Verdon Gorge, France: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

France is an amazing country: the birthplace of the most famous perfume fragrances, a trendsetter and a favorite vacation spot for millions of tourists from all over the world. It is multifaceted, full of charm and unique sights, both man-made and natural. And the combination of man-made and natural beauty embodied the Verdon Gorge.

verdon gorge

Limestone white mountains, a river rapidly carrying its waters - all this is Verdon, a place where many tourists are radically changing dramatically about Europe.


Verdon Gorge (France) is located in Haute Provence. This place harmoniously combines picturesque landscapes rich in bright and fresh greenery and crystal clear water, with sheer cliffs. This is the main attraction that is the pride of Upper Provence. It is not easy the most picturesque place in the vicinity, but also the deepest canyon in Europe.

verdon gorge france

The Verdon Gorge stretches for nineteen kilometers, its depth is seven hundred and one meters, and its width ranges from almost two hundred to one and a half thousand meters. Probably, such values ​​will not surprise experienced climbers, but in France the gorge has the status of the deepest and longest in the country. And the beauty of its slopes, which are covered with thick fresh greens, can be worthy of competition to many interesting places on Earth.

Nature worked for a long time, creating the Verdon Gorge. The river, the waters of which are painted in some amazing emerald blue color, amazing views of the gorge with almost sheer limestone cliffs, attract travelers from all over the world to these places. This place is located near the French Riviera, so both romantics and extreme tourists come here.


Scientists believe that the Verdon Gorge appeared from two hundred to two hundred and fifty million years ago. In those days, the territory that is now called Provence was located at the bottom of the sea, which was inhabited by millions of marine organisms. Over time, the sea dried up, and its invertebrate inhabitants, more precisely, their shells, formed huge strata of limestone.

Verdon Gorge route

The process of forming the relief of this area was completed by water. For several centuries, the river washed away the local limestone. Its fast azure waters created a picturesque gorge with numerous caves of the most bizarre shapes.

Verdon river

Verdon Gorge is located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name. It slowly carries its waters from the Alps, from a height of two thousand meters. Then she speeds up her run and heads to the Mediterranean Sea, merging along the way with another river - Durance. And finally, turning west, she enters the gorge, which is famous for its high sheer banks. They have long been chosen by climbers from different countries.

The source of the Verdon River is located in the southwestern Alps, at an altitude of more than two thousand seventy-six kilometers. The river flows southwest, in the direction of Colmars, Allos. km At one hundred and seventy-fifth kilometer, it merges with Durance at the settlement of Vinon sur Verdon. In the period from 1929 to 1975, after the flooding of the river with dams, several lakes were created.

verdon gorge how to get there

Castellan city

All tourists traveling to the Verdon Gorge must make a stop in this picturesque town. Here you can see an old stone bridge over Verdon, next to a sheer high cliff, on which there is a picturesque church. There are many different shops: honey, perfume and grocery. Five minutes from the center of the town is the lake - Castillon, with rocky shores and with crystal clear turquoise water.

verdon gorge how to get there

The lake is beautiful, but not equipped with beaches. But here you can have a good rest admiring the picturesque views and go fishing (2 categories) by boat. Near the town of Sain-Julien-du-Verdon, which is located along the lake, there is a boat station where you can rent a boat and a catamaran, and in the town you can get permission and the necessary equipment for fishing if you do not have one. As the locals say, almost all the fish of the Verdon Gorge are found here: trout, carp and more than six other varieties.

verdon gorge how to get

Saint Croix Lake

This is another famous attraction of the gorge. The lake is formed artificially, after the construction of a dam located further down the river. Here you can take not only bright and expressive photos that demonstrate the height and grandeur of limestone mountains, but also swim in emerald water.

The Verdon Gorge is a unique place in France, where centuries-old natural reliefs are combined with a caring attitude of a person to them. Here, at a height of several tens of meters, you can hear your own voice, which seems to be repelled from white rocks.

Small and large waterfalls, carrying their waters from the coastal cliffs - this is a great game of water spray and light. Such paintings give those positive emotions that are difficult to describe, but must be felt.


In some places of the gorge, the rocks have an extraordinary cut, as if a fairy-tale giant cut them with a sharp knife. For this reason, fossil specialists come here. Often in these places you can find collapsed limestone, which stores the remains of ancient mollusks. Here everyone can feel like an archaeologist, the discoverer and touch the centuries-old history.

Verdon Gorge in winter

In places, the slopes of the gorge are almost steep, to the joy of climbers. But, we assure you, it will be interesting not only for climbers here. Numerous pedestrian paths winding along the slopes of the canyon differ in the degree of difficulty. They offer stunning views of the gorge. Those who wish can rent a bike and ride in the surroundings.

