Healing purg: how to take?

Bee products in humans are well-deserved. But not many people know what a bee bread is, how to take it. Even less are known for the unsurpassed healing properties of a unique natural substance.

perga how to take

Perga is pollen densely packed by bees in honeycombs, which has gone through a certain fermentation stage. There is no analogue to a natural product of natural origin in the content of the components that a person needs for healthy development and functioning. You should not only know what bee bread is treating, how to take it is equally important.

A brief list of diseases that can be eliminated with the help of bee bread:

• prostate adenoma and prostatitis;

• anemia;

• asthma;

• bronchitis;

• hair loss;

bee bread

• headache;

• dermatitis;

• dysbiosis;

• to normalize pressure;

• for rejuvenating the skin and preventing aging;

• to increase the endurance of athletes, increase their muscle mass;

• kidney disease;

• intoxication;

• leukemia;

• metabolic disorders;

• fractures;

• reduced immunity;

• consequences of radiation exposure;

• prevention of stroke and its consequences;

• with liver diseases;

• with thickening of blood;

• with memory impairment;

• diabetes;

• cardiovascular diseases;

• tuberculosis;

• visual impairment;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Perga: how to take

• The course of use is from one and a half to three months, after a short break, treatment can be continued.

• For an adult per day - from 10 to 30 g, which depends on whether the treatment is a disease or its prevention.

• Children under 12 years old - from 70 to 100 mg per 1 kg of the child’s weight.

• Exclusively on an empty stomach , fully demonstrates the healing properties of bee bread. How to take - one hour before eating or after eating (also an hour later) - decide individually.

• Observe your well-being during the first days of receiving the beef. If the product causes drowsiness, which often happens in people with excessive stress on the nervous system, take the drug overnight until the effect of drowsiness eliminates the healing pang.

• How to use? In the morning, afternoon and evening, dissolve 1 tsp. For your information, one spoon contains from three and a half to six grams of beef - depending on whether you will take substances with or without top.

• Reception of bee bread can be carried out in equal proportion with honey.

• Remember not only how to properly take the bee bread, but also that overdosing over time will lead to hypervitaminosis. In addition, individual intolerance, an allergic reaction of the body to bee products are a contraindication to its use.

how to take purg

Pergu with good reason can be considered a panacea - a cure for almost all diseases. Reception of this unique product enhances a person’s immunity , concentration of attention, memory, his general tone, and mental activity receives a new impetus. Over time, reproductive activity also strengthens. In general, the body is completely rejuvenated. It is not surprising that a person’s mood also becomes vigorous and upbeat.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44739/

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