow it to be freely placed in the kitchen. You also need to pay attention to its performance. By the way, experts believe that the latter is easy to increase by turning the handle of the gas stove.

And of course, the cost of the device will be an important factor when choosing.

As for the cost, it, of course, depends on the manufacturer, size, material, build quality, etc., and is one of the main criteria that guides the majority of newcomers.

Each device has over certain other advantages. The variety of worthy representatives of moonshine technology is so great that it is not possible to cover it in one review.

The main thing to remember: making good moonshine is a real art. Its production sometimes gives great pleasure to the master and, most importantly, as a result gives a high-quality, inexpensive and safe product. But only if you use a really good, reliable moonshine for this.


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