The Verdon Gorge is famous not only for its fast river and cliffs. On the opposite side of the canyon are lavender fields that create a special atmosphere of peace and beauty.

Verdon Gorge: choose your own route

Along the canyon there are hiking trails that allow you to enjoy the beauties of the gorge. The Route des Gorges is a route that runs along the north side of the gorge along the D952 road from Castellane to Moustiers-Sainte-Marie and route des Crtes (D23), which is also called the Cretan Road.

Its length is about one hundred kilometers, most of the route runs at an altitude of more than nine hundred and fifty meters. The highest point is Col du Grand Ballon (1343 m). You can climb the Cretan road from two sides: from the side of Northern or Southern Rome. The appropriate path should be chosen taking into account the lighting and time of day. It is better to hit the road in the morning, as the journey can take a whole day.

verdon gorge reviews

In the summer, at the beginning of the journey, you will have the opportunity to admire the blooming fields of lavender. Then there will be picturesque mountain settlements, and even higher you will see observation platforms from which stunning views of the gorge open. The Verdon Gorge in winter is certainly very beautiful. However, it is not always possible to drive along the Cretan road at this time, therefore it is better to go to conquer the peaks in spring or summer. The largest city closest to this route is Cannes, so it’s more advisable to move out of the way from it.

Route de la Corniche Sublime

The southern route that runs from Aiguines to Castellane, on the roads D995, D71, D90 to Pont de Soleils. Two-lane roads with reliable wooden fencing. This is the route most often followed by tourist buses.

Travel by car

Especially the Verdon Gorge (reviews confirm this) is remembered by motorists. Such a trip is guaranteed to bring a vivid and unforgettable experience. And all because the roads here are located so that often before the eyes of motorists to open such views of the canyon rocks, it is simply breathtaking.

Sometimes, blocks of limestone grow directly above the road, and it seems that you are moving under a giant stone visor. For this reason, not all tourists choose a car trip. But literally in a few minutes, amazing views of the cliffs covered with greenery, as well as their reflection in the sparkling river, will completely supplant even traces of fear.

verdon gorge how to get


Verdon Gorge is gaining more and more fans every year. Lovers of active and extreme recreation come here. Not without reason here, in addition to the main ones, there are dozens of walking routes. They stretched along the banks of the river, go into the caves and rush to the tops of the gorge. To pass this route should be patient, because such a walk takes at least six hours. But during this time you can feel how beautiful and harmonious nature can be.

verdon gorge france

For lovers of conquering the mountain peaks, several rocks have been equipped here. It is possible to rent kayaks, pedalos, kayaks, to get to the very center of the gorge and to build your own path along the azure river.

When is the best time to go to the gorge?

We are sure that many were interested in the Verdon Gorge. How to get here, and for what time it is better to plan a trip, is surely interesting for future travelers. To fully appreciate the beauty of the Verdon Gorge, it is better to come here in the summer. Despite the fact that the climate in France is quite mild, in the fall and spring in these places it is foggy and quite often rains. Although many find in the foggy canyon something inexplicable and bewitching.

Verdon Gorge: how to get there?

It is most convenient to use a rented car, and armed with a map of Provence. But this option is only suitable for experienced drivers who are not afraid of winding mountain roads.

You can use public transport from Aix-en-Provence, Nice and Marseille. From Nice via Grasse, take the LER bus number 21 on the Nice-Gap route with a stop at Castellane. This option is inconvenient in that the bus leaves only 1 time per day in one direction and the other. Travel time 2 hours 10 minutes.

From Marseille you can take bus number 27 via Aix-en-Provence and Mustier-Saint-Marie. He also makes one flight per day, and is on the road for 3 hours. A bus number 19 runs from Castellan along the gorge. Its mode depends on the season - in spring and summer up to three times a day, in autumn - one.

Tourists reviews

Verdon Gorge is a unique place. According to tourists, to visit here means to make yourself a great gift. From the memories of the time spent here, the heart beats. The gorge allows you to completely break away from reality and immerse yourself in a certain fabulous atmosphere of a completely different world: unusually blue water, fantastic landscapes, picturesque surroundings, painted in soft pink due to flowering almonds and lavender fields stupefying with their aroma.

Here everyone can find rest to their liking - wander around the picturesque surroundings or swim along the fast river in a kayak, conquer a mountain peak or soak up the gentle sun on the lake. In any case, from this trip you will bring a lot of vivid impressions, positive emotions and amazing photos.


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