Ready-made greenhouses factory: employee reviews

More and more people prefer DIY products. But in order to get it as soon as possible and use it longer, use polycarbonate greenhouses. They are produced at the finished greenhouse factory.

Polycarbonate Cell

Polycarbonate came into our life relatively recently, at the beginning of the century. But it turned out to be exactly the material that has long been requested. Polycarbonate is durable, weakly reacts to meteorological factors, and has high strength. At the same time, it is light and plastic. This polycarbonate is positively different from glass.

finished greenhouse factory reviews

Polycarbonate is called cellular because it does not consist of a continuous web. These are rather two parallel planes, divided into honeycombs with the help of special partitions from the same material. The air that is stored between these planes allows you to better protect plants from the cold.

The high cost of imported polycarbonate or material made from imported raw materials scared away potential buyers. But over time, manufacturers found a replacement for imported components, as a result of which polycarbonate became much cheaper. Now it makes sense to invest in the purchase of greenhouses. Their cost will definitely be lower than the products grown in them. And there is no need to talk about quality and environmental friendliness.

Polycarbonate is used not only for the manufacture of greenhouses, but also in many industries where you need to get a strong but light surface.

Employees of the plant, who know a lot about their business, indicate that high-quality polycarbonate should have a layer that protects the product from ultraviolet radiation. If it is not, then it will be short-lived and after a few years will begin to crumble.


Factories produce various products. These are beds and hotbeds in which it is convenient to grow seedlings.

ready-made greenhouse factory reviews of employees

But the main place in the activities of factories is occupied by polycarbonate greenhouses.

Types of Greenhouses

In the shape of the greenhouse there are:

  • arched;
  • domed.

Each of them is designed to grow certain crops.

Arched is more suitable for eggplant, tomatoes and other non-climbing plants.

ready-made greenhouse factory reviews of workers

Dome-shaped is best used for growing cucumbers on a trellis. They more evenly distributed sunlight, necessary for ripening a crop of excellent quality.

How to choose a greenhouse

When choosing a greenhouse, employees recommend considering its purpose. If you are going to grow food in it only for your family, then a small structure will be enough. It is compact, it’s easier to find a place for it.

Such a greenhouse will not be enough for a vegetable growing business. Therefore, you need to take a large one, or even several.

greenhouse factory greenhouse reviews

Plant employees give a lot of advice on how to facilitate the maintenance of the greenhouse. This automatic opening of the window at the appropriate temperature and humidity, and drip irrigation, and specially prepared for use beds of galvanized steel, which are installed inside the greenhouse. Their width can be from 60 cm to 1 meter. It is these that the factory of finished greenhouses produces. Reviews say that they will facilitate the maintenance of the greenhouse, although at first they will need to tinker a bit.

Employees advise to buy a net from moles, which will prevent these cute, but very active animals from getting into the greenhouse. After all, they are able in a few days to destroy the result of your activity with their moves and heaps.


They differ in size, durability. Reinforced structures have a pitch of 65 cm, while the usual ones - 1 meter. The dimensions of the small greenhouses are 4 x 2 m, the height is 1.7 m, the section of the frame pipe is 20 x 20 mm. The industrial one reaches 4 m in height and 7.5 m in width. The length can be different, starting from 4 m. Frame from a pipe with a cross section of 25 x 25 mm. There are many intermediate models.


The greenhouse needs to be somehow connected to the ground. After all, it has a large windage, so it can easily tip over with gusts of wind. And this, in turn, can lead to the loss of everything grown in cold weather.

greenhouse factory job reviews

The greenhouse can be installed on a foundation made of timber treated from rot and various pests. It will protect the metal parts of the structure from corrosion, help keep the greenhouse under the gusts of wind.

Plant employees are advised to pay attention to the second method. It consists in the use of T-shaped lugs. They are installed on the finished frame and fixed to it with screws. But first they dig a hole in which the lug will be installed. After installation, it is covered with earth and rammed tightly.

Storage services

Caring for increased demand, the plant employees decided to sell greenhouses at lower prices in winter. Many customers liked this. But where and how to store and install a greenhouse, if snow sweeps on the street? Wait for spring and then buy - more expensive. What to do?

reviews of the finished greenhouse factory

It turns out that greenhouse manufacturers have provided an excellent solution. You can use the service of storing the greenhouse until spring at the company's warehouse. The buyer pays the amount of the cost of the greenhouse at "winter" prices, enters into a storage agreement and goes home, calmly waiting for spring. As soon as he considers that installation can be done, he calls the factory and orders delivery. Users rated this service. Many of them immediately took advantage of it. This is evidenced by reviews of the finished greenhouse plant.

Working conditions

A good trick came up with a factory of finished greenhouses. His employees say that sales after such an innovation have increased, respectively, wages have become higher. So, the sales manager receives 50 thousand rubles. and 5 percent of the sales. But employees do not like that when hiring, they are asked to pass a polygraph test.

They note that often reviews of the company are unfair. Buyers can not decide whether to place an order with them or not. And then managers are accused of negligence.

Employees say that there are often cases of under-delivery of components. Because of this, they cannot collect the right amount of greenhouses in time.

Installation workers note that during the season often do not have time to deliver and install greenhouses due to the large number of orders.

User reviews

Reviews of polycarbonate greenhouses indicate that they are comfortable, inexpensive. Having bought this design, you have the opportunity for several years to get an early harvest of herbs, vegetables. Productivity of plants increases due to the extension of the growing period.

Users like galvanized pipe greenhouses that the finished greenhouse factory produces. User reviews say that they do not rust under the influence of moisture, which is always enough there.

But some buyers doubt whether additional partitions are needed to ensure greater stability and reliability of the structure.

Customers like the Farmer, Narodnaya and Kremlin Kremlin greenhouses, which are produced by the finished greenhouses factory. Reviews of greenhouses indicate their quality and reliability.

Employees say that it is better to take a reinforced greenhouse. Overpayment is small, but the soul is calmer. Although the factory of ready-made greenhouses gives a guarantee, reviews of the work indicate that sometimes the pipe sizes indicated in the advertisement do not correspond to reality. This must be taken into account.

But in general, as the employees say, a ready-made greenhouse plant produces fairly high-quality products. Reviews say that polycarbonate greenhouses withstand frost and cold, serve for many years. They do not bend, the coating does not crack.

Employees of the plant pay attention to the fact that even trifles are provided in the greenhouse. There are doors that are tightly closed, ventilation windows were provided by the manufacturer - a factory of finished greenhouses.

Employee reviews on attitude to their work

Nevertheless, not all employees enthusiastically respond about the enterprise. They complain that the work is very intense, and you can not tear yourself away for personal needs.

Employees do not like that wages are often delayed. This is especially true for vacation employees. A ready-made greenhouse plant (employee reviews indicate this), which, according to the law, should be issued to employees before the leave, issues only after its completion. And this is not very convenient.

But at the same time, the finished greenhouse plant appreciates the workers. Reviews note that the attitude towards them is good, they are respected for their hard work and professionalism.


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