How to cook beans to make it tasty and healthy

Beans as a culture known to mankind since ancient times, it was cultivated in ancient Egypt. The popularity of beans is not accidental, since it contains the entire set of nutrients that the body needs, and in terms of the amount of protein, the beans are close to beef. But in order for all the beneficial substances of the beans to be maximally preserved and accessible for assimilation by our body, you must have a clear idea of ​​how to cook the beans correctly. Over the centuries, in the kitchen of various peoples of the world, there have been many ways to prepare this most useful product, but still there is the most optimal option how to cook beans, which is used by most cooks today.

Before boiling beans, they are usually soaked. To do this, bean beans are placed in a bowl protected by an enamel layer and filled with cold water, which will then need to be drained. The soaking process itself should last at least 8-9 hours, it is most convenient to do this in the evening. As a result of this procedure, not only the cooking time of the beans is significantly reduced, but also the so-called polysaccharide compounds that are not digested in our body due to the absence of a special enzyme are removed from the fruits and cause only an increase in gas formation. But it is not worth soaking the beans for too long, since a fermentation process may develop. Soaking pot must be taken with a large capacity, since with swelling, bean beans increase in volume by 2-3 times. If there is no time for a long process, you can use the express method of soaking the beans. To do this, it is simply brought to a boil, boiled for 3-5 minutes and kept under a tightly closed lid for 1 hour, then the broth is drained and, pouring fresh water, continue the cooking process. Among the tips on how to cook beans, there is also a fairly simple, but making the dish even tastier - 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil should be added to the water when cooking beans.

The cooking process itself is not particularly complicated, but still has its own subtleties. The calculation of the capacity of the necessary utensils is carried out so that the pan can hold at least 2 liters of water for every 250 grams of bean beans. And how much time to cook beans - depends not only on the variety of fruits, but also on the hardness of the water itself. The harder the water, the longer the preparation of the beans. On average, the cooking time takes 1.5 - 2 hours, until the beans are completely softened, which indicates their readiness. Intense fire is necessary only until the water boils, then it is reduced and the beans are cooked over low heat. Salt boiling beans is necessary only at the end of the cooking process, 10-15 minutes before complete readiness, as added at the beginning, it also significantly increases the cooking time. And so that the beans do not darken, when cooking, you can add soda on the tip of the knife and cook further with the lid removed. A lot of delicious dishes can be prepared from ready-made boiled beans, from vegetarian cutlets from mashed beans to exotic dishes with various sauces and ingredients.

Particularly noteworthy are recommendations on how to cook green beans. It is best to take slightly unripe pods, such as asparagus beans, which have a particularly delicate taste. Soaking them is not necessary, and before cooking, the pods are simply cut into 3-4 cm long pieces and then boiled in salted water for 5-10 minutes. After that, the pods are thrown into a colander, allow the water to drain and washed with clean water. In the future, you can fry the cooked green beans in a small amount of vegetable oil - you will get a delicious independent dish, or an excellent side dish for meat and fish. Boiled pods can also be used in various salads without further cooking.


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